Once again, I'm cross-posting this to my other journal,
a_wise_guy, as well, because of the topic of this "experiment." For those who have both on their flist, I apologize. Same for the daily flist spam you're about to receive.
All right. Once again, I'm opening each and every one of my fics up for questions (to include any posted plot bunnies of mine you've read). Any question you may have about any fic I've ever written (or will write) is fair game. From Seeing Stars to the Chronicles to Channel Surfing to The Brooch and everything in between; it's all fair game. Each and every question will be answered truthfully to the best of my knowledge. Anything deemed a spoiler will be withheld; however, if you really want to know, I can email you the answer provided you keep it a secret. The other answers get posted here for all to read.
This time, I'm extending this for a full week (Friday to Friday) and I'll be posting reminders about this daily (whether links to this post or reposting under lj-cuts, I haven't decided yet), as well as starting a thread in the Writer's Block at .moon.
Okay, let's see how this Phase plays out.