The party was fantastic, so fantastic I am tempted to burble at (probably incoherent) length... so have some bullet points of things that were win instead.
-Our esteemed host, who fed us and looked after wonderfully (and loaned me a book for the journey home, which is above and beyond the call of hostly duty.)
-Watching our esteemed host go various shades of red at various points throughout the weekend. (The highlight was probably the alternative Mexican wave and the line "You all have lovely eyes!")
-Giving our esteemed host presents and watching him try to get cross about it.
-Juxtaposed... I couldn't talk from the ridiculously high levels of awesome.
-The weather! A perfect icing-sugar sprinkling of snow. Well done whoever arranged that one!
- The Gwen Guitar Conspiracy and wonderful end result. Thank you to everyone involved! She woes you music now! :D
-Singing! Lots of singing! And Peter Killed the Dragon was sung about five times. Happy Aoife is happy.
- The pub was great, the staff were friendly and competent and the food was delicious and totally worth only eating one slice of bacon for.
-Playing in the snow, no matter who I was playing with!
-Seeing friends! Meeting new people! Getting to know people better! Everyone being great!
-Whisk(e)y. :)
-Douglas. He's a pretty awesome little guy. Well done, Russ and Jen, on that combination of genes and environment.
-Dinosaur in Tescos. They can't push trolleys very well, you know.
- Utterly shameless Echo Bazaar fangirling.
-Dress to impress... almost everyone did and I was pretty damn impressed. In fact, I believe the relevant word is "blimey!"
So a big thank you to
die_fleiderhat for inviting me! I *do* like your tweed, sir!