People are funny

May 21, 2010 14:13

HipHooud: hey hey.. fancy a laid-back chat with me? hopefully it will be at least 69% friendly :)

Bartelmy: hi
I'm dying atm.
got a very serious case of the snuffles.

HipHooud: yeah we live in hot times..
i saw some people bare chested in town
tramp stamps on men... shudder

Bartelmy: So, guess where my tattoos are?

HipHooud: wow.. i gotta do this in my first ever messages with u, niiice :)
near your stomach, maybe on one forearm, and id like to guess one is hidden very well most of the time

Bartelmy: they're both hidden.

HipHooud: ha.. well i was sort of getting there.. Don't know how much you cover up your midriff normally

Bartelmy: constantly, but they're not there.

HipHooud: two tatoos, no kids. lol
like they are equal in needing attention :O

Bartelmy: yup.

HipHooud: so why do u think im buzzing u at this early hour?

Bartelmy: 2 in the afternoon?

HipHooud: yeah, ur turn to guess .

Bartelmy: because you'
*you're bored at work?

HipHooud: yeah in a manner of speaking
altho i never get bored of getting something done eventually
the ends justify the boredom

Bartelmy: oh?

HipHooud: U know i think this site is very popular with the bi crowd

Bartelmy: I wouldn't know, really.

HipHooud:every other profile i check out is 'yay me i dig the muff'..
ha, well best u don't
wouldnt want it to get even more skewed
So are u hard at work, at least in theory?

Bartelmy: I'm studying calculus.
by which I mean, I'm on the gamecube with a textbook open in front of me.

HipHooud: emo boffin..
or gamer boffin

Bartelmy: I beg your pardon?

HipHooud: Pardon granted.. But that's the last of them I have for this month.
(inspired by the new robin hood film)

I was just coming up with a polite "sorry, I'm not interested" speech when my firefox died, and he managed to slip this line in;

HipHooud: Right, time to head off. We've checked each other profiles out. Emails will no doubt follow soon.. :)

Honestly?  I think that, most of the time, he literally had no clue what he'd just read.  I also think he's a douchebag, but I admit that's just instinct rather than a completely fair analysis.

adventures on the intarwebz

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