Okay! The new chapter is posted. It's final, it's done, it's up!
I would link it...but it seems to not want to do that.
Now all that is left is the epilogue. Then this fic will finally - FINALLY - be finished.
I should be happier that I've almost finished this fiction. It's taken me a long time to get this far. Still, I thinkit could have been better, but that's also why I didn't rush it. I didn't want to ruin something I had worked so long on by writing crap end chapters.
So, I'm so-so about this chapter. Overall, I think it works. By detail though, Kai was being an idiot and wouldn't behave himself.
I hope people are happy with this chapter, too.
Oh and somewhere along the way, my reviews tipped 300. I'm not sure when...maybe I should have been paying more attention? ^^;; Especially since I was waiting for it.
WeiR has finally caught up with my story "Pretty Shuichi" (which FF.net took down because it was rated NC17...damn them...) Yay! I've proved I CAN do it again! Wooo~
I would post a link to my latest chapter in BBYaoi or the KaiRei community but...I don't know. It feels funny for me to do that. As an author, I kind of want to stay anonomous, which is also silly because I post my email address and my journal address on all my pages. Still, I just don't feel writing linking my story in a community, like people will think I'm stuck up or something. I guess I'm just not the type to blow my own horn...