Dear M Knight Shamalamadingdong,
Your graphics and costumes for your newest movie, Avatar: The Last Airbender, or simply, "The Last Airbender" as I assume that you do not wish for it to be confused with the (far superior) film that was released, entitled "Avatar", were outstanding. There could not have been a more perfect way to show the way water bends, or fire, or air for that matter. Earth, was a little sluggish, but I am willing to forgive and forget that. I simply could not get over how fantastic the epic dance moves that the Avatar and benders would have to do in order to make an attack. It seemed to take an extremely long amount of time and effort - it shows that they're really, truly working hard to get that element to bend! And don't worry, I'm sure no one noticed that Jackson Rathbone couldn't act! Or the others for that matter. No no, not with THOSE graphics. And that screenplay? Was superb. The lines and the way in which they were delivered really made me appreciate the film so much more, as well as your talents as a writer. I also really enjoyed how you decided to change the pronunciation of the character's names! Really! It was a pure stroke of genius. I don't understand why more people don't do that. Why take what's there and conform to what it is? Oh no, you think outside the box. Soh-kuh. Ung. I almost thought they were saying 'Dung" for his name at some points, it was a close one, ha ha! You've inspired me - I wonder if Harry Potter pronounced "Hurry Po-taire" would catch on. "Ronaldo Westley" .... it is more formal, don't you think?
Speaking of Sokka? I also loved how you made him so serious. Same with Dung. Who needs the fun, child-like innocence anymore? It's so overplayed and over rated. Good on you for completely changing a character! BOTH characters! Sokka didn't make me laugh once - man. Could you imagine? If this movie was fun instead of serious? That would have been a disaster!
Congratulations! I look forward to the sequel - but... You know... You just made this one too good, I'm not sure if people could have another - I'm sure you planned it that way though! The people who walked out of my theatre, they were the ones that just couldn't handle the awesome acting.
... :D
Seriously though, I didn't mind it that much, there was just the few things that rubbed me the wrong way...