First off, I think I'm okay for December, but if things at word don't improve in pretty short order, there could be some serious problems. To that end I'd like to ask anyone reading this, if you use Google, access it through
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Well, the store site (www.shopofmarvels) is running and essentially structured. It even has the odd product on it. I'm spreading the word about things, and getting a few responses. In general it's still slow, but that's mostly because I haven;'t done much to promote it. Once I've filled out some of the pages a bit more, tehn it's time to start
Well, I don;'t want to go into too much detail here, but I've put things in motion to add another division to the company with low startup costs, which looks like it could well make some decent money. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, and for a change it doesn't look like an oncoming train.
Or so I hope. The company has branched out into resume preparation. We were sort of doing resumes and job coaching before, but nothing really concrete, and no advertising done on it. Now I've made the jump. So far several calls but no sales. The computer end of things is slowly beginning to bear fruit however. Hopefully that will continue to
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Here's the game, if you have a playlist on your favorite music device, hit shuffle and pick your favorite line from the first twenty songs on the list and see if your friends can recognize them. Works best if you have more than 20 songs on the list obviously
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