Yes, yes, another angsty jarrow BSG vid. I know.
"Wretches and Kings"
Source: Battlestar Galactica
Music: Linkin Park
Summary: You've got to make it stop.
[here] (xvid, 60MB)
Big thanks to
dualbunny for cheerleading and draft-watching along the way, as well as
greensilver for therapy time :-)
password: wretches
To save face how low can you go
Talk a lot of game but yet you don't know
Static on the way make us all say whoa
The people up top push the people down low
Get down and obey every word
Steady getting mine if you haven't yet heard
Wanna take what I got, don't be absurd
Don't fight the power, nobody gets hurt
If you haven't heard yet then I'm letting you know
There ain't shit we don't run when the guns unload
And no one make a move unless my people say so
Got everything outta control
Now everybody go
Steel unload, final blow
We the animals take control
Hear us now, clear and true
Wretches and kings we come for you
So keep pace, how slow can you go
Talk a lot of shit and yet you don't know
Fire on the way make you all say whoa
The people up top and the people down low
Get down and I'm running it like that
The front of the attack is exactly where I'm at
Somewhere in between the kick and the hi hat
The pen and the contract
The pitch and the contact
So get with the combat, I'm letting 'em know
There ain't shit you can say to make me back down, no
So push the button let the whole thing blow
Spinning everything outta control
Now everybody go
Steel unload, final blow
We the animals take control
Hear us now, clear and true
Wretches and kings we come for you
Steel unload, fire blow
Filthy animals, beat them low
Skin and bone, black and blue
No more this sun shall beat onto you
When the new Linkin Park album was released a few months ago, this track stood out to me right away as my favorite, but I didn't really listen to it a lot until December, when it was mah JAM. I wanted to vid it for Club Vivid (which always needs more hip hop), but then decided I didn't want to wait that long to release it. (That's two vids in a row now where I've said that, heh. Watch, I bet I won't actually have anything for CV because I keep using up my ideas.) I also created some pressure on myself for the song choice, as I suspect this will be LP's next single and I want this vid out there before someone else makes it. I'm selfish that way.
When I saw Chief's speech at the end of season two, I knew it sounded like something famous I'd heard before, but I didn't think much about it at the time. When I heard this song for the first time, I instantly thought, "hey! That's the speech from BSG!" (Ten seconds of online research reassured me that it's
Mario Savio's famous speech that was merely paraphrased in BSG. Thank you, internet.) BSG was therefore the obvious choice for source to use, but I admit I was really torn at first. This would be my 10th BSG vid out of only 25ish vids total, and I wanted to make sure I wasn't taking the easy road or boxing myself in. I also worried that "Dirty Hands" wouldn't provide enough source (it didn't) or that it would end up looking too much like Tandemonium (a fair worry, but I actually only ended up using 3 of those clips, I think?) I investigated a few movie sources about oppression, but I soon realized nothing would come close to matching as well as BSG. I stopped fighting it, as I always do, heh.
The vid came together in about 3 days. Some parts were easier than I thought (the Gaeta stuff) and others were a lot harder (the riot footage). Once I expanded my mind past "Dirty Hands," the storyboard fell together very fast. It actually wasn't as tough keeping the balance between Chief, Gaeta, and Zarek as I originally anticipated, and I enjoyed working with some episodes that I hadn't done much with before ("Bastille Day," "Resistance," "The Oath," "Blood on the Scales"). I didn't worry about the ever-shifting POV because the song is the voice of the every-man just like the vid is, and the POV is very fluid for that reason. I think the lines of black and white are drawn clearly enough for it to make sense throughout, but apologies if it doesn't work for you.
This vid was, as I knew it would be, an exercise in constant motion. I don't think I've ever had a vid that moved this much. (My running mantra was: zoom ALL the clips! \o/) But it's rather fitting, I feel, as these people never got a chance to rest. Relatedly, when I did the audio edit, it was the bridge that had to go, so the song doesn't give you a place to rest, either. Nevertheless, vidding this was full of good times. Calling Roslin a wretch is never not funny! (I'm a jerk.) Lip-synching is awesome and giddy-making! Hitting people with wrenches is fun when you do it on the beat! And god, do I love that beat.
I have said, "this will be my last BSG vid!" four times now, so I'm going to stop pretending I'm ever done with this source. My vids have evolved from women in love to very angry and violent men. (Oops?) Here's your dose of testosterone for the year, heh. You're welcome.
Feedback is greatly, greatly appreciated, and recs are made of puppies and butterflies. Which this vid is not. But that's okay. ♥