This afternoon, identical twin daughters were born to myself & Mrs. Simanowitz, approximately 150 feet from the exact spot where myself and my two sisters were born, and where my great grandpa as well as both grandparents (one three months ago) on my Mom's side died (likely both my parents and myself will expire there someday as well
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Comments 12
Sorry if I haven't gotten a chance to all everybody yet - I've been running back and forth taking care of Hollie and 2 babies, giving one progress reports of the other.
I do have several pictures, but each image is like 30 MB each. Give us a chance to crop 'em down and we'll email 'em out and maybe post some.
But manm, it's hard to watch your kid trying so hard to do something that you can't help them with - like breathing. At least it's a life lesson I've learned early.
It's a good thing we have girls - all I have are sisters, and I don't know what to do with boy children!
Besides, penises weird me out. Shit though, I think they weird about everybody out a little bit.
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