Please do not use images for icons - it took a very long time to get the look of each scene.
Please note: It's obvious, but there are A LOT of images below (more than normal even) ... be warned :D
Challenge 9 over at
picspammy Warning: Because of the nature of this show, this picspam is more sexually explicit than what I normally make. If this isn't your cup of tea, please avoid this post. Thanks :)
Just a quick note before we get started. These are my favorite scenes. I know that some may disagree with a few of the scene choices as they get to the bottom of this selection. This is totally fine by me, but each scene shown here is one that I love. I love this couple when they fight, love, laugh, argue, kiss, break up, cry, I don't care ... I love them regardless ... please respect that :)
Honorable Mentions
101 - Does it always hurt / 110 - Rough night / 202 - Like the first time
203 - You're a hero / 204 - Find a stud / 208 - Coming home to you
207 - I want you safe / 209 - I'm going to Hell / 304 - This belongs to you
308 - That is so like you / 208 - Second chance / 310 - Dark alley kisses
413 - Visualize your goal / 504 - You hear that rubber ducky? / 513 - It's only time
118 - Never Coming Home Again
Justin: Did I tell you my dad wants to send me to military school? I said, fuck no.
Brian: I think your dad might be right, a little military school or something might do you some good.
Emmett: I always wanted to go to military school. You know, those sleek uniforms, well cut ...
Ted: Taking orders, getting punished when you're naughty.
Emmett: Yes sir, sorry sir. Ow!
Michael: And don't forget showering with all those cadets.
Emmett: Oh my. Who ever thought we'd see the day, Brian Kinney driving an economy compact.
Ted: Sub-compact.
Brian: And I have to get a new car this week.
Michael: Another fuckmobile?
Emmett: Please at his age he needs all the help he can get to attract those hot young things.
Ted: I thought after what happened, you might consider something more practical.
Brian: What like something an accountant might drive?
Michael: You don't want anymore weirdos ramming into you.
Emmett: Never heard him complain about that before.
Michael: See you later.
Emmett: Later.
Mr. Taylor: Hey. You fucking pervert!
Justin: Dad!
Michael: Brian! You okay? You alright?
Emmett: It's his dad. Stop it!
Mr. Taylor: That's it Justin. That is it. You come home with me right now, or you never come home again.
Brian: FUCK!
Justin: Never again. Did you hear me? I said, never again! Go, get the fuck out of here. Go! I'm never coming home again. Never!
Brian: Justin.
Justin: Fucking never.
Brian: Stop.
Reasoning: Easily one of my top five scenes from this show. I love how Brian and Justin interact with eachother ... even more, I love that Justin might finally get to become part of the guys. The way Brian removes Emmett's arms from Justin and then pulls Justin to him ::gushes:: LOVE IT! I love how Brian says "FUCK" when Mr. Taylor (I can't be bothered to look up his first name) gives Justin the ultimatum ... I really think he feels like shit this is happening ... I also LOVE the guys reactions. Even Michael just looks so worried and hurt for Justin. It breaks my heart every time I hear that final time Justin says "I'm never coming home again" and his voice kinda breaks when he says "home" ::cries:: I don't know ... I really like how affected (or is it effected? Darn, I can never remember) Brian is by all this ... when Justin's trying to Just get to the car to leave, Brian's like in a daze. Did I mention ... one of my top favorite scenes? :D
117 - You To Protect Me
Brian: So it all worked out, happy ever after.
Justin: Thanks to the Senator.
Brian: Yeah, don't kid yourself. That woman in there is using you, for money or for votes. She'll move on to her next cause, her next fundraiser. Then where will you be?
Justin: She said it's a small victory.
Brian: Well, don't think that you've won. That it's over because the minute you do that, you're dead.
Justin: Not as long as I've got you to protect me.
Reasoning: Okie dokie, we'll just get this out of the way right off the bat ... that cigarette thing? Just LOVE! Justin's growing up, I think we really see it this episode and I think Brian is realizing it (sidenote of a scene I totally neglected, earlier this episode when all Justin has to do is say "Please" and Brian helps him with figuring out how to get people to attend his meeting ... I love that ... he really does care) ... Brian is a cynic, Justin an optimist ... they freakin' complement eachother perfectly. I love that Brian doesn't have a snarky remark after Justin says (one of my all time favorite lines from the show) "you to protect me" ... or if Brian does have a remark, he keeps it to himself ... which also shows that he's growing as well. This episode was all about growth. Well, that and one of the most adorable shots to ever be seen, with Brian's arm around Justin who has his head rested on his shoulder (even if it is only for a second) ... awwww ...
122 - Recapturing Lost Youth
Justin: I thought you said you wouldn't be caught dead in a room full of eighteen-year-olds.
Brian: I thought I'd recapture my lost youth. You look hot, Daphne. I'd fuck you.
Daphne: Uh ... you too, Brian.
Brian: Mind if I borrow your date?
Justin: Did you see their faces?
Brian: Yeah, we gave them a prom they'll never forget.
Justin: Me neither. This is the best night of my life.
Brian: Even if it was ridiculously romantic ... Later.
Justin: Later.
Brian: JUSTIN!
Chris Hobbs: God dammit!
Brian: No. No, no, no, no, no. God!
Reasoning: Oooooh ... The first scene I ever saw from Queer as Folk. My very first thought was, "that guys too old for that kid." HA! How far I've come ;) This whole sequence is perfection. I love that we get random shots of Daphne grinning like a crazy person. Love the dancing (well, duh). When they are in the garage and they kiss ::sigh:: Brian's reaction to Hobbs is perfect. I love that he took a swing at him. This scene, especially combined with Brian earlier in the episode saying he wants to go out young, like James Dean ... Just him realizing that it may not be him that goes out young, but Justin ... When he leans over him and can't stop repeating "no" ... breaks my heart. Again, a shot that's not here, but I love when Michael is getting on the terminal and stops to answer his phone ... we don't see him find out about Justin, just his shadow then his bag falling to the ground ... umm yeah, HUGE props to the cinematographer for this show ... STUNNING. Oh Brian crying ::cries::
203 - No Hands
Brian: Ow.
Justin: Sorry.
Brian: It's okay. You wanna go back?
Justin: No.
Brian: You sure?
Justin: Yeah. Look no hands.
Justin: Hey! Fucker!
Brian: It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. It was just an accident. Don't let it throw ya.
Reasoning: Holding hands in public? Check. Brian being sweet and, dare I say, loving? Check. Brian holding Justin the most amazing way EVER? Check. That is all ;)
205 - False Hope
Brian: The Lost Boy returns. Feeling better?
Justin: Lots.
Brian: How's Daphne?
Justin: She and her roommates had to study. Fortunately that's not my problem. I went to Woody's, I let guys buy me drinks. They all wanted to fuck me. Least I still have my looks. Told them no. I'm saving that for you.
Brian: Aren't you a sweetheart. Later. Come and see what I got you.
Justin: What? A new buttplug, manicals, a vacuum pump?
Brian: Better. I saw it today at work.
Justin: I'm not interested.
Brian: You don't even know what it is.
Justin: Sure I do. It's false hope.
Brian: You can draw with it, see? Same as a pen or pencil or paintbrush, just much easier to control.
Justin: Oh, like with my gimp hand?
Brian: And there's a million special effects you can create with it. Stop being a fucking princess and come give it a try.
Justin: What for? To make you happy? So that you can tell yourself that you fixed Little Justin's problems and made everything all better? Well, you can't fix this alright? No one can.
Brian: So, you're just gonna quit.
Justin: It's over, all right? Accept it, I'm not gonna draw again! And no fucking electronic Crayola box is gonna fix that. So why don't you come fuck me before I pass out.
Reasoning: Oh the water bottle ... since I didn't do that scene from the first episode, we'll comment on it here. I think I just about DIED when I first saw it ... And yes, that would be from laughter. I'm not saying Brian (or for this scene Justin) didn't look HOT, but OMG ... HA! So I just love that they put that in this scene ... Still makes me laugh (totally in a good way, promise). Again, love that Brian is trying to help, he saw this nifty computer and thought it would be helpful to Justin. I love that Justin calls Brian out on trying to fix everything ... he does. And Justin's right, Brian can't fix this (I still love that he ties to though). I don't know ... I just love how differently both of them are reacting. I don't believe that either is more right or wrong than the other, they're just approaching a problem totally differently. Also, I fully believe that Brian waited a few minutes then went to bed to fuck Justin only he missed his opportunity and found Justin already passed out ... I'm just sayin'.
214 - Pumpkins
Justin: What happen to you last night?
Brian: Don't ask.
Justin: We have an arrangement.
Brian: Home by three or my balls turned to pumpkins. Believe me, you don't miss a thing. How was the party?
Justin: Oh, incredibly tedious. I left early.
Brian: Best The Sap didn't like that.
Justin: Fuck The Sap. Anyway ... I quit. I decided that working all night and going to school during day was counterproductive to my goals.
Justin: So, I'd like to take your offer, if it still stands.
Brian: Still stands.
Justin: We should discuss the terms of the loan, interest, repayment schedule, and we should have something in writing.
Brian: Of course. So, what made you change your mind?
Justin: A man needs to know when to ask for help.
Reasoning: ::fangirl squee:: Justin tops Brian, Justin tops Brians ... ::clears throat:: sorry about that, I'm good now ;) I know everyone has different feels about if this was the first time Justin does or not ... I'm one of those who believes it is (if you feel differently, cool). Brian's face sells this whole scene. His slight confusion, the way he looks back a Justin, the way Justin kisses him (OK that last part was Justin, but whatever). LOVE!
ETA: Because I realized when responding to a comment that I completely forgot to mention my FAVORITE reason for loving this scene ... the TRUST. Brian 100% fully trusts (and I do believe respects) Justin, otherwise he would never allow himself to be put in such a submissive position by him. He is allowing Justin complete control. He can show Justin how much he loves him and trusts him, he just can't get the freakin' words out. ::sigh:: I do love this show :D
305 - Your Idea Of True Love
Justin: Fuck off.
Guy: I'm busy.
Justin: Fuck off!
Brian: You should take a number like everyone else.
Justin: And you should keep your big fucking mouth shut.
Brian: I wasn't the one giving the blow job.
Justin: What did you tell Ethan?
Brian: The truth.
Justin: There's nothing noble about being poor.
Brian: Well he actually listened.
Justin: He more than listened, he signed the papers.
Brian: Good for him.
Justin: What? That he sold out?
Brian: Maybe his recordings will do the same. Although, personally, I could never really stand violin music. Sound like someone torturing a cat.
Justin: What about me?
Brian: What about you? You expect him to sacrifice his career for a piece of blond boy ass? Is that your idea of true love Sunshine?
Reasoning: Let me say this here and now ... I never could stand Ethan. It hurt me deeply that Justin was with him. I wanted to punch Justin VERY often when they were togther (I just always wanted to punch Ethan). That said, this scene is perfection ... and without Ethan, it wouldn't exist, so there you have it ... a purpose for Ethan ... Onto the scene. For me, this scene so perfectly sets up both of their mind frames (that would be Brian and Justin ... no more talking of that ::shudders:: other guy). Justin, at this time, feels love could take on the anything and shouldn't be given up ... it's the most important thing there is. Brian on the other hand, well he still claims to not believe in love. But he does make a good point about sacrifice and "true love." I just LOVE how this situation comes up again (and is handled so differently) in the final season ... we'll see growth, but I'm getting ahead of myself ... also, violin music sounding "like someone torturing a cat" hehe
307 - From The Inside
Reasoning: There are ... no words ::dies:
308 - Special Treatment
Justin: I was going to tell you.
Brian: When?
Justin: After I got the job.
Brian: You don't have the job until I sign off and I don't sign off until I ask the potential candidate a few questions. Such as, what the fuck are you doing here?
Justin: As part of our degree candidacy we're required to get three credits of practical experience in our chosen field. So I wrote a letter to the head of your art department saying I wanted to intern, submitted my transcript, samples of my work and here I am.
Brian: Here you aren't. There are other agencies where I don't work.
Justin: That has nothing to do with it. Vanguard's the best, working here will look great on my resume. I'll make important contacts; I'll learn things I wouldn't learn in a classroom.
Brian: Learn them someplace else.
Justin: That's not fair. I was accepted based solely on my merit. It had nothing to do with you. Thought you'd be pleased.
Brian: To see your face everyday?
Justin: I had not idea that our former relationship was still a problem for you.
Brian: Who said it was a problem? And who said we were ever in a relationship?
Justin: Well then I see no reason that you would object to my completing my education ... that you're paying for.
Brian: Well, just don't expect any special treatment.
Justin: I never have.
Reasoning: So this is totally one of those situations where I could of had every scene with Brian and Justin picspammed from this episode ... But I restrained myself and chose my favorite. I know, shocking my favorite isn't the "Second Chance" scene. Part of the reasoning totally goes to the cinematographer, the shots presented this scene are beautiful. Justin is just so smug (and I love it) ... and Brian just wants him gone (but we all know he really doesn't). The dialogue is freakin' top notch. Again a favorite line ever "Well then I see no reason that you would object to my completing my education ... that you're paying for." I mean ... BURN! (sorry, was watching That 70's Show earlier), but really though, HA!
311 - Learning From The Master
Brian: That's a real beauty.
Justin: Yeah, I'm kinda proud of it myself.
Brian: Where should we stick it?
Justin: City hall, police headquarters, up his ass. Annihilate the fucker.
Brian: Well don't be so sure, it's only a poster.
Justin: Only? The last one sent him around the bend. They even wrote an editorial about it in the paper. Think of the stink when they see this one.
Brian: How'd you get to be such a clever devil?
Justin: Learned from the master.
Brian: Christ ... Never a moments rest ... What's the matter, haven't you ever seen to guys fucking before? ... Wanna finish?
Reasoning: I love that Brian finally got behind Justin with the whole poster thing. I mean, sure it took not being able to fuck anywhere in public, but still ... he finally came around. I love those scenes where you can honestly tell Brian is just so proud of Justin, I feel like this is one of those. Justin follows his heart, no matter what ... I think that's a quality Brian has always respected and found very attractive. Love the underssing ... the way Justin pulls on Brian's shirt, so cute :) Freakin' Stockwell ruins everything! Has anyone else noticed that. Kudos to the actor that plays him though ... he doesn't have a single line this whole scene, but he just commands your attention the entire time he's in Brian's loft. And also Brian ... "Wanna finish" Poor guy.
PLEASE NOTE: If the second image disappears, please let my know ASAP. In me preparing for this post it's been deleted from all my normal free image hosting sites (and I got a million of them). Thanks!
409 - Fucking Chicken Soup
Brian: I thought I told you to get out.
Justin: I guess I didn’t hear. You tend to mumble a lot.
Justin: You want some soup? It’s Debbie’s homemade recipe.
Brian: No wonder I feel like barfing. Listen to me you little shit. I don’t want you here.
Justin: I don’t care what you want. You’re not getting rid of me! Shit, are you alright? Tell me you’re alright!
Brian: I’m alright!
Justin: You’re not alright.
Brian: Then what the hell are you asking me for?
Justin: So that I can tell you what a motherfucking piece of shit you are for not telling me! For shutting me out. For thinking that you could handle this on your own.
Justin: And most of all, for thinking that I would leave you. Why would you think that? Cause you had a ball removed? Because you’re no longer perfect? Well, believe me, Mr. Kinney, that is the least of your imperfections. And if I’d wanted to leave you, I’ve had better reasons. Plenty of ‘em.
Brian: Maybe you should have.
Justin: Yeah, maybe you’re right. But I thought we had a commitment. And I plan to stand by it. Now why don’t you get your ass back in bed, you son-of-a-bitch! And eat some fucking chicken soup!
Reasoning: I still love how Brian's words and actions can have such a dramatic effect on Justin after all this time. I love, earlier in this episode, when Michael and Justin are arguing and Justin yells that Brian didn't kick Michael out, didn't say he never wanted to see him again. I also like that Justin took a stand, backed away. Kudos to Michael for yelling at Brian about it. But I could have killed Michael when he told Brian that he and Justin knew ... you know that he knew Brian would do something stupid, still I was happy he at least attempted to fix it (even if it was too late). Anywho, I like the way Justin takes a stand when Brian gets home. I like that he felt bad when he thought he hurt Brian, and I love how he rips him a new one. You get that Brian is scared, going through something horrible ... I mean, this is a Brian Kinney reaction. I love how Justin deals with him. More than that, I love how Brian finally lets him see him hurt, see him sick, he let Justin take care of him.
413 - Queer as Folk: Noir
Reasoning: Oh this short scene just makes me so happy. The film student in me just leaps out ever time I see it. The sound, the shots, the angles, the look ... all perfection.
510 - Freakin' FINALLY
Justin: Is Michael gonna be okay?
Brian: They don't know. When I heard what happened I tried to call you on your cell, but ... you didn't answer. I was so fuckin' scared.
Brian: All I could think was ... please don't let anything happen to him. I love you. I love you.
Reasoning: YAY!!! The way he whispers it ... like if he says it too loud he'll break or something ::sigh:: Then he says it while looking at Justin ::sigh:: Justin's whimper reaction ::sigh:: LOVE IT!!!!
511 - Fucking Unbelievable
Justin: When you said there was something you had to show me, I didn't think it would be in West Virginia.
Brian: It's less than half an hour out of Pittsburgh.
Justin: Wow.
Brian: Wait 'til you see the tennis court ... and the pool and the stables.
Justin: Stables? Who lives here?
Brian: We do.
Justin: What?
Brian: I bought it.
Justin: You bought this house?
Brian: You said that your small, but charmless studio would have to do until your country manor came along. I'd hoped this would be all you dreamed of.
Justin: And more. But I told you I-
Brian: You wont marry me. Who could blame you. I am without a doubt the worst candidate for marriage alive, but conversely that's also the reason that I'm the best candidate.
Justin: And how's that?
Brian: Because as strongly as I was opposed to the idea ... now that I'm behind it, I am as fervently and passionately committed.
Justin: You bought this house?
Brian: You said that your small, but charmless studio would have to do until your country manor came along. I'd hoped this would be all you dreamed of.
Justin: And more. But I told you I-
Brian: You wont marry me. Who could blame you. I am without a doubt the worst candidate for marriage alive, but conversely that's also the reason that I'm the best candidate.
Justin: And how's that?
Brian: Because as strongly as I was opposed to the idea ... now that I'm behind it, I am as fervently and passionately committed.
Justin: Uh-huh. And what changed your mind?
Brian: I finally thought of one good reason to do it.
Justin: And what is that one good reason?
Brian: To prove to the person that I love how much I love him. That I would give him anything, I would do anything, I would be anything to make him happy.
Justin: You're fucking unbelievable.
Brian: It's true, I am.
Justin: You bought this, you bought this palace.
Brian: It's for my prince. I'm also selling the loft and the club.
Justin: Without even knowing what my answer would be?
Brian: I'm taking a chance on love.
Justin: Then you mean it.
Brian: I've never meant anything more.
Justin: Okay.
Brian: Okay?
Justin: Let's do it.
Brian: Say it.
Justin: Yes.
Brian: Yes what?
Justin: Yes. Yes I will marry you. I will marry you.
Justin: What? Don't tell me you're already having second thoughts.
Brian: Not one.
Reasoning: So much better of a proposal job the second time around. The dialogue here is top notch, so true to the characters. "You're fucking unbelievable ... It's true, I am" HA! That gets a snicker out of me every single time. I love how apprehensive Justin is to truly believe what he is hearing and how patient and well thought out everything Brian has to say is. Did I mention how much I love in character they are though this? I love that Brian makes Justin say it, in full. Not just okay or yes ... he wants to hear "yes I will marry you" and this is Brian Kinney we are talking about, so of course that's what he'll hear ;) So beautiful.
513 - It's Not You
Justin: I had a dream last night. That we were in our new house.
Brian: Cooking, gardening, sitting in front of the fire?
Justin: Not exactly. You were riding me in the stable, diving into me in the pool, slamming me on the tennis court.
Brian: Well that gives a new meaning to US Open.
Justin: I better start practicing me serve.
Brian: Wouldn't you rather just cuddle?
Justin: What?
Brian: I said, wouldn't you rather just lie here ...
Justin: No. No, no, no. I heard what you said. You said "cuddle."
Brian: So.
Justin: So, I have never ever once heard you even use that word, much less actually want to do it.
Brian: Okay, so can we just turn the lights out.
Justin: No! No. Brian Kinney fucks, sucks, rims, rams, but never cuddles.
Brian: Okay so I used a word that offends your sensibilities. Forgive me, I apologize. I'll do it again.
Justin: No it's more than just that. Everyday we get closer to being married the person I know gets further away.
Brian: I'm right here.
Justin: But it's not you. Looks like you, feels like you, but you, you would never ... go to your own stag party and not fuck every hot guy in sight. You would never be more interested in gardening than getting laid.
Brian: I'm just trying to make you happy.
Justin: I want you to do what makes you happy. Not me.
Brian: What about you? Yes you. Not going to New York.
Justin: Fuck New York.
Brian: Conquering the art world.
Justin: Fuck the art world.
Brian: Why? Because you're afraid?
Justin: I'm not afraid.
Brian: Then what?
Justin: I don't want it.
Brian: Bull shit.
Justin: I don't. It means nothing.
Brian: Would it still mean nothing if I wasn't here?
Justin: How do you expect me to give you a rational response when the circumstances you presented are completely suppositional and as such have no basis in reality.
Brian: Just answer the god damn question.
Justin: I don't know!
Brian: Well I do. I don't wanna live with someone who sacrificed their life and called it love to be with me.
Justin: Neither do I.
Reasoning: Awwww, the scene I think I may get stones thrown at me for loving ... Just hear me out? They are both trying to make the other one happy and as such are making them both miserable. Brian gets what he didn't get back when Justin was with he who must not be named ... that love can mean everything, can be worth it all. Justin now understands what Brian was saying in the backroom that day, that love should not mean sacrificing everything. He understands now because that is exactly what Brian is trying to do for him (sacrifice who he is, the way he lives ... even how he thinks and acts at times), Justin knows that this isn't how true love should be. Brian's words from season two never were more true for both of them "I'd never ask him to put my needs above his, or be something he's not to make me happy." Brian also realizes this isn't how true love should go ... he hates that Justin is giving up an opportunity of a lifetime in New York to be with him. "I don't wanna live with someone who sacrificed their life and called it love to be with me." I mean ... come on!!!! So very true. I like that Brian tried and would have changed for Justin if that's what it took ... it shows how much he's grown up, that he would put someone else before himself. He would put his love for Justin before all other things. I like that Justin took a stand, told Brian to do what made him happy ... They've both grown into amazing and wonderful version of themselves, people we've seen glimpses of throughout the whole series. They know that if they go through with the wedding they will never be happy or complete. They know they have to let eachother go (if only for awhile), for both of their sakes. That is true love, knowing when to let go ... to put the person you love before yourself. I believe that is what they do here.
Now, I'm not the type to think a show ends just because it goes off the air. I think the series ended perfectly (but really though, give me a movie ... or a mini series .... ANYTHING ... I wanna know where the writers would have taken it). I fully believe Brian and Justin get back together ... that's the beauty of television (or movies, or books, or video games) they never end as long as you can imagine what happens next. This episode was only a new door opening to me. THAT is the reason I love this finale, it doesn't say they end up together but at the same time it doesn't say that they don't. I believe these two characters were made for eachother. They will be together again. As Brian says ... "It's only time."
BONUS: 311 - Crime unsolved
Justin: Margarita Lopez.
Stockwell: Excuse me?
Daphne: Margarita Lopez was a transsexual; she was murdered five years ago. Her killers have never been found.
Stockwell: The Pittsburg PD does its best to solve every crime, however there's always the occasional-
Justin: Jefferson Procter.
Lindsay: Jefferson Procter was a gay African-American, shot to death half a block from Woody's. Crime unsolved.
Justin: Natassia Ginsburg.
Melanie: Natassia Ginsburg, age 61, a lesbian out walking her dog; stabbed to death, killer still at large.
Justin: Justin Taylor.
Jennifer: Justin Taylor, my beautiful gay son; attacked at his prom, left for dead. Police reported it as a simple assault instead of a hate crime, which it was. His attacker got off with community service.
Stockwell: Ladies and gentlemen, wanna I thank these concerned citizens for reminding me of the violence that threatens and sometimes claims the lives of members of this community. However, the vast majority of violent crimes are solved and the criminals apprehended.
Debbie: What about him? Did you do your best for him?
Stockwell: I remember that boy. His murder was tragic, someone so young.
Debbie: Then what was his name?
Stockwell: I may not recall his name, but I do know that-
Justin: Jason Kemp.
Debbie: His name was Jason Kemp and the reason you don't remember it is because no one on your police force was ever able to find out what it was. But I did, the waitress who found his body in a dumpster behind the diner where I work. Jason Kemp, AKA Dumpster Boy! Murder unsolved.
Reasoning: Bonus because it's not really Brian/Justin (but they are both in it). I'm so proud of Justin in this scene. He will follow his heart though anything. And look Daphne!!!! Sometimes I just don't think they utilized her enough in the later seasons. My heart strings are tugged on every single time I hear Justin say "Justin Taylor" ... It just ::tear:: I'm so proud! And Jennifer, what a WONDERFUL mother you are "my beautiful gay son" ... she really handled everything so well. Sure she flipped when she found out how old Brian was ... but what mother wouldn't. It really wasn't that her son was gay, it was that he was sleeping with someone so much older than he was ... she really felt he was being taken advantaged of in the beginning. I also thought it was funny she ended up dating someone half her age (and Justin's reaction ... hehehe). She is just such a lovely character. It's was interesting to me to watch this scene once you learned exactly how much Stockwell knew about "dumpster boy" ... Makes all his reactions (to seeing the picture and hearing what his name was) that much more powerful. Love, love, love this scene.