At the bottom of this week's update, I'm revealing whom I've decided to support in the 2008 Republican Presidential Primary.
The Battle Over Education
Outside of one issue, it's been rather quiet at the state house of late. CACR 18/19/20 are several versions of a constitutional amendment that would define the state's role in education. CACR 18 was defeated in the House and it's been resurrected as CACRs 19 and 20, which were tabled and retained by the Senate this week.
The worst bill we have left to debate is HB 927, a bill which attempts to define adequacy in education. If one accepts the dictionary definition of "adequacy" then "adequacy" is just one step above "inadequacy". On a report card, "adequate" is a C, maybe even a D. Democrats are defining it as an A.
One might think that "adequate" would include reading, writing and arithmetic and perhaps a few other classes, like science and history. The state would pick up the tab for the basics and the individual school districts would decide what else they wanted and they'd pay for that. Not content with this system of local control, the Democrats want to mandate from above all the aspects of an education they want a school system to have, and they want to tell them how to do it. Included in the Democrat definition of adequacy are art programs, physical education, health education, and even kindergarten!
Worse, the Democrats aren't costing each element they're adding to the system. Conservative estimates show that, under the Democrat plan, the state would be spending over one billion more dollars every year, practically guaranteeing the adoption of a sales or income tax. We have one of the best systems of education in the country precisely because we have local control. Washington D.C. spends more money per pupil than any other public school system in the country yet they have some of the worst schools in the country. Throwing money at our schools won't necessarily help them, but handing control over to state bureaucrats will hurt them.
On the floor of the House, some Democrats haven't been shy about their desire for an income tax. We must stop this travesty of a bill from becoming law. When the Senate and House finally reach a compromise on the final bill, I'll update you and request that you contact the Governor and demand that he veto HB 927!
My Pick for President: Former Gov. Mike Huckabee
When I'd first heard of Mike Huckabee, I'd discounted him as being just one of the seven "also rans" cluttering the stage and taking time away from the "real" candidates: Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani and John McCain. Boy, was I wrong!
One afternoon, on a lark, I decided to attend a Huckabee event in Concord during my lunch break. After watching Mike Huckabee answer questions articulately and honestly without any rhetoric or equivocation, I only had one question: Why haven't I heard of this guy before?
I've since had the opportunity to meet Huckabee and ask him several serious questions about his record and I've been impressed. As a Republican governor in an overwhelming Democrat-controlled state, he managed to cut taxes, pass a covenant marriage law (he's inspired me to sponsor similar legislation), improve the health care and education systems, etc. He's a man of faith who won't compromise his principles for political expediency (just listen to his answers at the debates on questions of morality and the proper role of faith and politics). He understands the nature of our enemy in the war on Islamo-fascism. He has executive experience and proven leadership skills. He promotes a tax system that's flatter, fairer and more family-friendly. He can articulate the values that make this country great and restore our faith in our leaders.
I've watched Mike Huckabee consistently perform the best at every successive debate, yet he's not getting as much media attention as he deserves because he hasn't raised a bajillion dollars. On the merits though, he deserves to be in the top tier. He deserves to be President.
I'm not supporting Huckabee because he's the shoe-in candidate, because he's raised the most money, or because he has the most name recognition. I'm supporting him because I think he's the best man for the job. The only objection people give me when I tell them about Huckabee is "well, he can't win anyway." Says who? At this stage of the game in 1991, another former governor from Hope, Arkansas was an unknown candidate, an "also ran" who could only hope for the VP slot, and yet he placed second in NH to Paul Tsongas, was titled "the Comeback Kid" and he went on to become the 42nd President of the United States.
We are New Hampshire voters. More than any other state, our vote matters! If we help Mike Huckabee win -- even if we just help him beat a "top tier" candidate like McCain -- the money will come pouring in and he'll have all the name recognition he needs.
"But can he beat Hillary?" Yes! Imagine a debate where they're side-by-side. The voters will see cold, calculating Hillary next to warm, honest, charismatic Mike Huckabee. If this man can separate himself from the herd in a debate with ten people (several of whom are strong candidates in their own right), he can beat Hillary.
And if you want to know what the conservative pundits, thinkers, journalists, bloggers, etc. have to say about Huckabee, just send me an email requesting more info and I'll send you all the quotes I've been collecting from after all the debates.
Huckabee can win and he should win. Right now, he needs our support. Let's send Mike Huckabee to the White House!
Here are some great video clips of Huckabee in action:
-Huckabee on Meet the Press, 1/28/07 Part I: on Meet the Press, 1/28/07 Part II: on Hannity & Colmes, 6/14/07 at South Carolina debate, supporting FairTax, comparing Congressional spending to John Edwards at a beauty shop: Go to Huckabee's campaign website to see
where he stands on the issues.
Quotes of the Week
"There is a crisis in America. That crisis is divorce. It is easier to get out of a marriage than (to get out of a) contract to buy a used car." -Mike Huckabee
On Terrorism and National Security:
"I believe that we are currently engaged in a world war. Radical Islamic fascists have declared war on our country and our way of life. They have sworn to annihilate each of us who believe in a free society, all in the name of a perversion of religion and an impersonal god. We go to great extremes to save lives, they go to great extremes to take them. This war is not a conventional war, and these terrorists are not a conventional enemy. I will fight the war on terror with the intensity and single-mindedness that it deserves... While I prefer America to be safe and secure within her own borders rather than loved and appreciated abroad, I believe we can accomplish both goals. We can resurrect relationships with our allies and neighbors. With a focus on renewed diplomacy and inclusion, we can accomplish the goals of our nation without having to go it alone." -Mike Huckabee
On Faith and Politics:
"I tell people that my faith is my life. It defines me. I see no separation between my faith from my personal and professional lives. Real faith should make us humble and mindful, not to the faults of others but of our own. It should not make us more judgmental, but rather less judgmental, as we see others living a life with the same frailty we acknowledge within ourselves. Hopefully faith gives us strength in the face of injustice to our fellow man. I believe that our nation was birthed in a spirit of faith -- not a prescriptive one, dictating how we're to believe or even that we have to believe -- but a faith that acknowledges that there is indeed a Providence that pervades our world." -Mike Huckabee