A lot of factors reflect the economic development. Many refer to economic factors such as GDP and CPI to measure a country's economic standing. However, those factors are not always true indicators. It is documented that so-called shadow economy blocks the real picture behind those indicators. Black market is a case in point. The unemployment rate in a particular state might be 25%, for example, but in reality out of those quarter 15% might be engaged in black market activities such as trading and arbitraging without official state registration and paying income tax thus making the real unemployment rate way lower than the real figure. Coming from such environment, I normally use basic informal factors to measure the economic and social development of a country as well as official economic data.
Back in my childhood I loved helping my mother with shopping. Whenever we visited the main bazaar in my city, I was always surprised and curious about the words at the entrance "Musofir bo'lib davlat ko'rmoqni istasang avval mozorga bor keyin bozorga". The rough translation of those words from Uzbek would be "While in a foreign country, visit a cemetery first and then go their market". Indeed those two places are the summary of social and economic picture. Cemetery is the respect to the history and Market is present life as well as the future prospects. Well, such informal factors could be anything; road conditions, the internet access or even skyscrapers.Yet no matter how banal it may sound, Markets and Cemeteries are two important places where one can the social and economic life from a different angle. The United States of America has no bazaars but it has something similar to bazaar in more organized way - Walmart. Of course there are plenty of such stores in the US but Walmart is the most adjacent form in comparison to bazaars. Cemeteries in the United States resemble Walmart in the way of organization. It may not be a good comparison but while visiting those two places in Louisiana, I came to a conclusion that the Americans have huge patriotism and respect towards their history. It can be seen in the presence of the "Stars and Stripes", neatness and organization in the cemeteries.Which country in the world has flags in their cemeteries and markets?! Likewise, it is the place with a profound future that is reflected by organization and efficiency in Walmart bazaars. The more well-organized and efficient those focal areas, the higher the socio-economic development is.
So *my personal conclusion* of the saying above is that there is positive correlation between those two areas (Market and Cemetery) and the socio-economic development and living standards of a country.