So! That fandom meme that's been going around: I wound up leaving comments in 3 people's journals, not really thinking that I would get tagged by all of them. (Oops!) While I did my answers in comments on the original person's post the first two times, I think maybe I should just go ahead and answer here! But this means I'm answering for 6
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Comments 32
No kidding. This was my first exposure to fan life as well, and it's certainly colored my expectations of this world!
Oh, that's a good point! There's a lot of crazeh in House fandom, actually, but because I'm sort of drifting aimlessly through that fandom, I miss a lot of it. House fandom may be just on the side of too big for me: I have trouble keeping up with it all, and so I tend to react by throwing up my hands and not even trying sometimes. It makes me a little more passive and laissez faire than I am in smaller fandoms.
And the stalkers...oh boy..did we ever have a few of those, some seriously scary.
On the fanfic-writing side of the fandom, the biggest kerfuffle probably involved a notoriously crazy (and persistent! she's gone on for years!) plagiarist. But there were also big arguments about slash (most people in the fandom were pretty intolerant of it); battles between "DOMs" and "DONs" (Defenders of Michael and Defenders of Nikita, respectively); the inevitable arguments over concrit and badfic sporking; HRs versus TRs (*coughguiltylookcough*); and then just completely off-the-wall arguments that I can only chalk up to the fandom having possibly more than its share of wacky personalities. We really should write up a "top ten crazy things that happened in LFN fandom" summary for you!
Also, I LOVED the Adrian arc. Some of the best of the show - thank you for reminding me of that arc! LOVED LOVED LOVED that - loved the Michael/Nikita dynamic, that she blindsided him, the Nikita/Operations interaction.... oh, just the entire arc. It was *amazing*, everyone's best work.
As for the guy factor...mine will pretty much watch anything that involves hot-looking women beating people up. ;-) He loooooved LFN and watched it religiously, although he's not a join-a-fandom-type person.
Cut to S3 and MMWK. Talk about an anti-climax. *headdesk*
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