Kayaking and Crossing Off The LIstmadre27December 20 2010, 02:53:48 UTC
well well. It will be hard to move on from such a scenic spot. Cool job choosing this event over washing...even if you did get knackered.Looking forward to part 2.madre 27
Re: Kayaking and Crossing Off The LIstjayomaDecember 20 2010, 10:59:08 UTC
Yeah, I'll miss Taupo, but I've done pretty much everything around here at this point. I'm picking up on all of the cool British slang now. Everyone says things like "Bullocks" with a straight face. It's amazing.
Now this is more like my style. I mean, skydiving? Yeah, maybe. Bungee jumping? No way, not for me, no way no how. But kayaking? Sure, you betcha. Looks like a blast. I've kayaked before and in fact it's something I would really really like to have: a kayak. My buddy, Thomas has two and I'd really like to get into it some day. Keep havin' fun, Nina. Love you, Dad
I've never really seen the big deal, personally, but it makes a big difference when the scenery is so pretty. Maybe that's something you could do when the weather gets a little warmer this year?
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