Mar 15, 2005 21:51
Well, tomorrow I am probably going to have to choose classes for next year. Not really excited at all, specially since i know the classes i want to take will affect my future. Highschool, college, why cant i just drop lunch? Lunch sucks anyway...
thats so very much positively. FALSE.
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Comments 8
Incidentally this random guy came up to me on the subway and said "Did anyone ever tell you that you look exactly like the singer for Blind Melons mixed with someone else I can't remember". Random, I know, but I saw them on your interests.
Yea cept, i want a class(AP art history) insted of lunch, ah oh well.
^that was such an ano statment^
God, you are my favorite
Marlenas to do list
1. Post the survery that said i would have hardcore sex with her
2. Visit eliza asap cuz shes way hawt
3. be amazing
It said some mean stuff about Ray tho, and other kids....:( GOSH!!
and since im late on suprising you, i promise to bake you the most AWESOME GODDAMN CAKE EVER.
Take Art 1(2/3?) with The McKim because The McKim is awesome...
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