Allen's Survey of Baby Eating

May 15, 2006 13:36

1. What's your name?: Jason Franklin

2. Any nicknames?: Jasonfranklin, Franklin

3. How old are you?: 22

4. Forget your real age - Characteristically how old would you say you are?: 46

5. Are you male or female?: Male

6. What do you look like (Yes I know you have 2 arms and legs)?: avarage hight, avarage weight, pretty much avarage

7. What do you do for a living?: Paralegal for the next 14 days then I become a security guard

8. Would you rather be doing something else?: yes

9. Do you have any siblings? If so how many and how old are they?: 1 brother (Jamie) 20 years old

10. Tell me one thing about yourself no one else knows: My life is an open book, I've nothing to hide

Still About You Just A Little More Random::

11. Are you a part of any other site aside from LJ? Which one/s? nope

12. Have you ever done anything someone else would call crazy?: Hasn't everyone?

13. You mentioned how you look above...would you say it suits you?: I guess

14. What characteristic would you say is uniquely you?: helpful

15. What can you do physically that you believe makes you stand out?: I'm great at prat falls

16. What is the one thing about yourself that you are most critical of?: diction

17. What is the one thing about yourself that you are most proud of?: my acting

18. What would you say is your greatest accomplishment?: My acting

19. Describe your personality in 5 words only:: Always there to help out

20. Look at yourself from a friends perspective. Describe in 5 words:: he is one lonely bastard

21. Is there anything you would change about yourself? What is it?: yes, my love life

22. What would you never change about yourself? Why?: my friends, they are one of the few things "right" in my life

23. Are you a good friend? In what way do you think so?: yes, I'm careing, loyal, helpful, and I like to think I give good advice

24. Do you believe in second chances?: yes

25. Who do you look up to most?: no one, I make my own path

26. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?: little of both

27. Do you enjoy being the center of attention or do you prefer to blend in?: little of both

28. You go somewhere and know no one, do you mingle or wait to be approached?: I wait for half an hour or so, then I start to mingle

Wierd Info-Share::

29. Are you superstitious?: no

30. Can you do anything wierd with any of your body parts?: I can twitch my under-eyelids

31. Have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex?: no

32. If you were an animal what would you be?: a wolf

33. Could this animal be tamed (aka: Can YOU be tamed)?: yes

34. You are laying in bed, what is on your right-hand side? Whats on your left?: right- a wall Left- bookcase and T.V.

35. What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?: take a shower

36. What are your top 5 peeves?: Liars, egos, being late, That's all

37. What are your top 5 fetishes?: acting, dancing, Kareoke, reading, random fun

38. How long does it take you to get out of the shower/bathroom?: depends, if I'm not in a hurry then 30-45 mins. If I'm running late, 10-15 mins.

39. Are you high maintenance or low maintenance?: Low maintenance

40. How long would you say it takes you to get ready for a date? half an hour

41. Have you ever sunbathed nude?: no

42. Are your nails real or fake?: real (and chewed)

43. What is the last thing you will share with anyone?: I'd share anything

44. What is your beauty regime (aka: What is your beauty routine)?: just the normal stuff

45. What do you do to pamper yourself?: buy dvds or video games.

46. What is your favorite scent?: the smell of a camp-fire

47. Are you a neat-freak or a slob?: used to be a neat-freak, then I lived with Pontifax for awhile.

48. Regardless of your gender which are you most comfortable with?: women

49. What will you most likely compliment the opposite sex for?: clothes

50. Would you rather be on time looking crappy or late looking great?: ooh, hard one depends on what I'm late for and how late

51. What undergarment do you put on first?: boxers

52. Is it what goes off first as well?: it's the only undergarment I've got, unless you count socks

53. You don't love either, but who would you marry your friend or your lover?: if I didn't love them, I wouldn't marry them. But twist my arm forced to choose, I would say my friend

54. What is the sexiest attribute a guy/girl can have?: Unique hair or fashion sence

55. What scent (on a guy/girl) can drive you absolutely wild?: vanilla


56. Do you shower or bathe?: shower

57. Have you ever pee'd in the shower?: no

58. Have you ever worn anything two times in a row?: yes

59. You just showered and realize you have no clean underwear, what do you do?: put on the old pair and start a load of wash

60. What is a hygiene?: a gene that's slightly above the rest

61. Do you bite your nails?: yes

62. What is your most attractive attribute?: my eyes

63. What body part would you say people notice first about you?: my face (I'm told I have a good profile)

64. Would you change anything about your body? What?: well, I could stand to lose a few pounds

65. Is there anything you are most associated with (Smelling great-etc...)?: I have sort of an old man laugh that I an't get rid of

66. What's in your bag/purse?: (I'll list the contents of my pockets) 2 pens, 1 highlighter, about $5 in cash and change, keys, wallet, and lighter

67. What do you NOT leave home without?: wallet

Bring On The Grub (Food)::

68. How many kinds of cereal are there in your pantry?: 2-3

69. Describe the perfect sandwich:: wheat bread, turkey, spicy mustard, and pickles

70. What is the last thing you would eat no matter how hungry you were?: oysters

71. Do you watch how you eat when you are around people or could you care less?: I'm more careful of how I eat around others

72. What is the last thing you ate?: a trix cereal bar as I ran out the door

73. What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?: whiskey sour

74. If you could have anything to drink right now what would it be?: Jolt cola, I miss that stuff

75. Create the ultimate dish, what is it, and who would you make it for?: blackend chicken and shrimp over a bed of penne pasta with a creamy alfrado sause. myself and whoever I'm dating at the time

76. The dishes are dirty - Who does them?: me

77. What was wierdest food combo you have eaten?: Taco bell and sushi. (an yes, it's as bad as it sounds)

78. Do you have any wierd cravings?: not really

79. What is your favorite candy?: charlston chew

80. You have only one candy/chocolate left...who do you give it to?: the first one who asks

Miscellaneous - Isn't This Fun::

81. Are you a heavy sleeper or a light one?: my own bed -heavy, anywhere else -light

82. Which do you prefer: Night or day?: Night

83. You just got home from work/school - What do you do?: grab a soda and go through my mail

84. What is your most cherished childhood memory?: I really don't have one

85. What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?: Lucky turtle, a stuffed turtle/music box I got the day I was born

86. Who was your best childhood friend - Are you still friends today?: in elem - middle school it was Terry Snyder (haven't seen him since) in high school it was Akiel Gaut (we lost contact) and Allen Walker (still close to this day)

87. Where would you be if you weren't where you are right now?: somewhere else

88. Which could you live without::Emotion or Intelligence?: intelligence

89. If you had to sell one, which would it be your body or your soul?: body

90. What is your signature cuss word?: I don't have one

91. What in your opinion was the ultimate cartoon growing up?: X-men on Fox

92. What don't they air anymore and you think they should bring back?: X-men on Fox

93. Choose 5 friends to take with you to a deserted island:: Who are they?: Allen, Tiff, Pope, Tara, Veronica

94. Which breakfast cereal are you?: Just Right

95. If you weren't doing this what would you be doing instead?: working

This Or That::

96. Sunrise or Sunset?: Sunset

97. Loving or Being IN love?: Being IN Love

What a gay answer.

98. Intelligence or Humor?: Humor

99. Funny & Plain or Exciting & Superficial?: Funny & Plain

100. Going to bed late or Sleeping in late?: sleeping in late

101. Eggs:: Runny or Scrambled?: Scrambled

102. Potato chips or Corn chips?: Potato Chips

103. A long hug or A short kiss?: Long Hug

104. Comfortable or Sexy?: sexy

105. Romance:: Exhilerating & Short or Long-lived & 'Dependable'?: Long-lived and Dependable

Just For The Heck Of It::

106. Which element would you say describes you (fire,water,air,earth)?: HEART! By your powers combined......

107. Would you say your birth sign suits you? Why? If not which does? Why?: I really don't go in for the astroglogy stuff

108. Who is your favorite online buddy (choose 5 maximum):: Pontifax, Piratequeenursa, Shadowomega, comeback, and ashkta

Let's Talk About Love::

109. Do you know the difference between loving someone and being in love?: yes

110. *See previous question* Do you believe there really is a difference?: yes

111. Have you ever been in love? What does it feel like to you?: yes. it's a state of desparation where where you will do anything to make it work.

112. Has your perspective on love changed over the years?: a little

113. Do you fall in love easily?: no

114. Would you say you guard your heart?: not so much

115. So tell me...are you loveable?: I'd like to think so

116. Briefly - What do you want out of a relationship?: someone to share my life with

117. Briefly - What do YOU bring into a relationship?: Humor, romance

118. Do you believe there is a difference between fate and destiny?: yes

119. *See previous question* Do you believe you are in charge of either of them?: destiny

120. Do you know who you want? If so who is it?: well, I don't know for sure because I have never met her but right now I would say Tara

121. Can you see yourself with this person in 5 years?: it'd be nice

122. Could you see yourself settling down with this person?: yes

123. Do you believe in 'soul-mates'?: yes

124. Is this person yours (Your soul-mate)?: I don't know

125. In 10 words:: How do you feel about this person?: She is the female version of me with more confidence

126. What would you most likely say when you see him\her - I want you or I love you?: I want you (I would like to say I love you but that tends to scare them away when you first meet)

When Was The Last Time You:

127. Had a meaningful conversation? With whom?: Awhile ago with Allen

128. Feel like you learned something from someone?: everyday

129. Told someone you loved them (non-family members)?: and it wasn't a line from a play? at least 5-6 years

130. You laughed at something until your sides ached?: saturday

131. You fought with someone? About what?: week before last, my dad treating me like a slave

132. You actually took the time to write something to someone and send it?: it's been awhile, I perfer to talk face to face

133. Heard a song that actually spoke to you?: every day

134. Showed someone how you truly feel and felt words werent needed?: Years and years ago

135. You hugged someone for absolutely no reason?: yesterday

136. You told someone you were sorry and meant it?: a week or so ago

137. You did something humiliating?: a few weeks ago

138. You did something mean?: other then during an argument with my dad? I can't recall anything

139. You let someone see you at your worst and felt fine with it?: a few months ago

140. You did something just for the heck of it?: everyday

141. Let yourself cry?: everyday

142. Told someone you appreciated them?: Saturday

143. You met someone and felt it was the best thing that ever happened to you?: years and years ago

144. You fell in love?: 6yrs ago

145. Enjoyed your own company?: rarely

146. Read a good book? What book was it?: a week ago. I re-read Hero's Die

147. Watched a really good movie? What movie was it?: been awhile since I've seen a good one

148. Danced as if no one were watching?: Wednesday

Finish This Sentence:

149. I want:: Love

150. I wish that:: I was in love

151. The one thing that bothers me:: Not having anyone to Love

152. I think:: therefore I am

153. my friends_make me laugh::

154. I am in love with:: love

155. I love:: everyone

156. You can't define:: me

157. The only way to succeed is:: be born into a rich family

158. Emotions are:: the way we exspress ourselves

159. Hallmark cards are:: expensive

160. Karma is:: a bitch

161. Home is where:: I wish I wasn't

162. I regret:: moving back in with my parents

163. Tomorrow I will:: buy the Producers on DVD

164. Family_______pisses me off::

Now For Some Music::

165. Write the first sentence of a song that describes your life:: "I fell in love with love"

166. What song do you swear was written about your life?: all of them

167. What song do you believe will be played at your wedding? Your love (from Assasins the musical)

168. What song describes you when you are upset?: bullet with butterfly wings (Smashing Pumpkins)

169. What song would you not be caught dead listening to?: most country

170. Write the last sentence of the song that describes your relationships:: I won't do that

More on YOU::

171. What dessert are you?: vanilla ice cream with a carmel center

172. Would you rather tell someone how you feel or show them?: show then

173. Someone kneels before you - What do you say?: I found a nickel

174. Do you have any unfinished business with anyone?: no

175. You overhear a friend talking about you - What is she/he saying?: probably talking about one of my shows

176. Are you straight-forward or do you beat around the bush?: stright-forward

177. What is friendship?: knowing there is someone to pick you up when you fall

Time for Randomness!

178. If you could have any special power, what would it be and why?: to be able to mimic the talents of others.

179. What is intelligence?: common sense

180. What would you like to be remembered for when you die?: sacraficing my life for someone else's

181. If you were to die tomorrow, what WOULD you be remembered for?: a few of my shows

182. If all your friends died tomorrow, what would you miss most about each of them?: well if they all died tomorrow, I wouldn't find out for a few weeks becase no one ANSWERS THEIR PHONES!

183. Did you ever wish you had a different/additional/less sibling?: yes, I always thought it would be nice to have a little sister

184. What is one concert you would like to attend?: anything really

185. Do you think you'd make a good parent?: I'd make a great parent

186. Would you raise your kid like your parents raised you?: no

187. What's the most embarrassing thing you can remember happening to you?: a comment made by an audiance member when I showed up late for a show

188. What's the funniest memory you have?: I have been sworn not to say

189. Which year of school did you hate the most?: junior

190. Which year of school did you like the most?: sophmore

191. Did you ever play 'Spin the Bottle'?: yes

192. How about Truth or Dare?: yes

193. Were you a 'truth' or 'dare' person?: mostly truth

194. Did the people you played those games with suck ass?: some yes/ some no

195. What is your dream job?: Actor (Telivision or Stage)

196. How many songs are on your playlist?:around 80

197. What quote do you consider most inspiring?: shit happens

198. What quote do you consider funniest?: sworn not to repeat

199. What quote do you consider most depressing?: I'm in a girl mood (I won't get into this one)

200. What D&D class would you be?: Rouge

201. What anime character (or fictional character if you don't like anime) do you most resemble physically?: wolfwood

202. What anime (fictional) character do you most resemble personality-wise?: wolfwood

203. What anime character would you most like to have sex with?: none

204. For a million dollars, would you cheat on your partner if there was no chance of them ever finding out?: no, but I would tell them about the offer and see if they wanted me to do it.

205. How about if they would find out?: see 204

206. Your torture method of choice?: probably watching the golden girls with Allen and Tiff.

207. If you could kill someone without any legal consequences, would you?: if the need arose

208. What do you think is the best part of being in a relationship?: knowing that there is someone who cares about you.

209. What do you think is the best part of being single?: ..........I'm stil looking for a perk


210. Video game console? (not PC): X-box (360)

211. Video game protagonist?: The Bard (Bard's tale)

212. Video game antagonist?: The Narrator (Bard's Tale)

213. Video game?: Bard's tale or FFX

214. Anime?: Trigun or Black Heaven

215. Anime protagonist?: WolfWood

216: Anime antagonist?: Mumra (Thundercats was Anime, right?)

217: Final Fantasy? (if you've played any of them): FFX

218: Sexual position?: TBA

219. Horseman of the Apocalypse?: pestilence

220. Saturday Night Live cast member?: Dana Carvey or Phil Heartman

221. Number of sides on a die?: 20

222. Shirt?: button down

223. Pants?: dress pants

224. Underwears?: Boxers (Although I am contemplateing switching to boxer breifs)

225. Brand of cigarettes (if you smoke)?: Marlboro Lights

226. Brand of alcoholic beverage of choice?: Mixed: Wiskey sour (with Crown) Beer: Budweiser

227. Internet chat program?: AIM

228. Computer media player?: Windows Media player

229. Musical?: Currently: Cabaret

230. Play?: God's Favorite

231. Webcomic?: Extreamists Now

232. Conversation topic?: TV

Least favorite, i.e. the one j00 hate!

233. Video game console? (not PC):Game Cube

234. Video game protagonist?: Tidus FFX

235. Video game antagonist?: donkey kong

236. Video game?: tetris

237. Anime?: sailor moon

238. Anime protagonist?: usoff

239: Anime antagonist?: any villan from sailor moon (look out! it's the possesed broom monster!)

240: Final Fantasy? (if you've played any of them): 7

241: Sexual position?: TBA

242. Horseman of the Apocalypse?: Famine

243. Saturday Night Live cast member?: Molly Shannon, Will Farral

244. Number of sides on a die?: 4 (you step on one and tell me diffrent!)

245. Shirt?: t-shirts with big logos

246. Pants?: Shorts (I won't wear them)

247. Underwears?: Banana Hammocks

248. Brand of cigarettes?: anything menthal

249. Brand of alcoholic beverage of choice?: Natural lite

250. Internet chat program?: ICQ

251. Computer media player?: Win Amp

252. Musical?: WIzard of OZ

253. Play?: Spoonriver

254. Webcomic?: cap. snes

255. Movie?: flirting with disaster

256. Book?: Beowolf

257. Color?: yellow

258. Food?: oysters

259. Sound?: screaming children

260. Smell?: Allen's apartment

261. Music style?: country

262. Song?: milk shake

263. Actor?: Tom Hanks (I don't think he's bad, just over rated)

264. Actress?: Barbra Strisand

265. TV show?: Arrested Development

266. Subject in school?: Math

267. Board Game?: scrabble

268. Conversation topic?: politics

269. Emotion?: anger

270. Feature on member of the preferred sex?: large breasts

271. Swear word?: shit

272. Singer?: celin deon

273. Teacher/professor?: Ms. Henley

274. Word?: morning

275. Key on the keyboard?: &

276. Abbreviation?: abb.

Pick one; remember to include a 'why?'

277. Cat or dog?: Cat (I was chased by dogs when I was young)

278. Truth or justice?: Truth (No sense haveing false hope, there will never be Justice)

279. Honesty or compassion?: Compassion (At least your heart's in the right place)

280. Honor or courage?: Courage (Honor is nothing if you don't have the courage to stand up for it)

281. Wisdom or might?: Wisdom (it will grow stronger with age)

282. appropriate or apropos?: Apropos (You just sound smarter)

283. hate or loathe?: Loathe (it sounds more dramatic)

284. like or adore?: Like (Adore is to close to worshiping that person)

285. despise or abhor?: Despise (I just like the way it rolls off your toungue. Say it with me Dispisssssssseeeeee)

286. Sex in the morning or sex at night?: TBA

287. walking or running?: Walking (I can go for longer walks then runs)

288. cigars or cigarettes?: Cigarettes (whats the point if you can't inhale?)

289. Leno or Letterman?: Leno (NBC already proved this whrn they fought for Carson's spot)

290. Craig Kilborn or Conan O'Brian?: Conan O'Brian (No explanation needed)

291. Craig Kilborn or Jon Stewart?: Jon Stewart (No explanation needed)

292. Episodic or stand-alone?: Episodic ( I like a continueing story)

293. Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro?: photoshop (Haven't used the other)

294. Pencil or Pen?: Pen (erasers are for people who make mistakes)

295. Watercolors or acrylic?: Watercolors (no clue why)

296. Fresh water or salt water?: Fresh Water (does not sting as bad when swiming)

297. Rivers or lakes?: Lakes (DOn't need to fight the current)

298. When camping, tent, cabin, or on the ground?: Tent (Roughing it with privicy)

299. waterskiing or snowskiing?: Snowskiing ( haven't done either but I want to see snow)

300. steak or chicken?: Chicken (I could eat chicken everyday where Steaks good only once or twice a week)

301. white meat or dark meat?: White Meat (Just tastes better)

302. cake or death?: I'll have the Chicken

Would you rather? (pretend you HAVE to pick one or the other; dont' be a douchebag ;p)

303. Have a pretty face and terrible body or a terrible face and beautiful body?:beautiful body

304. Be deaf or be blind?: blind

305. Be burned to death or drown?: burned

306. Be ground to death by a belt sander or bleed to death from a million tiny paper cuts?: belt sander

307. Make out with your dad or your dog (pretend you have one. Ass. ;p)?: dog

308. Die old or die young?: How old? if it's like 75-80 then I'll choose old. anything older ad I'll go with young

309. Die alone, successful in everything else or die a failure in everything else, but with good friends and family?: Failure with good friends and Family

310. Be considered sexy or beautiful?: sexy

311. have an orgasm every time you hear the word 'pancake' or belt out the chorus to 'come on, eileen' every time you climax?: To Ra Loo Ra To Ra Loo Ra LIEEE

312. Never use the internet (for entertainment purposes) again or never have sex again (or ever)?: goodbye internet

313. Be illiterate or be albino?: albino

314. Drink a quart of menstrual blood or eat poo?: poo

315. Dump someone or be the one who got dumped?: be dumped

316. Be stabbed in the groin or be shot in the stomach?: shot in stomach

317. Cheat or be cheated on?: cheated on

318. Experience one moment of true happiness, but die a year later or live a long time without ever being truly happy?: moment of happiness

319. Laugh with the sinners or cry with the saints?: The sinners are much more fun

Hit me with your best Yo Momma! jokes!

320. Yo momma's so fat... Mat Birmingham thinks she needs to lose a few pounds

321. Yo momma's so ugly... she got hit with the ugly stick +4 on a natural 20

322. Yo momma's so stupid... she had you

Murder by Numbers

323. Your Seven Virtues: Patience, Loyalty, compasion, determination, honesty, promptness, dependable

324. Your Seven Vices: smoking, soda, dvds, games, sleeping, depression, lonelyness

325. Three Unforgivable Sins: Murder, rape, cheating on your taxes

326. Three things you wish people understood about you: I need friends, I hate my home life, I feel like I'm gong nowhere

327. Three things you wish you understood about the opposite sex: what they want from me, how to attract them, how they can complain it's cold out and wear sandles

328. Three things you wish you understood, period: love, Nuclear Physics, why I'm Single

329. Five things you wish you could do better: Act, Sing, Dance, Draw, write

330. Four things you wish people would just shut up about: American Idol, 9/11, their cars, 24

331. One thing you would change about the world: Make the nights longer

332. One period of history you would like to have witnessed: Abe lincoln's assasination, I'm curious if Johnny Booth could act as well as he couls Aim.

333. Three things that are guaranteed to make you cry: some movies, breaking up with someone, someone close to me dieing

334. Three things that are guaranteed to make you smile: visiting Al and Tiff, seeing a play, getting payed

335. Three things that are guaranteed to piss you off: when people go months with out answering their phones, gong home to my family, 30secs. alone with my dad

336. Three things that are guaranteed to make you laugh your ass off: A drunken truth or dare session, a game of catch phrase, any Edie Izzard rutine

337. Four things you want to hear someone say to you: I love you, You've just won 10,000,000.00 dollars!, I do, can I have your autograph?

338. Pretend the following are completely independent of one another. Put them in order of importance for you to achieve in your life--fame, wealth, power, occupational success, love, a family of your own: 1= most 6= least

Family - 1
Occupational Success-6

Superlative time, bitch! For each superlative, put down a guy AND girl answer from your online friends.

339. Most intelligent: Boy: Finlay ; Girl: Noel

340. Friendliest: Boy: Pope Girl:Tara

341. Most Bastardly/Bitchy: Boy:Allen Girl: the old Veronica

342. Most cynical: Boy:Allen Girl:Roxy

343. Gayest: Guy: Josh ; Gal: Peach chan

344. Funniest: Dude:Allen Dudette: Tiff

345. Most stressed: Male:Myself Female: Tiff

346. Calmest: Male:Gunmetal Female: NA

347. Most competitive: Male:Lawrence Female: TIff

348. Dumbest: Mars:Myself Venus: Tiff (Only because we are the only two that are not currently attempting to obtain or have obtained a degree)

349. Hottest: John:Allen Jane:Tara

350. Not so hottest: Bloke:Jordan ; Sheila: Desi <--only safe answer because you know it's a flat out lie----

351. Emo-est: Man:Allen Woman:Adelle

352. Bubbliest: Adam: Gun ; Eve: Veronica

353. Most likely to succeed (*giggles* yay for yearbook!): Him: Pope Her: Roxy

354. Most likely to die first: Penis:Allen Vagina: Veronica

355. Was most likely a pirate in their previous life: Mate: Allen Wench: Tara

356. Most likely murdered babies in their previous life: He-man: Myself She-ra: Tiff

357. Most likely to want as your sibling: Vir: Allen Puella: Veronica

358. Most likely to make out with: Senor: Pope; Senora: Tara

359. Most loyal: Imhotep:Allen (Pope could have won if he's answer his phone) Anok-sunamun: Noel

360. Most likely to take a bullet for you: This guy:Pope That chick: Desi

361. Sluttiest: Man-whore: Old Pope She-slut: Tara

362. Most likely to become President of the United States: Bill:Finlay Hillary: Diana

363. Most likely to be the last to lose their virginity: Pees standing up: Myself Pees sitting down: Veronica

364. Most likely to say something you couldn't care less about: Chatterbox Charley: Pope Blabbering Betty: Roxy

365. Probably has the highest D&D stats overall: Hero:Lawrence ; Heroine: Desi

The best of all worlds! Pick ONE online friend, guy or girl, who has the best of the following:

366. Smile: Noel

367. Eyes: Veronica

368. Nose: Desi

369. Chest: Desi

370. Sense of humor: Tara

371. Arms: desi

372. Legs: Noel

373. Ass, yo!: Desi

374. Brain: Veronica

375. mad skillz: Tara

376. Hands: Noel

377. Feeties!:Desi

378. Overall personality: Tara

It's recognition time, bay-beh! Do you know what the following words, phrases, or abbreviations mean and their origins? If you don't know...guess.

(NB: I'm leaving this section blank because I wrote the damn survey so of course I know where all of these are from. Have fun answering them)

379. Breaking the golden seal: the first trip to the WC during a drinking session

380. Mile High Club: sex in an airline bathroom after takeoff

381. Riiiipsnortin': mowing people over in a warthog

382. OTP: Omnivore turtle poxs

383. "Taste the golden spray!": the origin of the term, "don't piss into the wind"

384. UO: Ultima Online

385. Earning your red wings: when the blue wings just aren't good enough

386. 4: 1111

387. Slurred technological decay: NIN during a gaming session

388. R.I.P: Rest in Peace

389. Evercrack: everquest

390. Frag: a kill

391. FOCL!: no clue

392. Glomp: kind of a tackle hug

393. ASC: no clue

394. Percentile: 2 10sided dice most notably used for determining the outcome for a wand of wonder

395. Stabbity death: the name says it all, death by being stabbed repeatedly usually for doing something stupid more then once

396. Dap: a type of handshake, one fist hits the top of another then the oppisite is done and followed up with a horizontal meeting of the 2 fists.

397. Eiffel Tower:One guy in front, one behind and a high-five over the girl in the middle

398. 42: 1 more then 41 but not quite 43

399. BNF:no clue

400. Camping: to sit at a spawn point or othe point of interest and wait for your victims to appear

401. Bonzer: a third placer

402. Q.E.D.:an abbreviation of the Latin phrase "quod erat demonstrandum" (I knew this but I had to look up the Latin spelling)

403. "I'm not picking that up.": a saying from the Monkey island games

404. DSL: an internet connection or Dick sucking lips

405. Donkey punch:a quick punch to the go nads

406. Puma: another name for a Cougar or a warthog

Quotient Quotables. Gimme your thoughts on the following quotes:

407. "Love conquers all": then how does one conquer love?

408. "Time heals all wounds": unfortunately, it also brings you closer to death

409. "Good may be thankable; evil is bankable": We're in the money! we're in the money!

410. "Nice guys finish last": no one told me the race had started

411. "He who laughs last, laughs loudest": but looks like a fool because the joke was said hours ago

412. "It's not mean, illegal, or lazy if it's hilarious:" . hilarious to whom?

413. "It's not the size of the boat; it's the motion of the ocean": and my kyak is dead in the water

414. "It's gonna be a happy new year...": You can take the girl out of hicksville

415. "Treason is a charge invented by winners as an excuse for hanging the losers.": indeed

416. "Courage is not the absence of fear...": it's the fear of being called a wuss

417. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger": except poleo

418. "The end justifies the means": and that is a means to an end

419. "The devil's in the details": and Jesus is in the out-line

420. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder": and that's a lot of eyes

421. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder": uh it doesn't

422. "Absence makes the heart go wander": true

Opinions. Cmon...convince me.

423. Abortion: I believe that women should be given the choice. There will always be abortions but if it's made illeagl there will just be more back ally abortions

424. Gay Marriage: I have nothing against gays but I don't believe marriage should be allowed, but I do believe they should be able to undertake something that is the exact equivilant tax/insurance/meaning-wise. Marriage is a religous tradition of a religon that labels them as unwelcome. I wouldn't think they would want anything to do with that.


426. George Bush: *bangs head on desk* WHY WHY WHY WHY!

427. John Kerry: *Bangs head on desk* NOT MUCH BETTER NOT MUCH BETTER NOT MUCH BETTER!

428. Disciplining children: you should not physically discipline a child untill they are 2 yrs old. after that the first time they screw up, BEAT THE HELL OUT OF THEM! Then never hit them again. for the rest of their lives, it will take no more then a look to have them behave

429. Absolute good and absolute evil: no such thing

430. Life after death: who knows

Word Association; just write the first thing that comes to your mind

431. slug: Snail

432. can: Jar

433. sapphire: Ruby

434. sky: cloud

435. devil: cake

436. bag: lady

437. satellites: roam the earth

438. Mulder: skully

439. bible: lies

440. dock: 94

441. tongue: lips

442. giraffe: Some anaimals may die

443. golf: Leslie Nielsen

444. gold: Finlay

445. wompus: Womprat

446. Saturn: Mars

447. obesity: Mattt

448. muppets: Jim Henson

449. green: Tea

450. sense: common

451. flying: I've got a flying Machine

452. drugs: mmkay

Final Randomosity!!!

453. You're out with your best friend and a guy pulls a gun on you two. He says he's gonna shoot one of you. Do you offer yourself up for sacrifice, or make a break for it, leaving your friend to their fate?:
No one is going to "offer" to die! I'd simply go screw it, i'm not going to let him shoot my friend and he's not going to shoot me then try to take him out before he could hurt either one of us.

454 has been eliminated due to having nothing to do with anything. ;p

455. Why does The Fax kick so much ass? because he can

456. A different take on a previous question. If you had to choose. Would you rather live the rest of your life with the love of your friends or family. Or the love of a lover?:
Love of a lover

457. What's the meanest thing you've ever done?: In middle school I broke up with a girl because I thought my old girlfriend wanted to get back together.

458. What is the one moment in your life that you think shaped who you are today more than any other?: the moment I decided to take this quiz
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