Holy coooooooooow that was a corker. Fucking awesome.
So episodes CAN be good without the Doctor in them. Eat that, "Love & Monsters".
Moffat has won my heart forever. See,
here's the short story upon which "Blink" is based (only works in IE, damn you BBC). There's a line in it: "'This isn't a dream, and by the way you should never try to do your homework on the school bus."
I squealed so hard at that line I think they heard me in Australia. That's a reference to a children's book published in 1983, The Seventh Princess by Nick Sullivan. The story starts when a girl named Jennifer is assigned to write an essay on her strangest dream, only she can't because she never remembers her dreams, so as the story begins she's on the bus and worrying about her undone homework. Then she gets sucked into a medieval fantasy land and becomes the Seventh Princess of the title and there's all this is-it-or-isn't-it about whether it was a dream or not. It was one of my absolute favorite books as a kid and I thought nobody but me had ever read it. I still have my copy. It's extremely beat up and (sadly) missing the first twelve pages.
Moffat is now my favorite Who writer in the history of time. OMG.
double eta:
Saxon count: I'm lame and didn't spot any . . .
Specs count: *drool*
Next week: Captain Jack returns! The bit of footage I've seen had me laughing so hard I was gasping for breath, but I'll give it a shot. "Blink" managed to surprise me, after all.