Hello, Old Friend

Jan 03, 2010 21:32

Wow, is there still anyone I know that is on LJ anymore???

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Comments 9

jayj79 January 4 2010, 03:42:05 UTC
I dunno. do you know me?


jawllyholiday January 4 2010, 05:30:11 UTC
Sort of! I think only in cyberspace. And I think you're the only one I know that is still posting on LJ. That's sad - I used to love LJ!


ethanfredrick January 5 2010, 15:36:34 UTC
I'm still alive and kicking.


jawllyholiday January 5 2010, 23:40:52 UTC
Glad to hear it! I never read my LJ anymore... are you on Facebook? I'm on that almost every day. Oh wait, just found you on there and sent a friend request. :o) Hope all is well!


carajean January 5 2010, 15:39:13 UTC
I check it from time to time but do not post very often. I know...sad. :-(


jawllyholiday January 5 2010, 23:42:41 UTC
Remember how much we were on it in college?... when we had interesting things to write about? :o) Now we're reduced to brief phrases as status updates on FB. *sigh*


carajean January 8 2010, 20:51:59 UTC
I think we still have interesting things to write about with what's going on in our lives, but we just don't take the time to do it. Or to call people and connect - and then we just loose touch so that when we do talk, all that is discussed is the facts of our lives, vs our thoughts, feelings, etc that make things interesting to hear/read about. And pretty soon, we're no longer close to anyone anymore.

It's a downward spiral - let's not let it happen to us!


jawllyholiday January 9 2010, 00:01:37 UTC
That's just about the saddest thing ever! But true. Maybe we should start an online journal revolution! :o)


loraw007 January 6 2010, 23:23:08 UTC
I rarely update but mostly because no one is around to read it...oh and my life is boring


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