Duh, having your OTP as the challenge was hard. I don't think I have a Lost OTP that I write most of the others (maybe a one true character in this case...) mostly because my favorites usually die and whether I chose one, it'd probably get slain sooner or later. Mostly because the closest I had to a OTP is/was Jack/Boone and well, proves the point. This one was originally a comment snippet for the prompt
alemyrddin gave me
here, but I thought it was worth expanding some and so I went with it.
Title: Can't Get It Out Of My Head
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Boone
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not mine. I mean, it'd be an alive pairing if they were mine.
Word count: around 700
Summary: Every adjective you could use to describe a drug, Jack thinks, you could use to describe Boone, too.
Spoilers: General season 1 until Do No Harm.
A/N: for
12_stories, prompt #5, passion; entering also for
lostfichallenge #68, write your OTP. They're probably the closest I have to one really. And it's all based off comparisons with drugs, though there really isn't nothing graphic with both the comparisons and the sex altogether. Title stolen from an ELO song but as usual, the song has nothing to do with this. I can't come up with titles.
Every adjective you could use for a drug, Jack thinks, you could use for Boone, too.
Every drug is addictive by its very nature; the first kiss, which had happened after that whole inhalers mess, was sweet and slow and Boone's lips were soft and full under Jack's; Jack could only think that he wanted more, much more, that kissing definitely wasn’t enough.
Drugs often manage to mesmerize you and staring in the blue depths of Boone's eyes is nothing short of hypnotic.
Sometimes Jack thinks he could do it all day and never get tired; he had never seen eyes so big, never of a purer and clearer shade of blue. They say what Boone’s voice doesn’t and Jack isn’t usually one for reading between the lines, but in this case, he appreciates being able to do so.
When you take drugs, the immediate reaction is pleasure: Boone’s skin is always hot under Jack's hands.
The first time they have sex is in Jack’s infirmary cave after the first day of that golf tournament and Jack can remember every second of it, from the first time they kissed in a rush to the way Boone tasted, fresh and bittersweet.
He can remember how he had thought God he knows what he’s doing before blacking out while Boone was slowly sucking him off and the heat, the rush and that blissful sensation of nothingness while Boone’s legs were around his waist and they were coming at the same time.
Drugs are dangerous when you get too much of them; apart from the fact that Jack can’t place the darkened expression that comes across Boone’s face when he talks about his sister and that he doesn’t like this business he and Locke are having, he often finds his attention to supposedly most important things wavering because he ends up thinking about it.
Once he almost gives Sawyer the wrong dose of painkillers for the arm and every time he has to fix a sprained ankle or give his advice for rashes or whatever, he’s only really thinking about what the hell is Boone doing out there.
Boone has got a certain charm to him, even if he should be way too young for Jack to think about it in the terms he actually does think about him.
But drugs are also something you shouldn't have and that you shouldn’t take.
For how much Jack can reason that this is really not right, he always ends up thinking that the whole situation they’re in is completely insane. He can’t help keeping on doing this because he realizes that he treasures what is between him and Boone even if he can’t give it a name.
Maybe he could say that there’s passion and hey, one can’t help it when there is. Saying that it’s one of the less insane things that have happened to him since the crash may be a bit of a stretch, but he has to admit that the only times he actually gets some rest and just enjoys himself, are when he’s with Boone.
So Jack just doesn't care and every time he looks straight in Boone’s eyes, or every time they kiss or every time they have sex is nothing short than a rush of adrenaline through his body and it really can’t compare to any drug he can think of.
Drugs can kill you when you quit them, even if the drugs don’t quit you.
Boone quits him and forces Jack to quit when he dies under his hands, Jack feeling helpless as he’s never felt in his life. The fact that Boone was the one to ask him to let go isn’t really a consolation of any kind and when he closes his eyes, his guts turn and he can’t help crying.
Once he had cried when he found out he fixed his soon-to-be wife, but then, it was happiness; now, it’s just the deepest despair because it feels like quitting cold turkey, indeed.
After it happens, Jack finds that the abstinence crisis is much harder to overcome than he could ever have thought.