NEW VID: Songs for a Girl

Sep 10, 2010 02:06

Behold my beating heart. Maybe more than any other I've done, this vid is love. Well, vids. Buy one, get two free.

"Songs for a Girl"
a vid in three movements
Source: Friday Night Lights
Focus: Landry/Tyra
Music: Iron & Wine
Summary: Please remember me.

Download: [here] (125MB, xvid, 6:15)

My apologies for the large filesize; this is three 2-minute vids in one file. I encourage you to stream before downloading if you are concerned about bandwidth.

Big thanks to renenet for a beautiful beta read, greensilver for tech and support, and jspencer1986 for endless cheerleading with each draft.

password: landry

Communion Cups & Someone's Coat
Talk of yesterday and
She will show her
Brothers photographed
In callous clothes
Say tomorrow and
She'll say come find me
On a beach, and there will no moon.
But say today, and she will kiss your face
And maybe forget

Talk of yesterday like bargain shoe strings
She will kick the car and find her friends.
Say tomorrow and then
She'll describe some old communion cups
And someone's coat
But say today and she may look your way
And lead you home
He Lays in the Reins
One more drink tonight as your gray stallion rests
Where he lays in the reins
For all of the speed and the strength he gave

One more kiss tonight from some tall stable girl
She’s like grace from the earth
When you’re all tuckered out and tame

One more gift to bring we may well find you laid
Like your steed in his reins
Tangled too tight and too long to fight
Trapeze Swinger
Please remember me, happily
By the rosebush laughing
With bruises on my chin, the time when
We counted every black car passing

Your house beneath the hill and up until
Someone caught us in the kitchen
With maps, a mountain range, a piggy bank
A vision too removed to mention

And please remember me, at Halloween
Making fools of all the neighbors
Our faces painted white, by midnight
Beside the lions and the ladies

That called you what you like and even might
Give a gift for your behavior
A fleeting chance to see a trapeze
Swinger high as any savior
And please remember me, fondly
I heard from someone you're still pretty
That season left the world and then returned
And now you're lit up by the city

And please remember me, finally

note: The lyrics reflect the audio as edited for the vids; Trapeze Swinger is actually a 7-minute song that I gutted and rearranged significantly.

When I first showed this to jspencer1986, I gave him context and ended up rambling about Landry/Tyra for 17 minutes, so I'm going to keep myself in check here and stay brief. This pairing has been my quietly celebrated OTP for several years, and they cut me deeper than any has in a very long time. To say I love them is a bit of an understatement. They can make me cry on command; it's kind of ridiculous.

I started this vid in June 2008 after the season two arc, as I was completely bubbling over and had to vid them right now. To do so, I dug through the Iron & Wine discography (that beerbad had so kindly provided me) for the very first time. The first one that caught my ear was Communion Cups, which I loved instantly. (It's in my top three, if not my favorite.) I kept going, though, and found He Lays in the Reins minutes later; I knew right away it was my song. I pounded out a draft fairly quickly, but it was crap. (killabeez can vouch.) So crap that I abandoned the vid, which was the first time I ever had done so. I tried picking it back up a year later, only to remember that it was crap and abandon it yet again. I still wanted to vid L/T, but it just wasn't working.

Two weeks ago I visited beerbad and had an I&W renaissance of sorts, after which I decided Communion Cups might work after all, but as a season one vid. I opened up my project file (for He Lays in the Reins) just to see yet again how bad it was, and I was surprised by how much I...liked most of it. o.O That was unexpected. I decided I wanted to vid both songs, so by god, I would do so. It wasn't enough to vid just the murder arc, I wanted to vid the joy of this pairing. All I needed to finish the arc was a season three song. Cue Trapeze Swinger, which Alice had introduced me to during our visit. Perfect. Over four days of vid farr I redid sections of He Lays, then did Communion Cups, then finally Trapeze Swinger. Releasing all three vids together as one file was a no-brainer, as to me it's all really the same vid. To understand this pairing, you have to see the whole story, and I relished every moment I relived through this. (Also, omg canon pairing! So much easier to vid! What a delightful change of pace!) It's the longest vid I've done yet, and I'm glad I got to spend that time with these characters that make my heart ache.

renenet: WTF, John? you are really EPIC about them, huh?
me: YES, YES I AM.

friday night lights, vids

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