Good luck to all you Berkeley applicants! Nothing but the best of luck!
What is your favorite_______
1. gum: All kinds. Eclipse, recently, but I also like Bubblelicious and other brands like Juicy Fruit and Wrigley Spearmint
2. restaurant: Korean bbq restaraunts!
3. drink: Water! All natural pure sweet smooth water! And tea.
4. season: I'm a fall person, though I have no problem at all with any of the other season
5. type of weather: Oh, I like all kinds, but warm with snow is awesome.
6. emotion: Excitement and suspense!
7. thing to do on a half day: What the heck is a half day?
9. sport: Baseball, hockey, football, futbol, basketball to a lesser extent, you know what, I'll watch any sport unless it involves women unless it's tennis. No, I'm not sexist, I just don't find women's sports exciting.
10. city: Boston! To a lesser extent Berkeley
11. store: Barnes and Noble
_______When was the last time you_______
12. cried: Hmm, something got in my eye while I was playing Super Smash Brothers Melee, but I had my floormate on the ropes 3 lives to one on Link vs. Marth and refused to pause. I teared up SO bad . . .
13. played a sport: Hmm, basketball over spring break
14. laughed: About five minutes ago
15. hugged someone: today at lunch time
16. kissed someone: spring break
17. felt depressed: well, if we mean like, DEPRESSION depression, probably late Feb. If we mean slightly sad, today around 5.30
18. felt overworked: I bitch and whine, but I don't feel overworked at all.
19. faked sick: I made the conditions possible for me to be able to fake it, but I decided to suck it up and chalk anyway.
20. lied: I lie all the time, so it's hard to remember.
_______What was the last_______
21. word you said: WU-TANG
22. thing you ate: DC3 food, so I guess it was the choclate cream pie they had.
24. song you listened to: My Chemical Romance: Helena
25. place you went to: DC3
26. movie you saw: Robots!
27. movie you rented: My mom rented Shattered Glass
_______Who was the last person you_______
28. hugged: my friend Christine!
29. cried over: hmm, probably my sister
30. kissed: my Princess!
31. danced with: I think her name was Emily . . .I dunno, some random tipsy girl at a party . . .I think she was from North Carolina and like 24 years old.
32. shared a secret with: Ohh, I think it was the maganda pinay . . .
33. had a sleepover: Does camping count?
34. called: Jono
35. went to a movie with: Tiffany and Isabel!
36. saw: roommate
37. were angry with: like really mad? hmm! probably the random indian dude who tried to pick a fight with me in the hallway
38. couldn't take your eyes off of: this cuuuuuuuute chinese girl who lives in my dorm but whose name i don't know so i can't stalk her on facebook
39. obsessed over: caaaaaaroline . . . .
_______Have you ever_______
40. danced in the rain: yes!
41. kissed someone: yeah
42. done drugs: does tylenol count?
43. drank alcohol: why yes i have
44. partied 'til the sun came up: i wasn't partying the whole time, but lemme tell you, the sun came up
45. had a movie marathon: . . .how many movies constitue a marathon?
46. gone too far on a dare: i try not to if it hurts someone . . .or me . . .but if it's fun yeah!
47. spun until you were immensely dizzy: yup
48. taken a survey quite like this before: i believe so
_______My life_______
49. name: Thomas
50. gender: male
51. birthday: 4/23/86
52. relationship status: single but in my mind i'm with sooo many girls
53. nationality: Korean American bee-YOTCH
54. occupation: student. . . .maybe something later?
55. i'm feeling: okay, kinda overworked, a little annoyed at some things going on, but i'm generally happy
56. i'm listening to: ESPN Sportscenter
57. i'm doing: watching tv/doing work/chatting with friends
58. i'm talking to: aish-dizzle
59. i'm craving: water
60. i'm thinking: about lotsa things . . .
61. i'm hating: campaigning . . .but flyering is not that bad
62. love is: something that finds you rather than you finding it
63. my first love: books . . .but if we talk people, probably Anne *sighs wistfully*
64. my current love: i think i'm over patrici by now, aaaand caroline, so i dunno . . .i'm in limboland
65. love or lust: lust cause it's just so cool! but of course, i want love in the end
66. best love song: 'True' by Spandau Ballet
67. is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person at the same time: oh yeah. i've gone through that before.
68. when love hurts: you know it's there, at least
69. is there such thing as love at first sight? oh hell yes
_______Opposite sex_______
70. turn ons: green eyes, pretty eyes in general, cute hairstyles, glasses, ribbons in hair, sleeves without the shirt, braces, boots, pouty lips, long earrings, cute smiles, sense of humor, oh geez, a lot of things
71. turn offs: bitchiness. which is broad, but yeah. oh, extensive flab and horrible acne too i guess.
72. do your parent's opinion on your gf/bf matter to you? of course it would. but would i stop dating them? no
73. what kinda hairstyle are you into?: oohhh, like long kinda tousled, with a small ponytail in the middle . . .pigtails would also do it for me
74. what is the sweetest thing a girl/guy can do for you? um . . .say yes?
75. where do you go to meet new people?: out on sproul i suppose
76. are you the type of person to HOLLA and ask for numbers?: what the hell is that? would i ask people for numbers? yes.
_______Picky picky_______
77. dog or cat: cats, i suppose, but i have nothing against dogs.
78. short or long hair: long, but short works on some people.
79. sunshine or rain: either/or
80. hugs or kisses: kisses mmmmm *slurp*
81. summer or winter: either/or
82. written letters or e-mails: depends on the situation. email is faster, more efficient, written mail is cooler and more thoughtful
83. playstation or nintendo: uhh, nintendo, i suppose, but i like all video game systems
84. car or motorcycle: car i think.
85. house party or club: house party . . .clubs are kinda . . .ugh
86. sing or dance: either, if i'm in the mood
87. freak or slow dance: i'm freakin slow dancer. neither, actually, i'm totally bad at dancing with other people, but i have some kickass solo moves
88. how are you today?: fine, fine . . .
89. what pants are you wearing right now?: my black microfiber pants yee-ahhh
90. what shirt are you wearing right now?: my berkeley shirt i found on the ground somewhere
91. what does your hair look like at the moment?: what it normally is . . .
92. what song are you listening to right now?: nothing since The Daily Show is on
93. how is the weather right now?: it's night and clear . . .and a good temp
94. who was last person you talked to on the phone?: jono
95. last dream: ohhhhhhh. . .i had this great one where i was trapped in something and there was water but i escaped somehow . . .
I LOOOOVED this last South Park episode. Haha, the Golden PSP . . .
"God created the Sony PSP to find the one person who would have the skill to lead the forces of Heaven against the sinister monsters of Hell. You, Kenny, are the only person to have reached Level 60. It has never been done before. Basically, Kenny, you're like . . .Keanu Reeves."
"Muriel, you IDIOT. Japanese people don't HAVE souls."
"This battle is like that huge battle at the end of the Lord of the Rings! Except it's bigger! It's like ten times bigger!" (Never once did the camera pan to reveal the battle)