You know you're an Arashi addict when...

Aug 06, 2008 02:14

This is my first post on LJ and I didn't think I'd ever come to do it mainly because I didn't think I had anything really to write about. I used my account just to find other people with Arashi-related interests, but just the other day something happened that made me laugh out loud and want to write about it - whether or not people read it.

I became ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

litany_sh August 6 2008, 01:20:31 UTC
I hope you start posting in your journal more! I think many Arashi fans start out like that, wondering what on earth they have to say or contribute that hasn't already been done, but for some reason there's this urge to start writing about Arashi-related things anyway. ^^

lol, I'm about to watch that spinning episode right now, but if you're starting to think like Aiba, just one precaution to remember--humans can't fly like birds! (XD, sorry for my bad humor)


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