Long Time No See....

Apr 06, 2007 23:38

.... or See.... or Read.... or Chat!!!

No, I haven't dropped off the face of the planet. (But talking of planets, I have been to see Sunshine at the cinema, by British film maker extraordinaire Danny Boyle. Go and see it, it's a mind trip!! It's like a cinematic roller coaster ride. So switch off your mind, sit back and enjoy.)

Sorry flisters, I've ( Read more... )

is anyone there?!!

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Comments 12

ladytalon1 April 6 2007, 23:26:16 UTC
Eeeeeeeeeee! It's jayneswoman, back from the dead! Good to see you again! *hugs*


jayneswoman April 7 2007, 11:03:37 UTC
Thanks, hon! Nice to know I've been missed! *blushes*

*hugz back*


P.S. ladytalon1 April 6 2007, 23:37:33 UTC
Happy Birthday!


Re: P.S. jayneswoman April 7 2007, 11:16:40 UTC
Thanks! It'll be a lovely fun filled day...

and spring sunshine is here... yay!

But boo about the sleepy bumblebees. I just let one out of my living room. It was very sleepy (and so very likely to sting *ouch*... I had to be v. careful.)


xx_squish_xx April 6 2007, 23:37:47 UTC
OMG, you're still out there! I thought you'd been kidnapped by a large mercenary and taken to his private lair. Or something.

Happy Birthday to you and I hope you rejoin us out here in the land of LJ!


jayneswoman April 7 2007, 11:05:55 UTC
*daydreams about possible abduction to Big Damn Mercs lair.....*

... now what was I going to reply?!!....

Oh yes, good to be back! and thanks for the birthday greetings! *grins*


romanceguru April 7 2007, 01:40:44 UTC
Back for good or just dropping in?

I really want to see Sunshine, but they pushed the release date here in the states back to September. BOO! Glad to hear it was stellar though. : )


jayneswoman April 7 2007, 11:08:40 UTC
Back for good!! Yay!!

Sunshine rocks! It blew my mind with its visuals and the soundtrack literally shook my seat.... and I love a film you can go away thinking over... What actually DID happen?!!! Oh yes, and it was oh so pretty. *big sigh*


bookaddict43 April 7 2007, 04:43:05 UTC
*hugs ferociously* Welcome back!!! I've been worried about you...


jayneswoman April 7 2007, 11:10:58 UTC
*hugs back*

Good to be back. Thanks for the welcome!

I've got friends visiting for Easter, but I hope to be in touch when I can grab a spare moment or two...


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