Jun 11, 2010 00:02
- 17:38 INTERNETS are go @ new house! Hurray! All fresh and shiny and new. And I can watch the rain and still see blue sky from my window. Lovely. #
- 17:41 tweetphoto.com/26551963 #
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Jun 09, 2010 00:02
- 12:21 I want to lay my aching body on the soft bed and watch the thick, white clouds in a perfect blue sky thru my windows. Instead, unpacking! #
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Jun 08, 2010 00:02
- 00:12 Finished moving, but not even nearly begun to unpack. My body has quit, I feel like I've been caned head to toe. It's all worth it, tho. #
- 00:13 Tomorrow there will be far too many pics of the new place. #
- 11:14 Apparently the instructions to add COLD liquid to the protein powder are more than a serving suggestion... unless you like whey
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Jun 06, 2010 00:03
- 10:49 Moving day! And what a day for it. Oh god, so sweaty... but when this is over we won't have to do it again for a year. Hallelujah! #
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Jun 05, 2010 00:03
- 13:17 Okay kids, help! We need to find roommates still, I'm putting a post on craigslist, but are there any other worthwhile options? #
- 18:51 We just bought a globe that's really bar for the new house. It is AMAZING. #
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Jun 02, 2010 00:03
- 15:48 Ohhh, we're gonna go do some painting at the new place tonight! Too excited. #
- 19:26 @ nikkicook Urban runoff! EWwwwwwwWww! #
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Jun 01, 2010 00:04
- 09:17 There was a preaching dude on the subway, he started doing god's voice, booming pleas to not work on the Sabbath, not lol'ing was hard. #
- 16:08 Lunch in woodlawn after picking up the keys for our new place, sushitaco is actually pretty good, and cheap. #
- 16:13 This is our amazing living room, by the way. tweetphoto.com/24949184 #
- 22:44 @
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May 31, 2010 00:03
- 00:27 Also, I want to get everything for the new house here: www.mcphee.com #
- 10:07 It's a gorgeous day out, and I'm going to go revel in it. ♫ blip.fm/~r9f9a #
- 10:25 @ csb666 I would read the shit out of that comic! #
- 10:42 Zombie crawl in Williamsburg today... Hmmm. #
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May 30, 2010 00:03
- 00:01 I make no apologies for this: I'm glad our bed is small enough that I can shop for silly, colourful kids bedding w pirates & monsters on em. #
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