I won't be writing fic, but if you'd like to RP that or even just get our heads together and work out what would have happened, that would be fun! My email address should be on my profile page and/or my Facebook profile.
Would it not be better to mail the people Arden feels she needs to apologise to? Otherwise you've got people having to mail you to say "is it me that Arden is coming to talk to?" and that could be a bit strange.
I suggest just starting where Arden would start and go from there. Anyone who feels they'd approach Arden themselves about it can do so. I don't think most of us know ic that Arden was told she may have caused a little "iritation" :)
Arden was told at least one name, so she could start there ;) (I know she was also told not to go to that person right now, but that was just for the remainder of time-in, really ;) ) That person can then either pass it on, or tell her who else she might need to talk to. Or just go straight to the Prince Bishop, to be honest, since she can legitimately speak for the group.
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