First of all, thank you to
moredetails for my new icon. You rock!!!! :-D
Ok, and now the much put-off
Thursday, April 27 (which also happened to be my due date) I went in for my weekly check=up, and was dilated to about 3. Doc was encouraged by that, and said that if I hadn't gone into labor by Monday, he would induce, but he didn't really think I'd make it through the weekend. He stripped the membranes, and told me to go walk and see if we couldn't get things stirred up. So, I did just that; went walking at the mall. I walked for quite a while, but just felt worn out, and wasn't really having any contractions to speak of. Needless to say, I was disccouraged at that point. Anyway, about 8pm my contractions started. They were uncomfortable, but didn't really hurt, and were coming 8-11 minutes apart. I walked off and on around the house, went up and down the stairs several times, and watched tv. They weren't seeming to grow more intense, so I thought it'd probably turn out to be false labor. Around midnight, Mom decided to go on to bed, and I took a bath. When I got out of the tub, the contractions started to increase in intensity, and were more like 8 minutes apart consistently. I chatted with Jessica online for awhile, and then tried to lay down and just see if they were going to subside. Within 15 minutes of that, I knew this was the real thing, and I went to wake my mom. We called my sisters; one of which was wanting to be here for the birth (she had a 3 hr drive or so), and she got ready to come.
We arrived at the hospital at 2 a.m.; the pains were now 5 minutes apart, and pretty intense. I wasn't talking through them any longer. :) The guy who wheeled me up to maternity joked about not knowing how to birth a baby, but that he'd be willing to let me be his first try. Getting registered took about forever. I hadn't been there before, and had failed to pre-register (oops), and also I needed to be a confidential patient due to the whole Gareth situation. I had to list out every person who was to be allowed in to see us. To anyone else, the answer would be that they had no record of me as a patient. Also, the baby was not to be put in the nursery window at any time she was in the nursery. Once we got all of that squared away, the nurse checked me. I was still only dilated to 3, but was 70% effaced. She said I couldn't have my epidural until I had at least made some change while there. So, off I went to walk the maternity floor.... for nearly 2 hrs. My contractions were coming hard at 1=2 minute intervals, doubling me over with each one. I had a lot of back labor going on, same as with Jaxon, and that is the worst, let me tell ya! I was sure that I had made good progress during that 2 hour stint, but when she checked me, I was still at 3. Grr!! I had to stay in triage, not my own room, until they saw change and decided that they wouldn't be sending me home. I wasn't too thrilled about this, but over the 20 minutes, I stayed there anyways. By this time the back pain was so bad, and the nurse offered for me to go sit in the jacuzzi tub for awhile to see if that would help any. Man did that feel good. I still hurt a lot, but it is amazing how much pressure was relieved by being in that tub. I stayed in there for 15 minutes, and then I actually got to just stay in that room rather than go back to triage. It was much nicer in there. It was around 5 a.m. now and I was rather fatigued. I'd been in labor for 9 hours, and despite the fact that the first few hours weren't all that intense, I was still feeling that it had been a long night. My sister arrived, which was so exciting for me. I was glad to be sharing this experience wih both her and my mom. Also, a good point is tht my Dr was the one on call that night, and so when the nurse talked to him at 5, he told her that as soon as I dilated to 4, she was to allow me to have the epidural. He didn't want me to have to wait any longer for it. I was so relieved to hear that, because the contractions were lasting 90 seconds each, giving me 30-60 seonds of break, and then starting again. I was so worn out, and hurting so badly! Well, when she checked me at 6, I had hit that 4cm, and the epidural was on its way. Woohoo!! :) I was terrified about getting it, even though I desperately wanted it. I had heard, and read, all the possible side effects and such, and being prone to headaches, I was very worried about getting one. I was also worried that I wouldn't sit still enough for them to get it into my back. However, the anesthesiologist was very calming and kind. He put me at ease about not stressing to be in a hurry, but to just take my time in handling contractions and getting into position, etc. It does take a bit of time, but he got it all into place with no problem. It was a poke initially, but not excruciating, and I could feel that tube go into my back. It felt so weird, but that didn't hurt. By 7a.m. the medicine began coming through the epidural, and I was relaxing, pain-free, in my bed. All of the sudden, I was talking and laughing, and so relaxed in my body. I am a HUGE fan of epidurals!! hehe Within 10 minutesf of that, my Dr arrived, broke my water, and checked my progress, and I was at 9. Unfortunately, my contractions slowed down, and then stopped altogether, so they ran some pitocin through my iv to get me moving again. They built back up to being close, and strong. This time, however, I just felt some pressure... as it got closer to time for me to push, they did hurt some, but nothing like pre-epidural pains!
Doc came in now and then; he was just there waiting for me to need him. :) A few minutes before 10, I said that I was feeling pressure a bit lower, so Doc checked and said I was almost to 10. He slipped into his scrubs and I said I was ready to push. Someone was bringing a mirror so that I could watch Sahara be born, but I felt so strongly that I needed to push, and she was out in just 2 contractions. They laid her up on my belly, and she was so beautiful! All of the sickness and pain and stress of the past 9 months were worth it right there in that moment. I asked my mom to cut the umbilical cord, which she did, and then they took Sahara to do her apgar tests and weigh her, etc. Everything was absolutely perfect with her. And, because I'd had the epidural, I felt more able to enjoy those first moments, because my body had not worked as hard (as of 7a.m.). It really was a great birthing experience; I'm quite pleased with how things went. I had chosen not to get the vitamin K shot, for which I got no flack from the staff. I really appreciated that they respected my choices. So, there it is... took me forever to get this done, but I finally did. :)
Well, it is nearly 2a.m. so I am off to bed. Goodnight y'all. Lots of love! :)