well sorta....

Dec 27, 2007 23:33

My fluff was just so tempting... I wrote more.
Also Blair, seriously cuddly right now. He keeps following me everywhere and he is curled by my feet right now.
I did find Ria's old character history. She was screwed up. :-) And now for a random meme
What is the first RPG you ever played?
D&D version 1.5 in HS... it was terrible and I was the only girl, and the only one to role play.

What RPG do you currently play most often?
Shadowrun and NERO

What is the best system you’ve played?
I like Exalted, I can't really pick a best LARP though

What is the best system you’ve run?
I've only ever run Vampire and NERO, with those choices NERO

Would you consider yourself an: Elitist/ Min-Maxer/ Rules Lawyer?
Ummm not really. I tend to be more fuzzy on rules preferring characters and story

If you could recommend a new RPG which would you recommend? Why?
The new Changeling system looks fascinating

How often do you play?
Usually it averages to about once a week

What sort of characters do you play? Leader? Follower? Comic Relief? Roll-Player/ Role-Player?
In larp I tend to play leader sorts, too much management background on my side and my know it all comes out to play. I have done comic releif (Koren and Gillian come to mind) and heavy role play, Ria.

What is your favorite Genre for RPGs?

What Genres have you played in?
Fantasy, Scifi, Cyberpunk, historical, western, super hero, anime... probably more

Do you prefer to play or GM? Do you do both?
I like playing table top but I like running Larp

Do you like religion in your games?
I don't usually get to into it IG

Do you have taboo subjects in your games or is everything “fair game"?
I tend to not want to go into sex details... it happened, it didn't, all parties liked or didn't but play by play gets creepy

Have you developed your own RPG before?
I started but like many projects it barely started

Have you ever been published in the Gaming Industry? If so, what?
Nope, I've edited and formated for a couple of LARPs now but nothing professional. Then again... I'm not looking to publish in the gaming industry.
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