Title: Girl!Sam Season 1 Episode 8 "Bugs"
jayneslilsisRating: PG13 for language
Summary: How the Episode "Bugs" might have gone if Sam had been a girl.
AN: This might be the last "complete" episode (I even left a whole scene out of this one) for two reasons:
1) I've become bogged down rewriting the episodes and fear I'm in danger of becoming bored/overwhelmed with it all
2) I really don't have enough time to put into this "project" I started, and I'm ready to skip ahead to some of my fav scenes
Enjoy! And please comment. Thanks :)
Oasis Plains, Oklahoma
Oasis Plains was Oklahoma’s newest and most luxurious subdivision development. It was just weeks away from opening the first homes to prospective buyers, and the power, water, and gas companies had been working overtime to get things up and running on time.
Two gas co workers, Travis Weaver and Dustin Burwash, had been working the development for most of the past year and so they had seen the homes going up.
“Man, these are some phat houses, huh?” Travis said. “I’d like to live here.”
“Yeah.” Dustin replied. “Too bad you can’t afford it.”
“Yeah, you’re right. This neighborhood will be damn expensive when it’s done.”
Dustin thought he heard something and leaned over, straining to hear the faint rustling noise. It sounded like it was coming from the ground beneath his feet. He squatted down and ran his hand through the loose dirt.
“You know, this place is perfect.” Travis continued, his back to Dustin. He swatted a mosquito on his neck. “Except for the mosquitoes.”
Travis turned around. He didn’t see Dustin, but he did see a hole in the ground. “Dustin!” He ran over to it and found Dustin lying in a heap at the bottom. It had to be at least eight feet deep.
“Help me! I’m trapped. I think I broke my ankle.”
“Alright, I’ll get a rope.” Travis ran over to the truck.
Dustin grimaced as he touched his broken ankle. “Damn.” Suddenly he heard the rustling all around him. There was just enough light from the mouth of the hole for him to see little black beetles swarming in on him. Within seconds, they covered his body. “Travis! Help!”
“Hang on!“ Travis finally found the rope under a tool box and rushed back to the hole. “Dustin. Dustin, I’m here.” He switched on his flashlight and shone it down into the hole. The light landed on Dustin’s lifeless body. There was blood coming from his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. “Oh God!”
Sam was lying on the hood of the Impala outside of The Loading Dock bar. The latest in the series of bars she and Dean frequented now. She had opted out of sitting inside the smoke-filled bar while Dean hustled a game or two of pool. Instead, she was stretched out on the hood reading a newspaper, searching for leads. Dean finally emerged from the bar, wad of cash in hand and a smirk on his face as he waved it in satisfaction.
Sam laid down the newspaper. “You know, we could get day jobs once and awhile.”
“Hunting’s our day job.” Dean replied as he counted out his winnings. “…and the pay is crap.”
“Yeah, but hustling pool, credit card scams…it’s not the most honest thing in the world Dean.”
Dean held up his hands like a scale. “Let’s see…honest…fun and easy…” His fun and easy hand went down as if it was heavier. “It’s no contest. Besides, we’re good at it. It’s what we were raised to do.”
“Yeah, well how we were raised was jacked.” Sam asserted as she slid off the car.
“Yeah, says you.” Dean leaned against the car next to Sam. “We got a new gig or what?”
“Maybe. Oasis Plains, Oklahoma. Not far form here. Gas Company employee, Dustin Burwash, supposedly died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob.”
“Human mad cow’s disease.” Sam explained.
“Mad cow…wasn’t that on Oprah?”
“You watch Oprah?”
Sam smiled as Dean tired to shrug off his embarrassing slip of the tongue. “So this guy eats a bad burger…why’s it our kinda thing?”
“Mad cow disease causes massive brain degeneration. It takes months, even years for the damage to appear. But this guy Dustin…sounded like his brain disintegrated in about an hour, maybe less.”
“Okay, that’s weird.”
“Yeah. Ya know, it could be a disease…or it could be something much nastier.”
Dean stood up and slapped his hands together. “All right. Oklahoma. Man, work, work, work. No time to spend my money.” He grinned and Sam rolled her eyes affectionately.
Sam and Dean pulled up to the gas company where Dustin Burwash had worked. Sam spotted Travis getting out of his truck. “Travis Weaver?”
“Yeah, that’s right.”
Dean glanced over at Sam and then back to Travis. “Are you the Travis that worked with Uncle Dusty?”
“Dustin never mentioned a nephew.”
“Really? Well, he sure mentioned you. He said you were the greatest.”
Sam nodded her head. “Yeah.”
Travis smiled. “Oh, he did?”
“Listen, we wanted to ask you…what exactly happened out there?” Dean tried his best to pull off ‘concerned relative’ and he must have done okay because Travis didn’t seem suspicious.
Travis shook his head. “I’m not sure. He fell in a sinkhole. I went to the truck to get some rope. By the time I got back…”
“What’d you see?”
“Nothin’. Just Dustin.”
Sam “No wounds or anything?”
“Well, he was bleeding…from his eyes, and his ears, and his nose, but that’s it.”
“So it could be this whole mad cow thing?” Dean asked.
“I don’t know. That’s what the doctors are sayin.”
“But if it was, he would have acted strange beforehand…like dementia, loss of motor control…you ever notice anything like that?” Sam asked.
“No. No way. But then again, if it wasn’t some disease, what the hell was it?”
“That’s a good question.” Dean declared.
“Ya know, could you tell us where this happened?” Sam asked.
“Yeah.” Travis walked over to his truck to get his map.
After Dean and Sam thanked Travis, they drove over to the construction site. There was still yellow caution tape around the sinkhole, so it was fairly easy to find.
“Huh. What d’ya think?” Dean asked.
“Don’t know. But if that guy Travis was right, it happened pretty damn fast.” They ducked under the tape and Sam crouched by the mouth of the hole.
“So, what…some kind of creature chewed on his brain?”
Sam shook her head. “No. There’d be an entry wound. Sounds like this thing went from the inside.”
Dean shone his flashlight down into the hole. “Well, looks like there’s only room for one. You wanna flip a coin?”
“Dean. We have no idea what’s down there.” Sam argued.
Dean walked over and picked up a coil of garden hose. “All right. I’ll go if you’re scared. Scared?”
“Flip the damn coin.”
Dean chuckled as he pulled out a quarter. “Call it in the air…chicken.”
Sam reached out and caught the coin as Dean flipped it. “I’m going.”
“I said I’d go.” Dean smirked.
Sam reached down and started looping the hose around her. “I’m going. Besides, I’m lighter. I probably wouldn’t be able to haul your heavy ass out fast enough if anything is down there.”
“That’s ‘cause you’re weak, not ‘cause I’m heavy.” Dean shot back.
Sam glared at him. “Just don’t drop me.”