Name: Kazushiya Shimada
Gender: Male
Age: 48
Teaches: Traveling
Coaches: Track (m/f)
Kazushiya Shimada is a guy that many people know. Throughout the night, Shimada goes bar hopping. It’s gotten to the point that dark circles remain under his eyes, not to mention his eyes always blood shot. Whenever Shimada enters a bar, tensions rise for nine times out of ten, he'll end up in a bar fight.
During the daytime, Shimada becomes an agitated man whom is annoyed by the smallest things. He has a nonstop hangover that is his excuse to why he gets violent. It is a known fact that he has been taking to jail several times for domestic violence towards his pathetic wife who comes crawling back to him the second he’s out of jail.
He started at Gakuin High as the track coach. He doesn't do much running himself nowadays. He’s too nauseous during the days to try it. He only took on the job of teaching because the money that came with it. His classes consist mainly of straight out of the book work. The only time he'll actually attempt to teach the class is when reading something out of the textbook. If the student’s complain about the work, he gives them test.
Shimada lives with his wife and two kids, a boy and a girl. The boy attends an alternative high school and is known to hang out with a bad group of kids. The daughter is still shy from entering middle school, but is already being pressured to hang out with certain types of girls, mainly the rich ones. Both the kids are used to their fathers violent streaks.