Far From Home II

Apr 13, 2011 01:32

Optimus: *wanders into the med ward and settles on an empty table with a sigh*

Ratchet: *glances over from where he's making repairs after Perceptor's last 'organizing' frenzy* Twins getting out of hand?

Optimus: *blinks and looks worried* I... actually haven't heard from them today.

Conny: *Looks up from her 'National Geographic' about birds, a little surprised still to see Optimus there*

Ratchet: *hrrms and comes to sit by his Prime, one leg swinging slightly* So if they're not getting you down, what is?

Optimus: I don't know, but something's been sapping my energy since I came out of the recharge berth this morning. *frowning slightly*

Ratchet: Here, let me take a look. *pops a scanner out of his hand and runs it over Optimus*

Optimus: *nods slightly as he works*

Conny: *tilts her head, watching them curiously*

Ratchet: *stops when he reaches Optimus' chest, then runs the scanner over that area again* What in the name of Alpha Trion...?

Optimus: Hmmm? *sits up, blinking*

Ratchet: There's something strange about your spark readings... *breaks off and flinches as a roar of sheer ire comes from the hallway*

Optimus: *off the table and GONE* Brawn, you can NOT kill Smokescreen!

Contrail: *Starts at that roar, visor brightening with surprise*

Ratchet: *grabs a tool and follows Optimus at a run*

Few moments later

Smokescreen: *laying on a table in med ward with strict orders to stay there. Has a slightly amused expression on his punch dented face as he looks up at the ceiling*

Conny: ...Are you alright?

Smokescreen: *turns head and looks at her, then grins* Yeah, I'll be fine as soon as Brawn forgets what I just called him.

Conny: *shy little smile* That's good...

Smokescreen: Yeah. Then I just have to deal with Bumblebee giving me sad puppy looks till she forgets about it, then I can call him it again.

Conny: *Blinks and tilts her head* But... why do it if it causes all that fuss then?

Smokescreen: Because Brawn never fails to flip his lid whenever I say it. *chuckle*

Conny: Okay... *Doesn't get it.*

Smokescreen: ...Did you just get here?

Conny: Yeah...

Smokescreen: I'm Smokescreen, Prowl and Bluestreak's brother. *friendly grin*

Conny: Nice to meet you. I'm Contrail.

Smokescreen: So when'd you get here? *absently squishes his bent nose*

Conny: Just a couple days ago, actually...

Smokescreen: *looks her over thoughtfully* You're one of Elita's crew?

Conny: *Shakes her head with a faint smile* No, nothing like that...

Smokescreen: No? *curious* *then startles and looks toward the door*

Jazz: *just yanked Trailbreaker into the room, will now shove the burly tracker against the wall and snog him silly*

Smokescreen: *shakes head and then covers his optics.*

Conny: *Squeaks in surprise and hides her face in her hands*

Jazz: *stops and looks around with a o.0? then starts laughing as she shoves Trailbreaker out of the room again*

Smokescreen: Sheesh.

Conny: *Doesn't peek until she can't hear Jazz anymore*

Smokescreen: I swear, the bonded pairs are a pain in the caboose sometimes. *squishes his nose some more. Is getting it to look like a nose again*

Conny: *Shy little laugh* I... guess so...

Smokescreen: Even Brawn'd be more fun to jerk around if he didn't have Bumblebee watching his back.

Conny: Oh... I suppose it might make things harder then...

Smokescreen: *sits up cautiously* ...Though don't tell Blue I said that. She's still trying to catch Wheeljack's attention.

Conny: ...Okay, I won't. *Smiles at him*

Smokescreen: *grins. And continues undenting his nose*

Conny: So... are pairs like that common here?

Smokescreen: *quizzical look* What, people on Cybertron don't get married anymore?

Conny: *Looks away, wings drawing in a bit* ...Not a lot of people left to get married anymore...

Smokescreen: *sobers* Oh. Yeah, I forgot about that. Well, around here we have Jazz and 'Breaker, Bumblebee and Brawn, Cliffjumper and Gears, and a few others. Some people suspect that Optimus and Ratchet have a bond, but they sure don't act like it.

Conny: That's... that's a lot, yeah... *Tilts her head, looking back at him* Optimus and Ratchet? Really?

Smokescreen: *shrugs* Sideswipe swears by it, but she's a little bit, um... *tries to think of a polite word for the red frontliner*

Conny: ...What?

Smokescreen: Ahhhh... blonde. *sudden scoot for the door and is gone*

Conny: *Looks more than a little bewildered as she watches Smokescreen take off*

startled exclamation: *in the distance, and then a few minutes later there's the sound of footsteps approaching and voices speaking in worried, hushed tones*

Conny: *Listens, trying to figure out who's coming, the worried tones making her uncertain*

Ratchet: *comes in and makes sure there's a table clean, then grabs some equipment* Hurry up, guys. Lay her here.

Smokescreen and other mechs: *bring in a limp Optimus and lay her gently on the table*

Conny: I-is she okay? What happened?

Sunstreaker: *tall yellow femme looks over* No idea. She just fell over in the middle of the rec room.

Conny: *Wilts back a little bit at this, worried for Optimus* O... oh....

Ratchet: *scanning again as the others back out of the way*

Jazz: *scowls at the medic's expression* Ratchet? Man, what's wrong?

Ratchet: I... don't know. I've never seen anyone's spark do something like this before.

Conny: *Watches the scene uncertainly, audiofins laid flat*

Jazz: Well what's it doin'??

Ratchet: *deep and worried frown* ...Splitting. *more quietly, his confusion evident* It's splitting.

Conny: ...Why? *Startles herself by speaking up, if that brief ruffle of armor is any hint*

Ratchet: *voice quivers slightly* I don't know!

Smokescreen: ...Will Optimus be alright?

Ratchet: *gives him a dirty look*

Conny: *Lets out an uncertain warble*

Jazz: *chases everyone out of the med ward other than Contrail and Ratchet. Then comes back and punches the dazed medic in the side* Hey, man. Snap outta it. Optimus needs ya right now.

Ratchet: *hand to his own chest* Yeah... I know.

Jazz: *alarmed and pushes him over toward the other table. Glance toward the femme in the corner* Hey, gimme a hand here.

Conny: *Starts as she's addressed, but will push to her feet and move over to help Jazz*

Jazz: Get 'is legs, he's goin' stupid.

Ratchet: *dazed look in his optics*

Conny: O... okay... *Crouches to get his legs up*

Jazz: *gets the mech's shoulders on the table and then comes to help Contrail if she needs it*

Conny: *manages to push his legs up onto the table, then looks from him to Optimus and wrings her hands unhappily*

Jazz: *takes the scanner from Ratchet and goes to scan Optimus herself, making a soft and soothing sound as the larger femme groans* Well, I may not know what the slag's goin' on here, but I know ya only need one spark in a compartment. *calls Perceptor*

Conny: What... what's going on?

Jazz: *looks at her* We just got at least one new Transformer. Maybe two, but hopefully that bigger one's still Optimus.

Conny: *Gapes at this news, unable to think of a single good response*

Perceptor: *comes bustling in, directing Trailbreaker, who has a minibot protoform in his arms* I'm afraid that this is the smallest body that we have. Hopefully the youngster will not encounter difficulty in controlling it.

Conny: *Scoots back out of the way when she sees Perceptor and Trailbreaker come in, still nervous, but not nearly as upset*

Trailbreaker: *lays the protoform down on the third table that Jazz triggers to rise out of the floor, then moves so that he's inadvertently blocking Contrail's view of what's going on*

Conny: *Takes a couple steps to the side, not wanting to interrupt, but still wanting to see what's happening.*

Perceptor: *just at that moment is lifting a small, urgently pulsing spark from Optimus' open chest*

Conny: *Watches, optics wide behind her visor*

Perceptor: *pauses to scan the little spark, and then sets it into the empty protoform before transforming and looking at it through his scope* I thought so. *quiet chuckle*

Jazz: ...What's so funny?

Perceptor: This is a sparklet. Optimus has just become a mother.

Ratchet: *strangled sound of shock from his table*

Conny: *Raises her hands to her mouth with a soft gasp*

Perceptor: It doesn't happen very often, but I have read of other instances where it has. *transforms and is smiling as he closes the new bot's chest and then puts a comforting hand on their shoulder as the new spark shapes her new body*

Optimus: *soft groan as she pushes her chest panel shut* What...?

Jazz: ...Op, you the Mama. *cracks up*

Conny: *Smiles kindly* ...Congratulations, ma'am...

Optimus: *blinks a few times, and then shoots Ratchet a surprised look*

Ratchet: *shock, shock, shock!*

Jazz: *laughs harder*

new bot: *growls and sits up*

Conny: *Can't help but giggle a bit at the reactions*

Optimus: *also sits back, her expression wondering as she reaches a hand toward her child* *quietly* Do you know your name?

new bot: *scowls over the face mask she inherited from Optimus, but then nods* Yeah. Panacea.

Optimus: *optics brighten in a smile* Welcome to the world, Panacea.

Conny: *Smiles, glad that what seemed to be an emergency has turned out so well.*

Panacea: *says something unprintable and flops down to have a nap*

Optimus: o.0

Ratchet: *hand over optics and is shaking his head*

Conny: *Squeaks in surprise*

Ratchet: *sits up slowly* Optimus... I want you on berth rest till further notice. Perceptor, see if you can convince Wheeljack to come help me build something that doesn't need explosive testing after it's finished.

Perceptor: *as Optimus sighs and lays down again* Yes, that seems to be a good idea. It appears that this shell is indeed too large for Panacea to properly control.

Conny: I-is... there anything I can help with?

Ratchet: Do you have any technical training? *sitting up slowly himself and going to check on the newspark, who bears his forehead chevron.*

Conny: *Shakes her head, looking a little dejected.* N... no, sir...

Ratchet: *kindly* Just go on resting.

Conny: *Little uncertain shuffle* Okay...

Ratchet: *smiles, and then greets Wheeljack and sets to work*

Three days later

Panacea: *growling to herself softly as she clings to Contrail and watches Ratchet put stupid mechs back together*

Conny: *Stroking that bitlet's back, holding her easily.*

Panacea: *hides her small face against her nanny's chest, and then sneezes and growls some more*

Ratchet: *glances over* The firewall will kick in soon, sweetheart.

Panacea: *not talking to you, Daddy*

Conny: Aww... poor thing... *Accepts the clinging and face-hiding, just cuddling Panacea up in her arms*

Panacea: Choo! *growly growl*

Conny: Aww, sweetie, it'll be okay... *Nuzzles on.*

Sunstreaker: *soft groan and mutters about jet judo fail*

Panacea: *peeks over there again and mutters about processor fail*

Conny: Aww... c'mon now, hun. Be nice?

Panacea: *gives her a 'did you just say that?' look*

Conny: Try for me? *Little smile*

Panacea: *sneezes and growls* *and rubs her intakes on Contrail's arm*

Conny: *Shakes her head with a rueful smile, and strokes that little bitlet's back some more*

Ratchet: Maybe take her outside for a bit. She likes it out there. *working on Sideswipe now*

Conny: *Nods at this as she hefts Panacea up more securely into her arms and shifts her weight in preparation to stand* How's that sound, cute stuff? Would a walk make you feel better? *smiles at her charge as she heads out the door*

Panacea: *sneezes and grumps. Hates Firebite, she does*

Conny: *Walks that bitty all over the base to try and distract her from how icky she feels.*

soft breeze: *coming from the entrance there. Smells like sage buds*

Conny: *Heads outside, figuring the sunshine might help cheer Panacea up. The open sky overhead does wonders for her at the very least, as she steps outside for the first time in days. The craggy rocks and mountainside are intimidating surroundings at first, but then she notices the small plants and trees that grow here, as well as some animals that still stray near the Ark.*

Panacea: *blink blinking, newspark wonder clear on her little face despite her face mask*

Conny: *Smiles warmly at that bitty* Isn't it nice out here?

Panacea: *points to a cloud* What's that?

Conny: *Looks where she's pointing* That? That's a cloud, sweetie.

Panacea: I want to see it.

Conny: Y... ohh... I think we'd have to ask your Papa about that...

Panacea: *pout!*

Conny: *Daww...* There's lots of other stuff to see too, right around us!

Panacea: I want that.

Conny: You want a cloud?

Panacea: *nods*

Conny: *Smiles fondly, nuzzling at Panacea's helm* I'll see what I can do then.

Panacea: *perks, but then frowns toward a sound of laughter that's coming from some distance away*

Conny: *Tilts her head at this, curious.* Huh. Sounds like someone else is enjoying the nice day too...

Panacea: *frowwwns toward that sound, curiosity clear in her big optics*

Conny: Wanna go see who it is? *Already moving that way, curious herself.*

Panacea: It's far away... *uncertain*

Conny: Well, let's go out a little ways... if we don't find them, that's okay, it's still a good walk, right?

Panacea: *rubs intakes absently. Isn't sneezing or coughing now, though she's still running hotter than usual*

Conny: *Is glad for the lack of sneezing, knowing it had been making the bitlet miserable*

Panacea: *settles down to snuggle as Contrail walks toward the laughter, which continues. It's a deep voice, and whatever's amused its owner has done so thoroughly*

Conny: Walks towards the source of the voice, curious*

Panacea: *frowns as they go down a little side canyon, then blinks as they round a corner and she sees a big gray bot with wings and red optics*

Astrotrain: *laughing himself staticky at the gray and purple Seeker who evidently flew into the canyon wall sometime very recently and is now laying in a crumpled heap at his feet* You got... you got owned by a ground pounder!

Conny: *Optics wide, she goes very, very quiet, holding Panacea tightly to her as she slowly moves to back away. It looks like they haven't been noticed yet, and she's hoping to keep it that way.*

Astrotrain: *and then he looks up, and his optics widen in surprise as he spots the femme and the sparklet*

Conny: *Freezes for a moment with a terrified sound before she shakes out of it, turning and running*

Astrotrain: Wait! I want to talk to you! *jumps and lands in front of Contrail*

Panacea: *says a word*

Conny: *Stumbles back with a frightened cry, holding Panacea protectively*

Astrotrain: *hands out* I want to talk to you.

Conny: A-about... w-what?

Astrotrain: *blinks* I don't know. I just want to talk to you.

Conny: *Shivers, looking uncertain*

Astrotrain: *bends down slightly for a closer look at her* I was right. You're a flyer, but you're not a Seeker. *grin* And you're pretty.

Conny: *Cringes back a little bit, looking away* T... thank you... *Doesn't dare insult him, he could probably shred her without thinking*

Astrotrain: So... are you bonded?

Conny: *Shakes her head mutely*

Astrotrain: *big lug gives a hopeful grin* Do you want to be?

Conny: W...what? *Staring at him like he's grown another head, shaking a bit harder now*

Astrotrain: You're real pretty.

Conny: I... I should... pr-probably be g-going now... *Going to try and edge around that big Decepticon*

Astrotrain: *puts out a hand* Wait. I don't even know your name yet.

Contrail: *Freezes when he blocks her path, huddling down around Panacea a bit* C...C-Contrail.

Astrotrain: Hey, don't be scared. I... *just flew over Contrail's head and slammed into Skywarp*

Optimus: *standing behind him, her gun smoking and her optics blazing white*

Conny: *Shrieks and drops at the sudden movement, curled over Panacea protectively*

Panacea: *blinks, and then gives a small cheer*

Optimus: Contrail, get up.

Conny: *Trembling so hard she's unsure if her legs will hold her up, she moves to her feet, clutching the youngling close still, movements jerky and scared.*

Optimus: Go back to the Ark. *optics and gun still trained on the Decepticons*

Conny: *Nods shakily and darts off without so much as a backwards glance.*

Jazz: *there to meet her halfway and put a reassuring and protective hand on her back as Trailbreaker and Hound cover their retreat*

Conny: *Huddles in against Jazz as they retreat, trying to force herself to calm down, but having a rather hard time of it*

Jazz: *stops once they're all inside and puts her arms around the other femme and the sparklet* Shhh, Conny. You're safe now.

Astrotrain: *is that yelp in the distance as Optimus' gun roars*

Conny: *Chokes back a sob, though the sudden noise in the distance startles a jump out of the femme*

Jazz: Shhhh. Let's get you back ta the med ward. *gentle pat*

Conny: O...okay... *Shaky nod*

Ratchet: *meets them along the way, his usually cheerful face full of anxiety that droops to relief as he sees his daughter and her caregiver safe* Thank the Greatest Creator.

Conny: *Shivers, just unable to even think of what to say at this point, nodding in silent agreement.*

Ratchet: *will gently take her from Jazz and guide her back to her berth in the corner of the med ward before he scoops Panacea into his arms and goes to sit in his office with the sparklet*

Conny: *Lets Ratchet have his daughter, before curling on her berth, shivering still*

Bumblebee: *is that cute little yellow bot that just came in. Looks around, sees Contrail, and comes over to gently spread a tarp over her* Hey... are you okay?

Conny: *Huddles down under the tarp, optics dimming slightly* I... I'll be alright...

Bumblebee: *softly, as she sits on the side of the berth* What happened? I've never heard Ratchet so scared.

Conny: I took Panacea out... and we ran into D... Decepticons. Astrotrain and Sk-kywarp...

Bumblebee: Skywarp? I thought Streaker and Swiper jet judoed him. *looks over to where the twins are sleeping on their tables*

Conny: T-that's what... Astrotrain was saying...

Bumblebee: *gentle back rub through the tarp* Are you sure you're gonna be okay?

Conny: *Small nod* Yeah... I should be okay now...

Bumblebee: *not sure. Doesn't want to leave the femme alone*

Conny: *Just curled under the tarp, with an unhappy expression*

Bumblebee: *softly* Optimus says you have a guy? *still back rubbing*

Conny: *Nods with a faint little smile.* Yeah... we... we haven't bonded or anything yet... but hopefully...

Bumblebee: *distraction a success!* *tilts her little head slightly* What's he like?

Conny: Quickdart's a good mech... he's always been so nice, and patient even when I couldn't keep up when we were younger...

Bumblebee: *interested brow quirk* You've known him a long time, huh?

Conny: *She chuckles softly at this, nodding once again* Almost as long as I knew my trinemates.

Bumblebe: *perk* Trinemates?

Conny: Mhm. Luna, and Tradewind...

Bumblebee: Were you 'Con sparked? *looks at the other femme's wings*

Conny: I... honestly don't remember, to tell you the truth...

Bumblebee: Well, you have wings. And you have a trine. *brow plates lift*

Conny: True... but none of us... well, aside from Dart, none of us were even close to being fighters...

Bumblebee: *puzzled frown, but then her face brightens* You're Neutral.

Conny: *Little headtilt* Maybe our parents were Neutral?

Bumblebee: Yeah. Or that. I hear there used to be a lot of them during the Great War. *swings her foot thoughtfully*

Conny: It's certainly possible...

Bumblebee: Do you know when you came from Vector Sigma?

Conny: *Shakes her head with a little frown* No... I don't remember a lot, actually...

Bumblebee: *bit of a frown* Really?

Conny: Mhm. I remember my trinemates, but not what happened to them... I remember some of being young, but not much at all... more just bits and pieces. Most of what I remember properly happened after Luna and Tradewind disappeared, when it was just me and Quickdart...

Bumblebee: Wow. *frown more* And Quickdart never told you any of what happened?

Conny: Nope. I... asked him once, but he refused.

Bumblebee: *frowns* Huh. Weird.

Conny: Yeah... *Looks a bit troubled thinking about this*

Bumblebee: Did he say why?

Conny: No... he just... got really sad...

Bumblebee: Huh... *looks toward the door as Brawn sticks his head in* How's Optimus?

Brawn: *wide grin* Shouldn't you be asking, 'How's Astrotrain'?

Bumblebee: *soft snerk* You guys got him, huh?

Brawn: Nah, the guys and I weren't even needed. He and Skywarp won't be nosing around here again any time soon.

Bumblebee: *grin* Good.

Brawn: *smirk, but then his expression softens* I'll see you later.

Bumblebee: *blush* Yeah. See you, Brawn.

Brawn: *nods to Contrail, and then walks away*

Bumblebee: *blush blush at her hands for a moment*

Conny: *Looks relieved at the news, nodding back to Brawn... but she notices that reaction from Bee, and just smiles* ...You like him, don't you?

Bumblebee: *embarrassed grin* Well, yeah. I guess it's kind of hard not to like the guy you're bonded to.

Conny: Oh... that's right, I think I recall hearing about that. *Sheepish smile*

Bumblebee: *looks at her, the embarrassment fading from the grin* It's alright. When you get to be bonded for as long as we've been people kind of tend to forget about it.

Conny: *Nods a bit at the assurance, settling a bit*

Bumblebee: *quietly* Don't worry. Optimus'll find your guy. *pat pat* Maybe he can come to Earth and the two of you can stay here.

Conny: *smiles at this, with a nod* I... think I'd like that. He probably would too...

Bumblebee: This is a great place. Wait till you meet some of our local friends. *slight start and looks toward Ratchet's office as a cranky wail echoes from it* ...Wow.

Conny: *Starts as well at the wail, before chuckling ruefully.* Poor Panacea...

Bumblebee: That's... a big sound for somebody as little as Jazz says she is. *eyes bright with surprise*

Contrail: She's... vocal...

Bumblebee: *nearly falls off the berth as the wails change to a shrill scream of infant rage* 0_0

Conny: *Winces at the sound*

Bumblebee: *quietly, as the sound of Ratchet's soft and soothing talk rises over Panacea's anger* Wow...

Conny: She's a handful, for sure.

Bumblebee: Does she do that a lot?

Conny: Sometimes yeah... she won't hide it if she's in a bad mood.

Panacea: *CUSS*

Bumblebee: :o

Conny: ^^;;;

Bumblebee: *quietly* Wow... she sounds like Kup after Hot Rod gets in trouble.

Conny: I honestly don't know where she got that language...

Panacea: *another shriek, and then sudden silence*

Ratchet: Yeah. See? *sound of a kiss to a helm* You'll feel better once your tank's full.

Conny: *Smiles faintly* Hopefully she feels better soon...

Bumblebee: *still slightly awed by the force of the sparklet's ire* Yeah... *looks back to Contrail* You really help Ratchet take care of her?

Conny: Mhm. She can be a good girl, and she seems to like me...

Bumblebee: *appears to be wondering if she believes part of what Contrail just said* *cautiously* But she yells a lot?

Conny: *Sheepish smile* I almost wonder if it's not a game to her, seeing how loud she can get...

Bumblebee: ...0_0!

Conny: *Little shrug* She doesn't seem to yell at me that much.

Bumblebee: Sorry. *snerks and gets herself under control* When you said that it just reminded me of Blaster.

Conny: Oh?

Bumblebee: Yeah. He's our Communications Tech. And he really loves the local music. Loud.

Conny: Ahh... that explains it.

Bumblebee: *laughs* I think Jazz, Spike, and Carly are the only people on base that agree with him.

Conny: *Smiles at this* Aww...

Bumblebee: *chuckles, but then squints slightly as she checks her chrono readout* Hey, my shift's starting. Maybe we can talk again sometime?

Conny: Okay... I'd like that.

Bumblebee: *grins, and then hops down and heads out of the med ward, pausing only to wave before she's gone*

Conny: *Offers her a smile and wave in return before the other femme leaves*

Ratchet: *is soft singing from his office, and a sound of footsteps going back and forth*

Conny: *Sends a comm to Ratchet* //Panacea calming down now?//

Ratchet: *voice soft* //She's nearly asleep.//

Conny: //That's good... I'm glad...//

Ratchet: //How are you doing?//

Conny: //I'm alright...//

Ratchet: //Are you sure?//

Conny: //...Yeah.// *Not really.*

Ratchet: *softly* //Talk to me, Contrail.//

Conny: //I let you down.//

Ratchet: *surprise clear in his voice* //I don't think you did.//

Conny: //I put Panacea in danger...// *Someone might just be a little hard on herself, it would seem*

Ratchet: //You didn't know Skywarp and Astrotrain were out there. If anyone put Pansy in danger it's Sunstreaker and Sideswipe. They could have told me where they left their victim parked.//

Conny: //... I guess...//

Ratchet: //And I know it. Don't be so hard on yourself, Contrail.//

Conny: //I'll try...//

Ratchet: //Don't just try, alright?//

Conny: //I... okay, Ratchet.//

Ratchet: *gently* //Get some rest. I have a bad feeling Pansy's going to want to express herself all night again.//

Conny: *Chuckles softly* //Alright. By the way... she wants a cloud.//

Ratchet: //... Oh mercy.//

Conny: *Amused laugh*

Ratchet: //I think I better get some rest myself.// *sounds a bit wry and bemused*

Conny: //Alright, Ratchet... rest well.//

Ratchet: //Thanks. You too.//

Conny: //Can do.//

Ratchet: *signs off. The creak of his chair comes from the office*

Conny: *Settles down on her berth with a soft sigh of her vents. After such a eventful day, it's not long before the femme is out like a light, thoughts of her trine and Quickdart keeping her company while she rests*

((Written with random_xtras))
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