Erin's "Wild" Day!

Jan 19, 2008 21:46

So on Tuesday, I took a day off from work to go down to the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul with Steph Z from work, her boyfriend Buddy, and Neil (Steve couldn't get out of work, otherwise, I'm sure he would have come with, too).  Wells Fargo was sponsoring an event with the Wild called "Wells Fargo Minnesota Wild Winter Fun".  It was to be an open ( Read more... )

wild, hockey

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Comments 6

jayj79 January 20 2008, 04:40:34 UTC
fun times!

I wonder if Rolston has an endorsement deal with gatorade, as he did a good job of working in the product placement ;op


jawllyholiday January 20 2008, 06:00:00 UTC
Ha! Yeah, he did! I didn't even notice that before. Maybe he's had to do it before. :o) Good eye!


bignis January 20 2008, 16:39:24 UTC
Neil must not have been as excited as you - I don't see him smiling in any of the pictures!


jawllyholiday January 20 2008, 18:02:51 UTC
Neil hardly EVER smiles in pictures! I think he at least enjoyed himself though. My friend Steph and I were ECSTATIC in comparison, so maybe our joy is just overshadowing that of the boys. :o)


yourhottie18 January 23 2008, 03:05:06 UTC
looks awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lucky ducky


nicorerqe February 16 2013, 20:24:29 UTC
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