My Tingley convo with my new teague friend Briana
Jaximillion: i shall clean later cuz i like to procrastinate
blondebreez5: oh yea definitely..who doesnt
Jaximillion: responsible people?
Jaximillion: pish
Jaximillion: posh
Jaximillion: OMG!!
blondebreez5: ugh..they disgust me
blondebreez5: lol
Jaximillion: i so just sounded brittish
blondebreez5: haha..u totally did
Jaximillion: pish posh and whatnot
Jaximillion: im almost as brittish as you now
Jaximillion: score
blondebreez5: yes! *high five*
Jaximillion: *pulls away hand*
blondebreez5: wait..*clinks tea cup w/ yours*
blondebreez5: "cheerio!"
Jaximillion: omg
Jaximillion: i love you
Jaximillion: pip pip
blondebreez5: lol
blondebreez5: old chap
Jaximillion: i fancy you
blondebreez5: oh well isnt that bloody lovely
Jaximillion: FANCY!!
Jaximillion: stuff it you thick little bugger
blondebreez5: well arent we in a stickit wicket(i heard my dad say that one time)
Jaximillion: *adds to list of awsome brittsh phrases*
Jaximillion: indeed i am
Jaximillion: brittsh pepople r annoying online though
Jaximillion: they use too many abreviations
blondebreez5: lol
blondebreez5: yea
Jaximillion: like we have lol they have like 500 of them just as common
blondebreez5: really..thats just crazy
Jaximillion: its crazy you have to like read it 10 times to figure out what its sayin
Jaximillion: no..its MENTAL
blondebreez5: haha..i'll have to ask that british kid in my bio class about their IM language
Jaximillion: you must
blondebreez5: indeed this will be done
Jaximillion: prehaps it is just that the brits i IM are somewhat retarded
Jaximillion: or im just not hip with the lingo
Jaximillion: kids theese days..
blondebreez5: this could be true
blondebreez5: those young british whipper snappers..
Jaximillion: always lolli ganging around the old pudding shop
Jaximillion: where they buy thier pudding
Jaximillion: (there is a lot of pudding in the UK)
Jaximillion: i know this from harry potter
blondebreez5: there now? i cant say i knew that
Jaximillion: cuz they eat pudding a lot
blondebreez5: that book comes in handy eh?
Jaximillion: you have no idea
Jaximillion: they can also cause minor concussions when you bring them forceevly upon a attackers head
Jaximillion: you should never be w/o good old HP
Jaximillion: you never know when you will need him and it "broomstick"
blondebreez5: wow..that idea has never come across me..J.K. Rowling didnt write those books for money or fame..just for the sole purpose of saving ppl's lives
Jaximillion: i know it, she is a ture lesbian
blondebreez5: lol
Jaximillion: (but pretend lesbian means good person)
blondebreez5: oh ok gotcha
Jaximillion: i just dont get to type lesbian enough
blondebreez5: haha..i understand
blondebreez5: omg today in bio...we were talking about sea monkeys and the british kid didnt know what they were and hes like are they actual like tiny lil monkeys
Jaximillion: OMG, how cool would that be if there were tiny little monkeys with brittish accents?
blondebreez5: and everyone starts laughing except for these 2 girls who were like its not funny! *one of the two who really likes him*
blondebreez5: lol
Jaximillion: that like frolicked around the sea and ate lesbians
blondebreez5: hahaha
blondebreez5: that'd make for quite an interesting visit to the aquarium
Jaximillion: no, but i am like unnatural ubsessed with those books which just adds to the story of my non-exsistant life
Jaximillion: but hey, i like my hogwarts with potatoes ya kno
blondebreez5: oh yea definitely
Jaximillion: no there would b no problem with the aquarium, lesbians cant stand glass
Jaximillion: or polyester
blondebreez5: polyester? really..i thought they might be a fan
Jaximillion: no, thats a common miscomseption
blondebreez5: what material do they fancy..cotton silk velvet
Jaximillion: yogert would be thier first chioce, but silk for the lactose few
Jaximillion: unless of course they are eaten by sea monkeys in the fetus stage
blondebreez5: which case they would never get to experience which fabric they prefer
Jaximillion: sad, sad thing that is
Jaximillion: but the sea monkeys must eat you se
Jaximillion: its not thier fault
blondebreez5: i a matter of fact i learned today that sea monkeys have a very short life span..its usually 10 days tops
Jaximillion: 10 days, 10 lesbians
Jaximillion: *shakes head*
blondebreez5: its a cryin shame i tell ya
Jaximillion: definatly
Jaximillion: this is a awsomely insightfull conversation btw that i just might have to post on my lj because of the wonderfullness of it
blondebreez5: oh id be honored
Jaximillion: well of course you would
Jaximillion: how could you know
Jaximillion: not*
blondebreez5: its always been a dream of mine as a matter of make it on ur LJ
blondebreez5: i was always too shy to admit my fetish however
Jaximillion: yes, well many have aspired to become one of the lucky few
Jaximillion: *blush* mine is to take a bath in rice krspies and pop rocks
blondebreez5: and i am proud to say that im one of the few, the proud, a segment in jacki's lj
blondebreez5: lol..well hey one day ur wish will come true
Jaximillion: i know it will
blondebreez5: just never give up! and keep striding towards ur goal
Jaximillion: where theres a will theres a lesbain
Jaximillion: *cough* way
blondebreez5: umm yea..everyone makes that mistake
blondebreez5: common mistake..dont worry
Jaximillion: thier like homonyms or some shit
blondebreez5: yep..something that ends w/ "nyms"
Jaximillion: agreed
Jaximillion: i have a knee high on my foot
Jaximillion: like those fake stocking things
Jaximillion: it feels strange
blondebreez5: ahh do ya now
blondebreez5: just for the heck of it..or r u going out to show them off
Jaximillion: yes, i was trying on my character schoes
Jaximillion: but they also make me look snazzy
blondebreez5: i wouldnt doubt it
blondebreez5: are u allowed to keep them after the play thingy..if steal him anyway
blondebreez5: u can never have too many fake stockings
Jaximillion: they were mine to beging with
blondebreez5: ahh well then doesnt that work out nicely
Jaximillion: do you not have a pair of fake stockings is storage for emergincy?
Jaximillion: thats just foolish
blondebreez5: i cant believe im admitting this..however altho i might have at one time..i cant say that in case of emergency i wouldnt know right off hand where they were stashed
Jaximillion: thats a sight of a mental health problem, who hears what im saying?
Jaximillion: sign*
blondebreez5: *blinks eyes*
Jaximillion: thank you
Jaximillion: i think so as well
blondebreez5: one time in my student drop out course..*bell rings* "grrr"
Jaximillion: lmao
disclaimer: No offense was intending to lesibains, britts, or any other people i may have offended..damn pansies