Go to Google Images, type in your answer to each question, then pick a photo from the first page of results.
1. Age you'll be on your next birthday
2. A place you'd like to travel
(courtesy of xkcd. Damnit, I want my milk-in-a-bag and bacon!)
3. Your favourite place
(that's Toulomne Meadows in Yosemite, btw)
4. Your favourite object
5. Favourite food
6. Favourite animal
7. Favourite colour
8. Town where you were born
9. Town where you live
10. Name of a past pet
11. Your nickname/screenname
(there wasn't anything truly representative of trekker02...but look! Strongbad!)
12. Your first name
13. Your middle name
14. Your last name
15. A bad habit of yours
16. Your first job
17. Your grandmother's name
19. Your major in college