Jacks and Iantos X-Mas Time

Mar 30, 2012 18:54

Yeah, I know the posts are in the wrong order, but I lost these pictures.

In December Jack and Ianto have been in Essen (German town) and went Christmas shopping and visited a Christmas Market.

Here they are an the Christmas Market and because it got to cold the wear their thick sweaters to keep them warm.


Here they are at the shopping centre where the Christmas decoration was all around. They even bought some nice things for themselves and friends.


After shopping they got hungry. They went to a nice Irish Pub, had great diner and even did some dancing. the Red Dragon appeard again too. He got some warm clothes from Jack and Ianto and they discovered he also likes coffee  :)


This one is from Christmas, them dancing and enjoying themselves.

jack and ianto travel

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