Parker's all about making people suffer. And presents. And cake.
So she's got a tiny one in a box from J, GoB, as wells as a pinkbox with a big shiny bow. "How old are you supposed to be again?" She grinned at Janet as she walked in. "Hi!"
"That's a far more complicated question than it ought to be," groaned Janet, flipping the covers off and sitting up, glaring at Parker as she tried to fix her hair. "Damn it, you let me hide out in Special Collections all last year on my birthday, couldn't you do that again this year?"
"Sadly, no. Neither of us get to go back there this year. So you'll just have to torment me in January." Parker settled on the end of the bed, and put both boxes down. "Cake, or prezzies? Prezzies, or cake? Or you could open one with each hand. Try to remember it's your Very Special Day, Janet, you can do stuff like that."
"Special?" Janet snorted and reached for the first box, unwrapping the paper. "Hah. I could probably get Idiot Boy to write either of us a pass if I really needed one, but that doesn't mean I won't harass you." She opened up the box. "Gorgeous shoes, though. Thank you."
"I know," said Janet, reaching up to cup Liz's face. Her hand fell away as their kiss ended. "It's just that it's my birthday. I don't know, it feels weird."
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So she's got a tiny one in a box from J, GoB, as wells as a pink box with a big shiny bow. "How old are you supposed to be again?" She grinned at Janet as she walked in. "Hi!"
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