[03:09] StampedingSalmon: Fill in the blank: I'll eat me candy with the [blank]. Excuse my manners if I make a scene.
[03:10] jayhova: What the fuck?
[03:10] jayhova: Who is this?
[03:10] StampedingSalmon: Avast! We have a landlubber aboard!
[03:11] StampedingSalmon: Candy is delicious, though. Even pirates can agree with that.
[03:11] jayhova: Are you a bot?
[03:11] StampedingSalmon: I wish my bot could respond this interestingly; alas, it is far more predictable.
[03:12] jayhova: How predictable is it?
[03:13] StampedingSalmon: Well, perhaps not so much predictable as... quiet, really. It was designed to blend into a crowd, which it does - too well :P Been years since I've touched the thing
[03:13] jayhova: Might I inquire as to who this is?
[03:14] StampedingSalmon: Well, I suspect the honor of that question should lie with me, for it was you that randomly initiated conversation with an odd quiz-like question.
[03:15] jayhova: When? Where? How?
[03:15] jayhova: I am bepuzzled
[03:16] StampedingSalmon: (2:08:48 AM) AbolishedSalmon: Fill in the blank: I'll eat me candy with the [blank]. Excuse my manners if I make a scene.
(2:09:06 AM) Twinge: Pirate's Crew, Yarrrr
[03:16] jayhova: Thaty is the question you sent ME!
[03:17] jayhova: I am Jay Hova 4x4
[03:17] StampedingSalmon: A curious accusation. You're either lying or there's an odd game afoot.
[03:17] jayhova: I don't lie
[03:18] StampedingSalmon: The only lie I've ever told is this one
[03:18] jayhova: HAha I think not
[03:18] StampedingSalmon: The quiz question appears to be some sort of crappy song lyrics
[03:19] jayhova: Ah
[03:19] StampedingSalmon: Who the hell eats their candy with the pork and beans? This song is worthless.
[03:19] StampedingSalmon:
http://www.weezernet.com/index.php?page=lyrics&lid=247[03:20] jayhova: I found it right after you said lyrics
[03:20] jayhova: I don't really listen to Weezer
[03:20] *** "StampedingSalmon" signed on at Sat Jun 14 03:20:56 2008.
[03:21] StampedingSalmon: Can't say I do either, though my musical tastes are rather eclectic.
[03:21] jayhova: Too main stream for me
[03:22] StampedingSalmon: Indeed.
[03:23] jayhova: If you are going to give me riddles don't let them be so very blah
[03:23] StampedingSalmon: Ah, I'm working on deducing that mystery actually - and I believe I have solved it.
[03:23] jayhova: The question Still remains as to who you are
[03:23] StampedingSalmon: You're not a liar, and in fact a curious game is afoot.
[03:23] jayhova: OK
[03:24] jayhova: I will reveal my identity if you will do the same
[03:24] StampedingSalmon: I go by Twinge. I imagine we have never met and do not know each other whatsoever, though it's possible.
[03:24] jayhova: I have one better
[03:25] jayhova:
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=3858119[03:25] jayhova: The MeSpaced page
[03:25] StampedingSalmon: I take it my name appears as AbolishedSalmon to you then? Salmon is just the middle man in the tangled web of madness.
[03:26] jayhova: Actually you apear as stampeding salmon
[03:26] StampedingSalmon: Ahh, most interesting. I would've assumed the same Salmon was on both ends of the three-way call.
[03:26] jayhova: Do you have some sort of web based Identity?
[03:27] jayhova: I've shown you mine
[03:27] StampedingSalmon: Haha
[03:27] StampedingSalmon: I have numerous. I shall return the favor, but only because you don't have some horrible auto-playing music on your myspace page
[03:27] StampedingSalmon:
http://www.xanga.com/Twinge[03:28] jayhova: I have horrible colors instead
[03:28] StampedingSalmon: And for the record, I have heard of exactly 5 bands on your music list :P
[03:28] StampedingSalmon: Yeah, they aren't good, but by myspace standards they're not bad either ;O
[03:29] jayhova: They are somewhat old
[03:29] jayhova: I have a beard
[03:29] StampedingSalmon: Excellent.
[03:29] jayhova: I have in the past had more of a beard
[03:30] StampedingSalmon: I am but a wee lad in comparison, assuming your demographics are accurate, so my beard has never been mighty
[03:30] jayhova: The difference is of little consequence I find
[03:31] StampedingSalmon: I imagine that there is truth in that statement.
[03:31] jayhova: Old young it makes little difference
[03:32] StampedingSalmon: I must say that it is a bit interesting talking to someone knowing a 3rd party is recording the conversation...
[03:32] jayhova: Are they?
[03:32] jayhova: How interesting
[03:32] StampedingSalmon: So it would seem
[03:32] jayhova: And quite random
[03:33] StampedingSalmon: Quite, quite. Though I must say I am a fan.
[03:33] jayhova: I have deemed you sufficient to go on my contact list.
[03:33] StampedingSalmon: I shall hope to live up to thy expectations
[03:34] jayhova: How might we go about solving this mystery
[03:34] StampedingSalmon: Ah, that -
[03:34] jayhova: I have no expectations
[03:34] jayhova: so you win
[03:34] StampedingSalmon: Awesome
[03:35] StampedingSalmon: First - If you do wish to add me, you'll want 'Dark Twinge', as the Salmon is merely the middle man
[03:35] jayhova: I will of course blog this whole thing in LiveJournal.
[03:35] StampedingSalmon: Of course.
[03:36] jayhova: We wouldn't want to dissapoint our audience
[03:36] StampedingSalmon: Quite, quite. Though I suppose I'm still not clear if we are two or if we are three.
[03:37] jayhova: Well I am clear that I am one
[03:38] StampedingSalmon: I could be one. Probably.
[03:38] jayhova: As for how this started for me it was like this:
[03:38] jayhova: [03:09] StampedingSalmon: Fill in the blank: I'll eat me candy with the [blank]. Excuse my manners if I make a scene.
[03:10] jayhova: What the fuck?
[03:10] jayhova: Who is this?
[03:10] StampedingSalmon: Avast! We have a landlubber aboard!
[03:39] StampedingSalmon: Very interesting indeed! My first comment was lost then? When I actually filled in the blank?
[03:39] jayhova: I suppose
[03:39] StampedingSalmon: Abolished Salmon, Stampeding Salmon... sound like the name of Magic cards or something
[03:40] jayhova: I avoid that game like the plauge
[03:40] StampedingSalmon: They got tired of elves, now come the salmon!
[03:40] jayhova: HA
[03:40] StampedingSalmon: 'Tis a game I used to play, ages ago. I still enjoy the game on rare, though I haven't bought cards in a decade
[03:40] jayhova: Salmon have no ears pointy or otherwise
[03:41] StampedingSalmon: That's what they want you to think
[03:41] jayhova: Me I tend towards the paper and dice games
[03:41] StampedingSalmon: What variety?
[03:42] jayhova: Did you do the comic strip?
[03:42] jayhova: D20
[03:42] StampedingSalmon: Hmm? Which comic?
[03:43] StampedingSalmon: Ah, RPG variety. Never much cared for the D20 system myself, though I'd say the group makes the game more than the system anyway I suppose.
[03:43] jayhova: Indeed
[03:43] jayhova: I started when there was little other choice
[03:43] StampedingSalmon: Haven't done much in the way of RPGs lately, though I've been playing ridiculous amounts of good boards games most people have never heard of.
[03:43] jayhova: Oh?
[03:44] jayhova: Like Shits and lavatories?
[03:45] jayhova: :-)
[03:45] StampedingSalmon: Indeed; you might've heard of Ticket to Ride or Settlers of Catan? They're some of the more common obscure games (and yes, that does actually make sense)
[03:45] StampedingSalmon: Still mostly unknown, though
[03:46] jayhova: Outside of germany
[03:46] StampedingSalmon: Indeed! (Geez, I've said Indeed a lot tonight.)
[03:46] jayhova: I'm quick like that
[03:47] StampedingSalmon: Indee-..er.
[03:47] jayhova: Cause I has the InterToobs
[03:47] StampedingSalmon: Aye, it is clear thy Google-Fu is strong
[03:47] jayhova: WIKI!!!!! YA!
[03:48] StampedingSalmon: You should play more games about bean farming
[03:48] jayhova: Should i?
[03:48] StampedingSalmon: Yes, that is actually an honest recommendation. Bohnanza is a great game.
[03:48] jayhova: I find I have little interest in Board games
[03:49] StampedingSalmon: Unfortunate
[03:49] jayhova: To each his own
[03:49] StampedingSalmon: Just in general, or simply because you haven't tried any good ones? ;)
[03:49] jayhova: I think in general
[03:50] jayhova: I find I just can't relate to them
[03:50] StampedingSalmon: Hmmm
[03:51] jayhova: I enjoy real RPGs because I feel much more invested in them
[03:51] StampedingSalmon: I've always enjoyed games myself, though that was mostly computer/video games in my youth. Recently it's largely board games though, nice social activity. Probably helps that there are a ton of board gamers in this area...
[03:51] StampedingSalmon: Ah, I could see that.
[03:52] jayhova: How far away from The springs are you?
[03:52] StampedingSalmon: 2 hours or so - though there is a gaming group down in the Springs too, hehe.
[03:53] jayhova: I have friends there
[03:53] StampedingSalmon: Ah.
[03:53] jayhova: I have driven there a couple of times
[03:53] StampedingSalmon: I'm in a small town about an hour north of Denver
[03:54] jayhova: I doubt it is related to our mystery though
[03:54] jayhova: I see you are on the other side of denver
[03:54] StampedingSalmon: Nay - I've only solved it as far as you I think, since you've already implied your Google-Fu lead you to the same end point I found.
[03:55] jayhova: I have not bothered to investigate much. What are your findings?
[03:56] StampedingSalmon: It would appear the LiveJournal is NOT run by the person that actually handles the bots - rather, just by people interested by them.
[03:56] jayhova: Ok I am confused
[03:57] StampedingSalmon: Ah, confusion. That might mean that we are indeed 3 instead of 2.
[03:57] jayhova: I was planning to post this to my livejournal and that was as far as LJ goes as far as I was concered
[03:57] StampedingSalmon: Ahhhh.
[03:58] StampedingSalmon: I misunderstood
[03:58] StampedingSalmon:
http://community.livejournal.com/themissinghat/[03:58] jayhova: brb
[03:58] StampedingSalmon: I Googled up the name of the Salmon and found this
[03:58] StampedingSalmon: A community interested in the Salmon bots (and apparently, hatter and taco bots too, this has been going on for a while)
[03:59] jayhova: Ahhhh OK Thankyou for enlightening me
[03:59] StampedingSalmon: Basically, the Salmon hits us both up with the same intro text, striking upp a conversation between 2 people that don't know each other.
[03:59] jayhova: I be digging
[03:59] jayhova: How are the people selected? At random?
[04:00] StampedingSalmon: According to the site, they are not related to the person that actually runs the bots, though they have posted there once (pretty anonymously)
[04:00] StampedingSalmon: It would appear, yes. Assumedly they scour the net for posted AIM IDs, on blogs and the like
[04:00] jayhova: I will have my people look into it
[04:01] jayhova: And mine is posed in my LJ Account
[04:01] jayhova: I saw yours
[04:01] StampedingSalmon: I do technically have a LJ account, been probably 3 years since I've touched it
[04:02] jayhova: I've had one a long time. I use it less these days
[04:03] StampedingSalmon:
http://community.livejournal.com/themissinghat/199227.html[04:04] jayhova: Can i get your LJ name for documentation purposes?
[04:04] StampedingSalmon: Haha, is this an FBI investigation now?
[04:05] jayhova: No, it's just when I post this I want to direct the audience in the correct direction.
[04:06] StampedingSalmon: It won't really do much for ya, since as I said, it's been almost 3 years since I've touched it. My Xanga site would be a better bet for linkage.
[04:07] jayhova: Yes but I have gotten into the habit of including LJ IDs in the posts. It's ok if you have abandoned it. Your Xanga is in the body.
[04:07] StampedingSalmon: Shrug.
http://dark-twinge.livejournal.com/[04:07] jayhova: No pressure. Do as thou witl
[04:08] jayhova: Ah thanks
[04:08] StampedingSalmon: Now you're obligated to buy a t-shirt.
[04:08] jayhova: Only if you buy one of mine
[04:08] jayhova: :-)
[04:09] jayhova: Praise "BOB"
[04:09] StampedingSalmon: Bob is overrated
[04:09] jayhova: Absolutly
[04:09] jayhova: I love having an overrated savior
[04:10] StampedingSalmon: Most of them are.
[04:10] jayhova: Mine insists its true
[04:11] StampedingSalmon: Most of them do =)
[04:11] jayhova: Mine is stupider than all the rest
[04:11] StampedingSalmon: That's a hefty claim
[04:11] jayhova: He is a hefty dumbass
[04:12] jayhova: Remember, Its always better to be lucky than smart
[04:13] jayhova: Now I must depart
[04:13] StampedingSalmon: I think I would have to disagree.
[04:13] jayhova: So Do I
[04:13] jayhova: My public awaits
[04:13] StampedingSalmon: I should probably get some sleep too, though it's been nice talking with thee sir.
[04:14] jayhova: Thankyou for an enjoyable salmon
[04:14] StampedingSalmon: Aye - though talk like that implies you knew more than you let on, eh?
[04:15] jayhova: That's always best isn't it
[04:15] jayhova: But then if you act like a dumbshit they'll treat you like an equal
[04:16] StampedingSalmon: Perhaps. I like it on both sides of the spectrum.
[04:16] StampedingSalmon: Hehe, indeed.
[04:16] jayhova: Good night
[04:16] StampedingSalmon: Thee as well.