The Gym

Dec 26, 2006 09:36

I haven't posted anything substantial in a while. Not because there is nothing going on, but more because I have been too lazy to sit and write a journal entry. I joined the gym last monday. This is a big deal, as I have not had any kind of regular workouts since I finished physical therapy about 5 and a half years ago. So far:

Tuesday - free workout with a trainer; signed up for training sessions (6 sessions a month for 12 months!); cardio
Wednedsay - first real workout with a trainer; arms; cardio
Thursday - off
Friday - cardio
Saturday - cardio; got sick later that day
Sunday - sick in bed
Monday - sick at parents house for christmas
Today - second real workout with a trainer; legs/butt/abs; cardio

Tomorrow I am going to go and do cardio when I finish work at 2. Actually, a little later... my friend's mother died, so Lochai is going to the funeral and I am meeting him later to sit shiva (I think I spelled that right). I'll go to the gym afterwards.

Already I am starting to feel better. I have more energy and I am thinking more positively. This is good, since I was starting to go into another depression, which is now looking unlikely to continue. It's even better because those wre my main goals in starting to work out. Of course, now I am starting to think "It would be nice if I lost some of this belly/got back to my old fit body/had a nice waistline/fit a size 6/insert other body conscious goal here." Interesting how quickly my goals move from internal to external. My primary goals are to feel better physically and to have more energy. As long as I keep that in mind, this shouldn't be too bad.
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