So, I find it really entertaining that people actually care about the stuff I have to say about the show. Craaazy. Anyway I'm going to do this in an organized fashion so I don't forget anything. That being said, here is a list of things I'd like to cover - so I can re-reference when I go off on one of my tangents, and NOT forget what I intended to say. A. Desmond's Discothèque
B. Locke's Whacked Out Brain
C. Numbers
D. Dr. Jack, the healer
E. Walt & The haunted Forest
F. Dissention Among the Troops
G. Fun with Flashbacks
H. Desmond's Stadium Game
I. Jack, in the Hatch
J. Hatch thoughts
K. Final thoughts
Right. That was really CRAZY, wasn't it? Oh my GOSH! So right off the bat it feels like we're watching a different show, huh? Or, well we're all not idiots. It felt like we were 'waking up' so to speak, in a flashback. I like to say that at the beginning of each episode, we're waking up. :)
Anyway first thing is the computer. Is he being prompted by something? Perhaps he's a kind of lab rat? He's a government experiment? He's a real life Truman project? No. That's not right. Also, when he's prompted, is that when the 'monster' is attacking someone. Does he actually control it? Is he a major part of this island, or is he just another facet that isn't ever going to make sense?
EDIT: A little something to add courtesy of
chromatick - When Desmond is typing away at the keys, it appears as though he's just using the upper row - IE numbers. Anyone care to guess what numbers he's punching in?
Edit: In case anyone IS curious... Wes and I watched it a few times and he certainly is hitting those numbers. The second we THOUGHT it was them we could see it clearly.
Was Ethan his brother who was dropped on his head at birth? (OMFG WELCOME TO MY HUMBLE HOLE!)
The apartment feels really ambiguous as far as time is concerned. My family is calling it his apartment. Sorry about that. But the trashcan sort of gave it away for me. I mean hello! I watch this chick's dogs, yeah? Well she has the exact same trash can. BTW, when Desmond puts his foot on the trashcan thingy? Totally looks like he's got a little Captain in him. :) Anyway the apartment is crazy. Things I've told but haven't noticed yet: A backgammon game on the table? I haven't seen it yet, sorry, but I believe it.
My uncle pointed out that perhaps the beginning is Desmond's sight? That's how HE sees things? It really felt like he as training as he was working out. Was his belly that big later on in the episode? I actually don't think it was. That's shocking and sort of leaves me a little confused. It kinda leaves me wondering what the hell we're actually seeing. AND THEN the music stops and it goes from Freaks & Geeks to Alias in two seconds. BTW if you didn't get the TWO BLARINGLY OBVIOUS connections, you're an asshole. I'll tell you anyway. One (the big one): is Bradley Cooper's new show. Yes, F&G star John Francis Daly is on it. Two (the cool one): is KEN OLIN. He directed for both shows.
Anyway the final number on that vault? 47. Don't even tell me it's 42. I'm convinced it's 47. Don't ruin my glory.
HOLY SHIT! Locke is so crazy. He almost turned childlike. It was almost as though he was whining to Jack. "We came all this way! We're going in!" As much as I love Locke (and I REALLY do) I'm starting to get worried over his mental state. As usual, though, Terry O'Quinn is brilliant. Fuck the Emmy's.
Later on, when he just left? Brilliant. And oh my gosh, when Kate showed up... Has Locke ever smiled before? I really see interesting things happening with him this season. I noticed that he wasn't scared when Desmond had the gun to him. You have to wonder if that's actually something we SHOULD notice, or if it's natural Locke mentality. I'm starting to think it's natural Locke. He's really trusting, and really destiny based. By the way, what an ASSHOLE. Jack "all roads lead here". What is THAT supposed to mean?
Numbers were ALL over the place, weren't they? 108, as I've heard, is the total of all the numbers added up. Also, the patient in the ER died at 8:15 am. The numbers were on the bottles, or so I've heard. I've heard two different things. (EDIT: CONFIRMED! Thanks to
embers via
lost_theories for posting
this picture, the numbers have been CONFIRMED on the bottles!) There was also the 47. Gotta love a 47.
Hurley talking about the numbers was important, I think. I don't knof if Jack believes him. I don't know if I want Jack to believe him, actually. I like Hurley kind of seeming crazy. But then again I also love Hurley. I want to know more about him, mostly. I think he's one of the most important characters on the show. When he was talking to Locke... that was interesting. Locke's reaction was what was really interesting. It was important, I think.
So now, what is going on? The numbers were transmitting in the Pacific when Sam Toomey was patrolling in like WWII time, right? I'm not sure about that, so no one quote me. But it's what I remember, ya know? I know there was military stuff involved. BTW anyone find it interesting that Hurley's buddy in the Psych Ward was named Lenny? Makes me think of 'Of Mice & Men'. Heh! Anyway, so... the numbers. Someone heard them then. And they're written on the hatch. So what does that even mean? Rousseau said the numbers were being transmitted when she taped over the message.
... And the black rock has been there for a long time. DO YOU THINK they'll find the numbers written on the ship?
Um. Maybe I need to take something back right about now. A while ago I really went off about the acting on the show. I was DISGUSTED with the way Jack was acting when he saved Charlie's life. I think anyone out there who has fucking taken a CPR course was disgusted. Ucky. So... now we learn that perhaps he can 'heal' people. Perhaps he's a 'miracle' worker. Of course, then why couldn't he save Boone?
Jack is Jesus. And all of my old RPG buddies will get that. And I love them for it.
So... he made it so Sarah could walk again, some how. This is really one of those things that you have to think about for a while. Desmond was the one who said 'what if you did fix her'. Do you think Desmond has any relation to all of that? I'm just wondering if we're going to start realizing that Jack has the ability to 'do things' as well, much like Walt. This might, then cause bad blood between Locke and Jack. Why? Because Locke can't do things.
He can walk, and that's IT. (By the way, perhaps now that we know Jack has this sort of miracle in his past, maybe if Locke tells him about his own experience, Jack will understand? Doubt it. Jack's a big old asshole.) Locke can't do things the way Walt can. So what does that mean? Locke wants it really badly. He's like that one person at church who cries all the time because they think they're having a really religious experience or something. But they aren't. And they get jealous when the see others really being effected. Locke is a zealot. And Jack and Walt are 'chosen'... maybe.
Anyone else really like Jack's dad in this episode?
So, if you classify it in Danielle's terms, Shannon has the sickness. But what does that even mean? She heard the whispers. And I'm trying to figure out what it was that Walt said to her. That was creepsy! It was like, she said his name and he was telling her to be quiet, right? That seems about right. And then he was saying something to her, or trying to say something to her. It almost felt like... he couldn't talk because he had water in his mouth!
But the weird part is, WALT NEVER WENT IN THE WATER.
Everyone else did. Sawyer was shot, I think. I know Jin and Michael both went in the water as well. But Walt was taken by bearded boat man and the other ROM family members. He never went in the water. That is unless there's something we're not seeing. BUT THERE ISN'T because Walt then disappeared. He was an hallucination OR he was a vision. Either way, it's hard to decide what that even means. That kid is going to have some great scenes this season, I think.
EDIT: According to
chromatick - Perhaps he's not wet, just 'gooey'? Also, it appears as though he is in fact talking backwards which helps out a theory. (And I think this just made me think of the Theresa falls up the stairs Theresa falls down the stairs...) From chromatick, it seems as though Walt is saying: 'Don't touch the button, the button is bad.'
So isn't this exactly what Rousseau told Sayid would happen. Didn't she mention something about people arguing and stuff of that nature? This show is always borderline Lord of the Flies anyway, yeah. But it's weird. Charlie arguing with Shannon was interesting. It's seeming as though everyone is developing an adversary. Charlie protects Claire. Sayid protects Shannon. (CC/SS) Then there are others who are just arguing.
They had to have a Jack moment. I mean, had they not, it would have been weird. I mean, it was a JACK episode. So he does his little speech. Interesting note, he said he promised. Unlike most episodes, this one is still focusing around that one night. I wonder how long we will stay on that night? I mean, I don't mind, yeah, but you just have to wonder. So Jack says he promises they'll all make it. And I don't doubt that.
I'm just trying to figure out who the others are. Obviously it has to be someone or something that has been around for sixteen years. Has Desmond been around for sixteen years? And if so how the hell does he also get off the island. He's not a coincidence. He's a new threat. So we have to figure out what this plan is. Is he some eccentric millionaire, Howard Hughes type (credit Michele)? And will the rest of the survivors ever go to the hatch? Where'd Danielle go?
Not sure who all noticed it. The other person who died in that ER, and who was hit by Jack's future fiancé (wife?) was Shannon's dad. I didn't catch the first name, but his last name was Rutherford. He was an older man. And the ironic part is, Sarah almost FELT like Shannon for a bit.
Also, this episode really made me understand why Jack fell in love with her. Oh my gosh! It was actually a really beautiful moment when she could move her legs. For once I want to see more of Jack's past. And I'm usually just calling him an ASSHOLE. ... Scratch that. He's still an asshole. Hehe. He's just an asshole with a great past. Like I said before, I'm liking his dad a lot more now.
And yes. Shannon's dad died at 8:15am. EDIT: Shannon's dad was named ADAM RUTHERFORD. Thanks
This was never explored on Alias but it was ALWAYS talked about among the fans, and I wonder if it will be touched down upon here. Arvin Sloane - the evilest of all evilies - was constantly drinking water. It was to the point of obsession in some cases. Especially season three (early) when he was to appear good and reformed. Desmond gave Jack his water to drink.
Could be nothing. Could be something.
Desmond will definitely be in everyone's flashback, some how. I'm convinced of it. But we have to figure out how. And if he gives another person water... well that will be awfully interesting then, won't it?
He told Jack he's preparing for a race around the world. WHO RACES AROUND THE WORLD? I mean, come on. That really sort of gets my mind working. I love this idea that Michele (
amarettolime) has that he is in fact an eccentric millionaire. I've created characters like this! And really, they can do anything. Bert Klopek? HUNTED HUMANS. Okay so this guy... you never know, do you? He could be anything. I just keep thinking about this 'Race Around The World' business.
Also he told Jack to 'keep it up', right? I'll have to think about it, brother. EDIT:
wendy has just informed me that I was a little off. The quote was 'lift it up' and he also said 'See you in another life' which is equally important and significant. At the very least, foreshadowing.
EDIT: Also from
chromatick, it seems as though there's a similar symbol from the apartment/room to the uniform worn in the Stadium. And that symbol might be a Feng Shui symbol. (Symbol is found
here and info about it is found
EDIT2: Confirmation! A screencap and recreation of the symbol can be found
here credit to:
vedo and
ckirkman. Also, I don't think the symbol is the same on the uniform. In fact I think the uniform just might be a UK footie team type thing. Not sure though.
Oh. My. Word.
So, something I didn't really notice the first time around but my uncle pointed out. THERE IS A ROOM THAT HAS BEEN CLOSED UP. Or an entrance. Something like that. Which, of course, leads to a magnetic source of some kind. Is this an electromagnet? Or is this a natural magnet? An electromagnet would need a power source of some kind. Couldn't a natural magnet - if used correctly - provide a power source? I'm trying to think about electric currents and stuff like that. I want to know how it is that Desmond supplies his LUXOR LIGHT.
He turns the light on, or whatever, when something's going on, yeah? I mean, that makes sense for why he turned the light on when Locke was pounding on the window, screaming etc. But.. Is it to scare people away? When he snatched Kate in? THAT WAS CRAZY. I loved it. And he turned the light on to like... confuse Jack. The light and the music.
Is the apartment actually there? My uncle thinks that what we saw early on was how he envisions himself and then Jack saw the place the way it is. MICHELE believes it to be living quarters and command center. I believe... I don't know what I believe. So I'm going to keep thinking about it. I need to see when he wheels over to that computer again. Also, the numbers written on the wall. Okay. So... is Desmond driven insane by the numbers as well?
EDIT: Okay so second pair of shoes. So maybe... he cemented the wall because it leads to an entrance that can be entered in from the OUTSIDE. Perhaps he locked Ethan out. Or Ethan has nothing to do with it. Thanks
hilton_thatshot HATCH THOUGHTS
It said Quarantine on the INSIDE. So...he's quarantined himself from the outside? Does he believe everyone has the sickness? That goes back to Howard Hughes, doesn't it? Germ-a-phobe and all. But... I'm just unsure about all of this. Is he a KEY role on the island or is he just an additional role.
The hatch has a lot of pipes and it's very... well creepy. When the lights are out? Yeah. I can't figure out if he's supposed to be there or if he happened upon the place. He's supposed to be there, he has to be. And is all of the stuff that we saw in the beginning still there? Is that all STILL in the hatch? Or was it a pseudo, quasi flashback?
We've got:○ Crazy Broken Ladder
○ System of Mirrors
○ WEAPONS galore (Wes will investigate those)
○ Meds out the ass
○ A new trashcan
○ A little Capatain in us
○ Weird protein shakes
○ A Computer that couldn't even play 'Oregon Trail'
○ Silly old Records
○ A stationary Bike
○ Bunk Beds (was the other for his retarded brother Ethan?)
○ A Backgammon game I still haven't seen
○ Fruit
○ Dial Antibacterial Soap
○ Brand freakin' new washer&dryer (credit
mattyhoops and my brother)
○ Desmond's Belly
--- Priceless
EDIT: Something I just remembered what I wanted to say. It's clear that Abrams has a fascination with the greatest book ever written - Alice In Wonderland. And did anyone else feel a sort of 'down the rabbit's hole' feeling about the descent into the hatch? Very. And then... not really looking through the key hole though... maybe? Maybe Locke was doing that all along? And they just shrunk down? I think we should beware of themes.
So, I'm beginning to believe that the island its self is an entity. I think the monster has little to do with the island and I think everyone ON the island is a reaction to some sort of... something. Island is connected to numbers. But the HATCH and the monster? Both things that have been put on the island, perhaps. I believe everything is a reaction to the island.
I believe 'The Others' are people whom have been stranded on the island - could be connected to Rousseau, could not - and they are treating things like a religion. A really primitive religion that is. They want 'the boy'. Well Walt. Walt can do things, but do they know that? I view them like a cult. Like everything on the island is going to end up being layers and layers of reactions to the island. A list of inhabitants thus far:● The 48 (not sure how many right now) Survivors
● Danielle Rousseau
● Rousseau's Crew (Alex?)
● Ethan ROM
● Desmond ROM (cause that's so his last name)
● The FOUR others on that little boat (affectionately named 'Hillbilly Pirates' by
● The back end of the plane
● The Nigerian Drug Smuggler
● Jack's Daddeh & various other apparitions (Walt? Theresa falls up the stairs?)
● The people in the CAVES
● The BLACK ROCK crew/slaves
● Dead Nigerian Drug Smuggler/'Priest'
● Polar FUCKING Bears
● EDIT: Vincent (thank you
franticgoddess for this)
So... I mean... there's a variety of people who have ended up there or are some how there. The question, then, is how do they all connect. What do they have to do with the island? Have they all just HAPPENED upon the place and thusly turned savage in reaction? I striked out those that are 'dead' and whited out those that are spoilers.