So my official grade on X3...B, maybe close to a B+. Probably better than X-Men, not as good as X2. The action was pretty cool, but not the "oh my god, make me want to cheer" action I was kinda hoping for. The story and the movement of the story was somewhat lacking in my opinion. The Pheonix story kinda was lacking for me too, same for the
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Do you all know what will be the best movie of 2006? It won't be Da vinci Code, won't be X3 or Superman Returns, won't be the Pirates of the Caribbean sequel or even the new Pixar movie, it will be...
So... I've gotten to the point where I am starting to question what I am going to do for the rest of my life. I've kinda hit a point with my major that I should really start to focus which way I am going to go. I can either say with my Video Production major, where I would focus on the production aspect of making movies and tv shows, or switch to
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Alright...I know you all hate my TV rants but I just read this and I might swear off the CW forever if it actually comes true. If you don't care skip down to "IN OTHER NEWS
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I kinda realized yesterday how much I'm going to miss people from school this summer, and even next year. I got really sad (and a bit jealous) as all of my friends who are graduating are making plans to live in LA. I WANT TO BE GOING OUT THERE!!!! Hopefully I'll be out there next summer with an internship (fingers crossed) and its kinda nice to
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