2008 was all about hitting my stride, and 2009 was about walking my walk. I maintained the momentum I created in ways that had wonderful emotional payoffs for me, and looking at
last year's post, I think I met most of my goals. I didn't get to collaborate, but I did try new things (multifandom vid, different cutting techniques) and trust myself more. I went into vids not pressuring myself to vid "better than the last" and came out liking the end result. I was even able to make a vid while in grad school, which I can say is a big accomplishment.
I usually just talk freely about my vidding instead of doing the typical survey, but as time goes on I find I have less to say; my vids are doing the talking for me. But for fun, here's my meme for the year.
My 2009 vids (in order completed)
Give it Up (80s multi)
Learn to Crawl (BSG)
4ever (D.E.B.S.)
Like My Very Own Blood (BSG)
I also put out a
vid dvd, which was a time-consuming project all of its own.
I didn't expect to make any more BSG vids after LTC, and I'm amused that half my list this year is BSG. I need a bumper sticker that says "Starbuck vids happen." Considering my list consists of 2 movie vids and 2 comfort fandom vids, it doesn't look like I stepped at all outside my comfort zone, and maybe I didn't. These days it's really tough for me to stick out vids in long series that aren't BSG, I freely admit. I did start a Friday Night Lights vid that went nowhere, a Buffy vid that went nowhere, and have begun notes for Farscape, Supernatural, and SCC vids that will hopefully go somewhere. We'll see what 2010 brings.
My favorite video this year (of my own):
Oh, this is tough. Give it Up grew into something much larger than I had ever anticipated (thank you again,
absolutedestiny), which was incredibly satisfying and gives it a vote for this. But on a personal level, Learn to Crawl is the vid that felt like birthing a child I'd carried for years, complete with the labor pains and love at first sight afterward. So, it's a tie.
My least favourite video this year:
Oh geez. If I have to choose, I guess 4ever? Not because I don't love it but because it was far more straightforward and wasn't something really challenging for me (which was also the point, as it was a fluffy gift vid).
Most successful video
From one angle, Give it Up. Even though (Out of) Classical Gas still has the highest comment count, Give it Up surpassed it in downloads. (Considering it's on the VVC dvds and OoCG isn't, that says plenty to me.) Popularity isn't everything, though. In terms of vid message and delivering emotion, my biggest success was LMVOB. It's been so pleasing to see that it's suckerpunched people in the gut, which is what I was going for.
Video most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Argh. (Now I remember why I don't do this survey, heh.) I think all my vids got all the attention they merited and more.
Most fun video:
Give it Up! Though LMVOB was really fun to make just because it fell together so easily. (Can I just say I'm amused that these two vids have been grouped together twice now? Because they are SO MUCH ALIKE, ahaha.)
Video with single sexiest moment:
Ohhhh. Hmm. I am very partial to "I'm begging you please" in the 2nd prechorus of Learn to Crawl. 4ever has its moments as well, ahem.
Biggest vid fail:
I can't think of anything to single out, so I'll just say I feel like my biggest fail in terms of overall vidding is that I almost never watch new vids anymore. I need to come out from under my rock.
Hardest video to make:
Learn to Crawl. It is named appropriately, as it really felt like reinventing the BSG vid wheel for a long time before I found my path with it. It wasn't anything like with Love Turns 40, but it was indeed a struggle unto itself. The payoff was very rewarding because of it, though.
Most unintentionally telling video:
Hmm, I'm not sure. You tell me! :-D
The things I've learned this year:
- It's okay to do what may feel like the same thing over and over because if it's Your Thing, you will do it well and you will like it. (People will like it, too.)
- Grad school and vidding are almost entirely mutually exclusive, and going from one mode to another is emotionally exhausting.
- DVD authoring software and I are NOT FRIENDS.
- It's better to make a vid that finishes too early than a vid that goes on too long.
- People will never get tired of dancing.
For 2010:
I expect to vid next to nothing between January and June, so it's tough to set goals when I need to focus on my student teaching. I have a Club Vivid idea that I'm going to try to knock out over winter break, but I have no idea if a Premieres vid will happen for me. I guess all I can hope is that when I do vid I make vids I like and have fun with. But then, that's all we can ask for at any time anyway.
This year 2 of my vids were on the potential vid list from last year's meme and 2 weren't. To keep it going forward, here's the list of what may show up in 2010: blackjack vid, SPN crack vid, Farscape crack vid, FNL boys vid, SCC vid. We'll see what actually happens.