Written in the middle of the morning, when I was feeling particularly troubled about something. It helped me round off an episode of my life; conclude it after a long while, in a way. But not wholly the truth, or it'd be too bare. (Literary license taken ;))
I’m clearing the memories tomorrow,
Removing all pain and sorrow.
Where once was hope and future
Now lies pain and past.
When once you offered succor,
I blindly placed it last.
I could scarcely have predicted
That to my heart you’d be admitted.
That thoughts of you invade
My existence far too long;
When all was done and said,
I was most spectacularly wrong.
To say there was no room would be a lie
As would, “I felt nothing when you said ‘bye.”
I gave you up willingly,
Easily, I thought.
Yet ‘twas neither freely,
Nor ever your heart I caught.
I should have worried, done, fought more besides,
Yet I never had the urge to go beyond the tides.
Convinced of your wrongness,
I sought to forget.
Thus the vast emptiness
When another you met.
So there’s no further reason
Your room should still be here this season.
I’ll clear it ‘till it shines,
No longer waiting for your return,
And try to ignore the signs
That in loneliness I’ll ever yearn.
[c: 0300h, 221105]