Here's my pumpkin for this year:
Thanks goes out to the fellow running
this site for a very handy online cipher for the Dancing Men, which I used to help guide me in this jack-o-lantern. (I printed out a blown-up version of the figures, then party carved based on a punched-in pattern and partly free-handed it. Which, ow, is kind of painful, by the way, I need to choose a less delicate pattern next year. :P)
We had a fair number of trick-or-treaters this year, but I've noticed a trend towards older people. Lots of highschoolers or even older. Heck, I think I saw some folks my age. They're still dressing up, so that's cool with me I guess-- it's just a bit weird is all.
Anyway, hope you all had a good Oct. 31st, whatever it was you were doing that night. I mostly ate pineapple pizza and watched a Halloween-special rerun of Psych, in between passing out candy. Heh.