I know there's at least a couple people who read this who work in the airline industry. I need some advice. If I'm hopping a plane on Sunday for a funeral, is there anything I need to know when purchasing tickets? I was told many airlines have a bereavement rate... anything else? Thanks much.
So in case you don't read the weblog, here's what's going on with my grampa: onetwothree. If nobody sees me, that's why. Sorry for those whose birthdays next week I'm going to miss (and there's at least two that I know of).
Tra la. I'm currently working my way through the new sourcebook for my favorite group of technological anarchists, the Virtual Adepts. Will probably write up a report, since I've been waiting for this book for the better part of two years, at least.
A good article on the subject of getting your feet wet in a game that may have been going on for some time, and what you can do to improve your enjoyment of the game from the outset. I'll probably have to post this around.
I've uploaded and moved all the photos I've taken at NERO West games to their own gallery. Too lazy to caption the new ones right now. Maybe ever. :p If anyone wants their photo removed, drop me a comment or an email. Enjoy!
Man, everyone I know taking this quiz is getting a different result. (Update: Hallie got the same result. Doh!) And I didn't get who I thought I'd get. Maybe we should start our own show?