in the afternoon, your eyes are the size of the moon
it's actually am
well it was when we did this quiz, which happened to take a full hour
then we also happened to spend half an hour reading it back, needless to say i got no sleep last night
and me and jibby are wide awakeeeee
well no, actually jibbys quite sleepy i can see it
But i'm forcing her to do this with me ;D
Have your parents ever caught you drinking?
jess: they have
jibb: drinking....tea?
Do you love the last boy/girl you were talking to?
jess: jibb? no, cause she called me a fanny =<
jibb: jess? awwwwwwhhh helll no
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
jess: uhhhh, i don't have any intention of doing so, but it could possibly happen again
jibb: nope. none at all.
What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
jess: making sweet sweeeeet love to jibby
jibb: i was watching house bunny with my eyes, drinking tea with one hand and receiving sweeet sweet love with the other one
...what wait no that doesn't make sense...
put it anyway
Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you?
jess:jibb who is a sweaty cheat and read the question before i, and told me she loved me
jibb: annie, cause jess is a mardy cow
Last restaurant you went to?
jess: mcdonalds, when i worked on tuesday uggghh
jibb: i once ate in a skip outside mcdonalds, does that count?
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
jess: jibbb
jibb: jessopeeeee
Did you have an exciting last weekend?
jess:uggghhhh last weekend i had a partay and someone peed in the bottom of my stairs, doesn't get anymore exciting ;)
jibb:oh, i thought of something really witty then! and i forgot it!
what was it?! it'll come to me.........
Have you ever crawled through a window?
jess: to yo mommas room ayeeee
jibb: i fell through a window? we'll dignify that answer and say yes, yes i have crawled through a window
What do you spend most of your money on?
jess: clothes
jibb: technologiccc technologic, uhhh i mean my macbook
Where were you at 1AM sunday morning?
jess: just on the sofa watching requiem for a dream
jibb: SNAP!!
Ever kissed someone over 30?
jess: yo momma
jibb: live lava yo momma
Is there a secret you've never told your parents?
jess: i'm gay
jibb: i'm gay WITH jess
Do you like yourself?
jess: hella yes
jibb: one sec, i'll just ask myself....she says no
Have you ever dyed your hair?
jess: yes i'm a natural blue
jibb: the sea monkey stole my money
Are you wearing a necklace?
jess: are YOU wearing a necklace myspace?
jibb: no, but i'm wearing an emotional heart, on my emotional sleeve
Who is someone you wish you could fix things with?
jess: BLUH
jibb: yeah that damn BLUH
jess: HAHHAHAH why are we so funny?
jibb: i dunno it's just funny to mock things, s'all i do
jess: it's why they call you crazy mocking jibb
Is there anything in your past that you'd like to try again?
jibb: the whole birthing process, i think i came out of it strange
i'd like to come out with more of a BANG this time
jess: you wanna bang yo mamma's vagee vagee foof?
jibb: no, YO mommas vagee vagee's foof
jess: oh i see
Are you an emotional person?
jibb:i don't know what to say to that
jess: she has too much emotion for an answer
both at the same time actually said: I'M IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTIONNNN!
What's something that can always make you feel better?
jess: ...
jibb: cake
jess: pffft
jibb: a good strong brew
jess:only if i make it
jibb: yeaaaahh, you do make good tea
jess: CHEAAA
jibb: i can pretty much judge people by their tea making
Did your parents spoil you as a child?
jibb: YAY
jess: until jenna came along and ruined yo lifeeee ;)
jibb: she did!
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?
jess: i have many
jibb: can't say so nooo
How's your heart lately?
jess: it's beattting
jibb: it's emotional
jess: that's deep
jibb:real deep, like the ocean
jess: deep metaphors here kids
Will this weekend be a good one?
jibb: well it's pretty much goen now....shit
jess: ......
jibb: what you wanna put is 'YES we found the backstreet boys or something like that'
jess: yes we found the backstreet boys ;)
How many piercings do you have?
jess: i only have a tunnel and my belly button pierced, ohh and my other ear aha
jibb: i got my ears twice
Have you ever gone nude/streaked in public?
jess:jibb has, the dirty bitch
jibb:yes....i did
jess: oh that time you didn't?
jibb: yeah but you did it in a fish tank! who even knows how?
jess: your momma knows how
Who hugged you last?
jess: annieiieieieie
jibb: some fat cow
jess: annie int fat
jibb: annie? oh i thought that was mike myers!
jess: i don't even fink she looks all that much like him tbh
jibb: i think your just sucking up?
jess: to WHOM !?
jibb: god?
jess: i'm already gods right hand man, yes MAN
jibb: blasphemey
jess: shut up
jibb: ...
Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?
jess: yeah i wear jibbs all time
ohhhh OHHHHH burnnnn
jibb: it's a deep burn!
jess: i don't know if you heard me counting but i did over a thousand
jess: let's watch anchorman when we get upstairs?
jibb: okay sex panther ;)
jess: 60% of the time, it works...EVERYTIME
Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you?
jess: jibb does smack, pass it on
jibb: maybe you should write it backwards to confuse people....or OR you could just write that that's what i'm telling you to do
jess: ahahaahhahahha!
What is your relationship status?
jess: yo mommas bitch
jibb: just, yo momma
jess: my momma?
jibb: YO momma
Who was the last person to come to your house?
jess: oh i don't know just this faggot riiiiiiiiiight here, i mean sam, on the floor aha, oh and jibb aha
jibb: i don't have a house
jess: you're such a liar
jibb:ahah *shakes head* giggle
jess: shut up
Look behind you, what do you see?
jess: oh look, at that wall, that's a damned good wall
jibb: a lava lamp, it's a proper pimp pad
jess: hella yes
How many rooms does your house have?
jibb:7 big enough to live in
jess: well, my room's hardly a room tho....more of a shoe cupboard...
jibb: you're like harry potter under the stairs....
jess:.....but in a room? not under the stairs, oh and DAMNED sexier
Have you ever worked in a food place?
jess: fuck off
jibb: no, never worked anywhere
jess: s'cause you is a lazy cow, come get yo ass working with me at mcd's
jibb: but i'm a vegetarian!......i didn't even say that outloud and you typed did you know what i was going to say?
jess: ooooooooooooooooooooooweeee oooooo wwweeeeeeee
that was the x files themetune out loud btw
What would you name your future daughter?
jess: haven't thought of a girl name yet
i have a male name in my head thooooo :O
jibb: sha nay nayyyyyy
jess: ahhahahhaah loser ;)
jibb: tay tayyyy
jess: shaniquaaaa moniquaaa potiquaaa
jibb: or whatever he says.....iqua
Who and where was the last concert you went to?
ahaha we sang that in a chorus voice ;)
cause the heavens had opened on jonathon thorne beautiful voice mhmmmmmmmmmmm
'how the fuck does that say stephen?'
ahhaha ohrhrhrhr
What did you eat for lunch today?
jess: yo momma vag
jibb: i have no comment to the above
jess: i just ewed at my own answer aha mannnn :|
Whats on your schedule for tomorrow?
jess: kicking this pile of crap oot my house and then sleeeeeep
jibb: you mean sam again?
jess: hell no
The last song you heard?
disturbia cover - the cab
What do you think of love?
jess: is it that feeling you get when you see the person you love?
jibb:is it a nice ride on your bicycle on a sunny day with your significant other?
When is the last time you went to a party?
jess: my own last weekend
jibb: the one in my pants?
jess: in MY pants ;) mhmm
Do you still talk to any of your ex's?
jess: mhmmmmmmmm
jibb: mhmm x2
If you had to eat 1 thing for the rest of your life, what?
jibb: cous cous; the foods so nice they named it twice
jess: EURGH cous cous is gross, PASTAAAA ;D
jibb: YOU are gross
jess: get the fuck out my house
jibb: *shakes head*
Name 1 thing good about Myspace?
jess: this quiz RIGHT here RIGHT now
jibb: as fat boy slim would it even fat boy slim?
jess: might be
jibb: it is now
Does anyone know your Myspace password?
jess: aye
jibb: the world
Have you dated anyone on your top 4?
jibb: yes, all of them
jess: you're a slut
jibb: i have no idea who my top 4 is, but i've slept with my entire myspace friends list...... the Flist
jess: HAHAHAH i can't even write that....FLIST ahah
Has your number 2 on your friends ever made you cry?
jess: he's too gay ;D
jibb: no idea who mine is
jess: you suck
How do you feel about abortions?
jess: how DO YOU feel about abortions?
jibb: exactly
jess: mhmmm
Do you eat junk food everyday?
jess: i try to ;)
jibb: yess....probably
jess: why the crap did you just say that in a very posh voice?
jibb: some people know me as guy riipley
jess: who's guy ripley?
jibb: *goes on about a story including the word delicious alot'
How often do you drive?
jess: about two hours a week
jibb: yeahh same, every tuesday
Where did you last drive to?
jess: i dunno
jibb: dunt know where anywheres called after my own street
jess: s'why they call you retarded crazy jibb
Describe your bestfriend?
jess: he's amazing, basically
jibb: beef
Who was the last person to touch you?
jess: ohhh we just passionately grabbed eachother mhmm
How did you and your number 1 become friends?
jess: ahaha i remember when i first saw her, when she walked into form room on the first day, and i turned to my old friend and said 'pfft slag'
ahahahhaha, yeah...then she became my best friend aha
jibb: pretty much through a hawthorne heights sampler disc with an auditon video on
What's the connection between you and the last person you texted?
jess: he's my bully
jibb: he's my brother from another mother
Do you like someone?
jess: aye
jibb: i dunno....who is this someone?
Have you ever been hit by the opposite sex?
jess: jibb hit me not long ago, oh GOD i am funny
jibb: jess hit me back
jess: oh.....touche
jibb: no but if we're both calling each other boys...then we'd still be the same sex
jess: you think too much, stop talking
jibb: how many times have i been told to shut up in this quiz? i'm not even typing!
jess: shut up ahahhaha
Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with an S?
jess: sam, simon.....uhhhh i think thats it
jibb: santa
jess: ohh errr
How's your life lately?
jess: jibb's in my house.....need i say more?
jibb: what does that say?
What do you think about the current gas prices?
jess: i couldn't give a shit
jibb: day light robbery
jess: gayboy
Would you sell sex tape with you in it for 3 million dollars?
jess: only if jibb starred in it with me ;)
jibb: starrrr AND director
jess: glory hogg =..
Do you think that you’re a good person?
jess: jibb, am i good person?
jibb: yes, you're like jesus, like buddha! infact, you're like the dhali llaalamamaaaaa
jess: oh right, i see
Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt?
jess: that's some deep shit right htuuurrrr
jibb: it's real deep
jess: let's watch anchorman
jibb: did you just type that again?
jess: lets watch anchorman
jibb: ahhaha i see what you did there you cheeky bugger
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
jess: i hate tomatos, like PROPER
jibb: waiting for them to grow and then ima make ketchup
jess: what?
jibb: i might do
Who are you jealous of?
jess: well jibb's obviosuly jealous of me
jibbs: thats a really shitty question to end a quiz on!
and now jess knows i'm jealous of her
jess: already knew it ;)
jibb: man it's not ten past four anymore
jess: man this shit took us almost an hour! it's 5:06!
ima post one of those pictures we took the other weeeeeek now ;)
jibb: copy and paste this first! incase you lose it!
jess: which shall i post?
jibb: i think THAT one would be a bad idea
jess: yeahhh i'll do this one! mann my hair's all blonde now
And this wasn't even taken that long ago :O aha dear
mann i'm doing that laughing face in thissss! where i look chinese aha mannnnn
you should scroll over this ;) (we later figured, scrolling over does not produce anything)
jibb: peace out suckers