I never knew that reading lj entries could make me feel so depressed. Everyone is just having one big party while I'm stuck up here in the f-ing cold state of Indiana. how SUPER. and the cherry on top of it all? keLLLLLLy wont even miss me while she's gone in california! that's a major *tear* right there.
:x: name: Janelle
:x: height: 5'6 maybe?
:x: hair color: BrownBrownBrown
:x: siblings: Jessica, & Jordan. all J's I know
:x: eyes: Brown
:x: high school: Lassiter
:x: jr.high: Simpson
:x: elementary: Shallowford Falls w/ my ex-friend keLLLLy and abby!
:x: hometown: Greenwood, Indiana
:x: favorite place: Umm...is it bad that I dont have a favorite place? I guess home even though I HATE my house.
:x: favorite soda: Sprite. definitely
:x: game system: idk my sister has a game cube so that's all I play
:x: favorite food[s]: pancakes and ice cream. separate or together.
:x: favorite book: The Notebook. It makes me cry every time! ) :
:x: favorite pen: what kind of question is this?! anything that will write is fine w/ me.
:x: favorite car: one that is mine and one that works.
:x:favoriteanimal: I reallly reallly realllly want a lizard after I held Ms. Adams's lizard moose. so yeah...get me a lizard!
:x:favorite bottled water: umm Dasani. because water is different in other packages?
:x: favorite burger place: gross. I will only eat a burger at home cuz I'll probably get mad cow disease at some crap place like mcdonalds
:x: favorite hobby: hanging out w/ my favorite friends!! (see below) unfortunately rotting my brain my talking online, listening to music, watching movies, running up my cell phone bill, etc.
:x: favorite friend: wow this could be a long list....KRISTEN! tinatina, callie, jessica cline, kt, keLLLLy....cept she's not gonna miss me so she's my ex-friend!, Abbbbby, um yeah I cant think of any more so apparently I dont have many favorite friends
:x: bar or club: well if it's clubbing w/ my ghetto brit bud tina...then definitely!
:x: favorite vitamins: do people actually have a favorite vitamin??
:x: favorite show: OC!! One tree hill, Desperate Housewives, Exteme Makeover Home Edition, the Bachelor/Bachlorette, umm...reality tv in general i guess
:x: favorite news: uhh idk? ABC i guess. and tina bacce! you did not know Bush was a republican?! you and ur nh buddies are sheltered!
:x: gold or silver: Silver definitely. cuz it matches more of my other jewelry
:x: favorite dog: my cute little dog cricket!
:x: cell phone co.: cingular
:x: favorite shirt: uhhh? haha maybe my little sister's greeen soccer shirt that I like to wear bc she gets pissed if I do
:x: favorite sport: to watch...definitely gymnastics
:x: favorite alcohol: I'll let you know...
:x: favorite computer: I really have no idea. what a lame question
:x: favorite fruit: Strawberries!
:x: favorite song: Revolutionary Love- David Crowder Band
:x: ketchup or salsa: it depends on what you're eating of course
:x: favorite milkshake: chocolate
:x: steak or lobster: um can I have both?
:x: favorite color: PinkPink! or blue
:x: favorite weather: reallly snowy and cold, or hot and sunny. none of that in the middle crap
:x: have a crush on someone: now...my favorite johnjohn! always...brad pitt
:x: wish you could live somewhere else: I dont really want to leave my friends...so no
:x: think about suicide: Nope
:x: believe in online dating: oh gosh no! you think ur talking to this hot 17 year old guy and really its some middle age psycho freak waiting to rape you. sick.
:x: think others find you attractive: Ha...no
:x: want more piercings: maybe another one in my ears...but I'm kinda a wimp when it comes to needles
:x: like cleaning: People actually like cleaning?
:x: like roller coasters: yesyesyes! love them!
:x: write in cursive or print: print. I barely remember how to write in cursive
:x: last talked to: my aunt
:x: last thought of: who I last talked to?
:x: last showered: this morning
:x: last did laundry: I'm spoiled. my mother does my laundry
:x: last hugged a tree: since it's something I do quite often...
:x: last watched anime: I dont even have any idea what that is?
:x: last prayed: lunch
For or against...
:x: long distant relationships: if you're willing to work at it, then its cool
:x: killing people: wtf is anybody actually for this?
:x: teenage smoking: Against
:x: driving drunk: Against
:x: gay/lesbian relationships: Against
Have you ever ...
:x: ever cried over a boy: ugh gross. unfortunately yes and it was gay.
:x: ever been in a fist fight: yeah I dont really have a lot of people to beat up
:x: ever been arrested: No
:x: ever had a friend die: yes
:x: ever dated a cousin: gross this isnt alabama
:x: ever used a gun: No
:x: ever finished a puzzle: no I'm mentally challenged?
:x: ever got beat up: John punched me once...lol
:x: ever hated someone: hate is a strong word...but yeah most likely
:x: ever made a huge mistake: plenty of them
:x: ever jogged a mile: let's try ELEVEN. in the smoky mountains for cross country. waaaaa band kids get over urselves!
:x: ever played w/ someone's feelings: haha probably
:x: shoes do you wear: idk just shoes
:x: are you scared of: trash. I am deathly afraid of empting trash cans and I wish I was kidding.
:x: do you sleep in: pajamas?
:x: did you eat for lunch: a few crackers...lol this mono has killed my appetite
:x: is love: Something you cant describe and dont know what it feels like until you are really in love
Do you think you are...
:x: pretty: Nope. not especially
:x: funny: all my funniness is rubbed off from my hilarious friends
:x: hot: haha no
:x: friendly: sure
:x: ugly: I dont think so
:x: loveable: aww idk that would suck if you werent
:x: caring: Yeah
:x: dorky: haha of course
:x: cocky: idk I hope not
:x: girly: Yeah
:x: boyish: depends
:x: smart: if you mean smart as in the human genius phillip mote....no way
:x: five letter word: um I really dont have a favorite word? unless you count super
:x: comedian: I really like jim carrey and of course adam sandler
:x: candy: Chocolate and sour stuff
:x: cartoon: umm I guess I'll go with the classic rugrats
:x: cereal: honey nut cheerios
:x: chewing gum: orbit
:x: day of week: thursday
:x: least fav day: mondays of course
:x: jello flavor: i think jello is nasty
:x: summer/winter: summer definitely
:x: trampolines or swimming pools: are those two even related in any way?
Person who last...
:x: slept in your bed: idk I hope me
:x: made you cry: um the tv. I was watching extreme makeover home edition and it was so sweet I cried
:x: yelled at you: my sister said I was a brat
:x: sent you an email: lj. lol I'm so lame
:x: about what: somebody posted a comment
Have you Ever . .
:x: said "i love you" and meant it?: I have indeed
:x: gone out in public in your pajamas?: lol yeah I went trick or treating in them one year
:x: kept a secret from everyone?: of course
:x: cried during a movie? lol yeah like tons of movies. every single disney movie probably
:x: ever at anytime owned new kids on the block the tape?: negative
:x: planned your week based on the TV Guide?: Lol do people do that?
:x: been on stage?: Yeah
:x: been to New York?: yep
:x: been to California?: no and I dont really want to talk about how much I miss people in california right now
:x: been to Florida?: yep
:x: Hawaii?: No
:x: China?: No but that would be super
:x: Canada?: yes for like an hour to eat dinner
:x: Europe?: No
:x: what time is it now?: 3:53
:x: apples or bananas?: apples
:x: blue or red?: Blue
:x: walmart or target?: Target of course. as my good friend callie jordan calls it...walmart is the whore store
:x: spring or fall?: Spring!!! everything is pretty and green
:x: what are you gonna do after you finish this?: be bored and wish I was home
:x: whats the last meal you ate?: Lunch
:x: last noise you heard?: my sister yelling at me to hurry up on the computer
:x: do you believe in love at first sight?: Yes
:x: do you want children one day & if so, how many?: 1 or 2. no more than that though
:x: most important thing to you in a friendship is?: honesty
Random Stuff . .
:x: do you speak any other languages?: limited spanish. VERY limited
:x: name some of your favorite things in your bedroom?: most of my stuff is still in boxes in the garage from the move
:x: piercings and where?: ears
:x: worst feeling in the world?: somebody not liking you
:x: whom you love: my friends, john, and GOD.
:x: nickname(s): Jan, Janelleey, JanJan, Janny, all those gross ones. and the ghetto brit one...elizabeth latisha
:x: how old do you look?: 16 i guess?
:x: how old do you act?: 16?
:x: glasses/contacts?: blind as anything w/o my contacts
:x: braces: not any more thank goodness!
:x: do you have any pets?: dog and my sister has a fish
:x: you get embarrassed?: lol yeah I get embarassed a lot. I guess that means I do stupid stuff a lot
1. What time do you get up? for school...like 6:30. weekends...like 11:30
2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? hmmm the President
3. Gold or silver? wasnt this already a question?
4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? haha Princess Diaries 2 w/ my little sis
5. What is/are your favorite TV shows? why are we repeating questions?
6. What do you usually have for breakfast? cereal
7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? lots of people. bc im that big long word that I cant spell meaning I dont like to be stuffed into tight spaces or be with lots of people at the same time
8. What is your middle name? I'd rather not say. I dont like it
9. Beach, City or Country? Beach = old fat guys in speedos. City = potheads and drunks and gangs and shootouts. Country = hicks with shotguns and absolutely no people for miles so your best friends are cows... which you then kill and eat. This is a toughie... lol jk, def city… I <333 cities!....haha I had to keep tina's answer cuz it was so super
10. Favorite ice cream? galaxy from brusters
11. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? buttered and salted. its like a heart attack in a tub. super
12. Which would you prefer to buy, shoes or purses? shoes
13. Price not considered, what kind of car would you drive? I have no idea
14. Favorite sandwich? no idea again. something edible
15. What characteristic in people do you dislike? I hate people who lie. hate it hate it hate it
16. Favorite flower? ok tina thinks this is stupid but what if ur future bf was reading this and learned a valuable piece of info?? so...white roses!
17. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? somewhere warm.
18. What color is your bathroom? I actually dont know. probably some ugly color
19. Favorite brand of clothing. something that fits
20. Where would you retire to? good lord I have no idea
21. Favorite day of the week? repeating again!
22. What did you do for your last birthday? kristen and I had a super bday party
23. Where were you born? Indiana
24. What is your favorite sport to watch? ok I'm about over the repeats...
27. What fabric detergent do you use? wtf
28. Coke or Pepsi? coke
29. Are you a morning person or a night person? neither. I'm an afternoon kinda girl
30. What is your shoe size? seven
31. Do you have any pets? goshhhhhhhh another freaking repeat!
I know none of you are going to read that. and it makes me sad. oh well.