
Jan 10, 2006 23:59

MAN! I love listening to tunes by myself... that way I can do stupid dances and jump around singing into a mouse... some things that I can only do around Dalena... because everyone else would be like "Sit down fat girl... all your jumping around is causing a tidal wave in the Atlantic... and we live in MISSOURI!" Everyone else would vocalize it... ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

diamonddust1414 January 11 2006, 21:32:56 UTC
You know that I would never make fun of you for dancing around to music. You do it around me anyways ( ... )


janezaartherad January 12 2006, 08:36:12 UTC
WHO KNOWS?!?!? Ah....


diamonddust1414 January 12 2006, 21:55:47 UTC
Well, I really need a favor from you and Dalena. I will explain everything when I call you.


_nightmaredream January 12 2006, 00:14:07 UTC
froem roberts
ps i add you so add me back. :)


koiishi January 12 2006, 19:38:01 UTC
blah, like i would ever make fun of you after we all had that bus ride to colorado...which i'm thinking about going there for the heck of it...

anywho, mark is retarded...kick him in the shin...or not...but it would be funny if you did.

love ya kiddo


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