i'm just giving up on football games all together. too much drama.
this time, mel tried to literally scratch her face off as well as choke herself to death because her boyfriend dumped her.
or something like that.
tsk, tsk.
it's fun to go to the mall with a ukranian girl who has never been to a mall before.
i also found out marta just lives quite literally a block away.
she likes tori amos and benni benassi.
yay new friend. :]
so i guess i don't have a homecoming date afterall. darn. maybe i'll go with halucha as a friend or something. or justin. hmph.
then, there's always the idea of just getting dressed up and going bowling with people.
i lost ten pounds. hell fucking yes.
i'm watching mash.
i bought a book on palm reading today, but what i really wanted was the one on body language.
birthday is coming soon. i'll be posting a wish-list up here soon i'm sure, but you don't really have to buy me anything.
somebody please shoot travis beverly. gnh.
renaissance festival is tomorrow.
(robbie, i'd take you, but michelle sort of doesn't like you, so sorry. when i get a car, we'll talk).
i don't know if i'm going to spend $100+ on a costume or not.
most likely not, money's tight.
the hurricane makes me want to hug my non-existant baby in my arms as i look kindly into my husbands eyes and thank some most likely non-existant higher power that i'm still alive.
autumn is approaching. yesx84.
people are leaving for college. ]:
i miss having someone to miss.
p.s. i forgot to mention i went to a coldplay/rilo kiley concert last wednesday or so. in short, i want to marry someone like chris martin. the one guitarist from rilo kiley is wicked cute. and furthermore, live music (live anything) makes me feel amazing. coldplay's preformance of "clocks", no matter how played out it is, was mindblowing. it was the first time i ever really got high on life. such beauty. i could go on, but i've wasted enough time already.