Written live-ish(had to check a book-"PB") yesterday by your's truly. It was typed up by 2am on the 23rd, but I didn't post until about 3pm(then had to repost)
Some of my reactions maybe a little strong to some of you, but remember this was all new to me. I didn't read a single spoiler for either episode. And I was writing most of this during the adreniline pumping first viewing. *pats self on back*
Stargate SG-1: 10.10 “The Quest- Part 1” _ Jaz Running Commentary
-How cute was Vala with her yellow sleep facemask? Then her running into Daniel’s office and sleepily explaining the solution. How about that single permutation, they got lucky. Vala leaning on Sam cause she sleepy! *mini-squee*
-Town exposition guy was kinda cute.
-This Osric fellow reminds me of the historian from Camelot. But he is kind of strange…I don’t know I can’t put my finger on it.
-Vala: “We would dream of stealing it! -We have to steal it.” was love!
-I love the Barkeep lady! Smart, logically, witty, and helpful! Her “I’ll be fine. I’ll blame everything on you" -line was brilliance.
-OMG! All those books! I knew the Ori were bad, bad people but this is ridiculous. Now I truly know how evil they are. Burning all those books! My heart cries! How much you wanna bet Daniel the Linguist died a little bit inside when the destruction began? I know I did.
-For a second there I thought the lead Ori soldier was Tomin. Thankfully it was not.
-I think Cameron in his cloak is hot. It’s a good color on him. Same goes for Daniel.
-I think the time dilation maze was a very cool test.
-Vala hanging on to Cameron’s pack and him not even batting an eyelash at it! :D
-They should pick up some stones and start throwing them around. Where they fall it’s safe, where they float is a trap. That’s what I would do.
-Hey! I was right about the floaty/fall-y rock thing!
-What? What so special about Osric’s little proverb? I knew there was something wonky about him…
-BAAL! *MajorSquee* How I love thee. And he tried to prevent them from getting caught in there with him. I wouldn’t mind getting trapped.
-Oh, Baal! I’ll share my power bars with you any day, you sexy, sexy man.
-Now what’s so special about Osric’s ring! Daniel, tell me!
-Cam patting down Baal while T holds him. ^________^ Do a strip search!
-Ok so here’s the sacrifice list: Dan- pen, Cam- hat, Osric- ring, and Vala- hairdryer *gigglesnort*. What did Sam and Teal’s contribute? I couldn’t really tell. I just got a kick out of the fact that Vala carries around her hairdryer offworld.
-Teal’c looks so pissed at having Baal tag along it’s funny.
-I really like Baal’s outfit! Yum!
-The old man looks kind of sickly weird. Should a man of his age really be going on long nature treks like this he is going to breathe so hard?
-Baal: I told you, you need me.
Cam: Not you.
Baal: Oh well, uh, allow me to get out of your line of fire. *Baal-Love-Squee*
-ADRIA! This [heart attack of sorts] is what I get from laying of the Stargate spoilers. In dominatrix clothing, no less. ‘Like mother, like daughter’ I suppose…
-Baal: He’s tiny. Have him squeeze through the bars.
Teal’c: Assist us, or I will squeeze you through the bars!
*Teal’c-Love-Squee* T, Muscles, your awesomeness makes my heart swell and my squee louder.
-Cam answers the first riddle! YAY! Teal’c got the second! YAY! …and Adria got the third. Meh.
-Daniel was channeling Jack with his “Oh for cryin’ out loud!” Bet the Jack/Daniel fans will be pleased.
-Wall of Fire. Well lil’ Adria should feel right at home here. They have one of those at Celeste or whatsitsname.
-Sam was helping Baal with his Earth phrase…and of course he doesn’t appreciate it.
- OMG Baal/Adria OTP! UST threat conversation, Sam: “Oh geez, why don’t you two just get a room?!”, followed of course by the hate-glare and/or love-stare depending on what kind of goggles you’re wearing tonight.
-Daniel has ~mad~ faith!
-That is a long way down. Not too dissimilar to that of Khazad-Dum (*eyeroll There she goes again with the
LotR/SG-1 comparisons!)
-Woot! Aggressive Daniel. He’s not taking your shit anymore, you lil’ Ori brat! *snapsnapsnap* Uh-uh girlfriend!
-The Dragon! My bother says that it is a way better dragon than he expected for this show/channel, but that the legs could have been more thought out. I will just agree with him given his tastes in video games/tv/movies/animals and trust that he knows what he’s talking about.
-Nonononono! It can’t end! DAMN YOU, TPTB!
Closing Comments: My new favorite episode of the season. Liked the Baal/several people. Really liked the Sam/Vala moments(never was a fan of femslash until Sam/Vala). Loved this episode for all the riddles and challenges(same reason I liked S9 Avalon).
Stargate Atlantis: 3.10 “The Return- Part 1”
ETA: aka “The Roller Coaster of Emotion”
aka “TPTB ripping out my heart then doing a jig on it with spikey shoes!!”
aka "Martin Gero should write all scripts from now to infinity!"
-The McKay-Carter Intergalactic Gate Bridge. *says it out loud a couple times* Certainly has a nice ring to it.
-“…You Applaud.” *applause* Rodney, we all know how awesome you are!
-“Ok, Show-n-Tell is over…” *snerk* I heart you, Caldwell!
-Wow. It’s a really foggy day in Atlantis, isn’t it?
- The MidWay station is all kinds of impressive to me. Don’t really know why though. Just looks cool I guess…
-Whoo! Sheppard at the SGC! Why do I like the idea of Sheppard at the SGC so much?
-Aww Jack’s jealous because he likes maidens and voyages!
-Where exactly is the Jumper parked in the SGC? It’s somewhere above the control room of the SGC. The gateroom is large, but not that big. Did he go up via that large tunnel they lowered the Stargate in?
-The speedy assumed ship (with assumed people) whizzing by the Daedalus was cool. (Did I spell Daedalus right? I never know...)
-Rodney really hoping for pizza! So cute!
-An Ancient Warship? I think I am getting more and more cynical. Exhibit A: They assume it’s Ancients. I assume that it’s Pegasus!Replicators, out trying to lure us into some dirty trick. Did this occur to anyone else?
-Ok so I was wrong. They are Ancients. Helia has the gene, obviously.
-Ok, I hate all of the First Evolution (us, humans, being the Second Evolution). Ascended or not. The Ori are mass-murdering, elitist, crusade-loving, book burning bastards. The Ancients won’t help fight the Ori, they won’t help fight the Wraith, created the Wraith and the Replicators and now they are kicking us out of Atlantis. NOT COOL!
-End of Act1: Closing in on Weir who is standing nice and close to her soul mate, Ronon. W/R ship courtesy of
koalathebear’s fics goggles? Check.
-It’s not fair! *stomps foot* I feel for the Ancients and all, but it’s not fair to the Expedition! Yes I’m acting like a child, and I will continue to do so until Atlantis is reunited with the expedition.
-Woolsey and Jack are a pretty good team. Good comedic team. The hand on arm thing was gigglesnort worthy!
-Our people should never have rescued Them. *grr* I am so disgusted by the whole situation. The Expedition belongs in Atlantis! *rips hair out* UGH!
-*cries* John packing! Ronon and Teyla visiting. I would have loved it if John went AWOL and stayed in Pegasus. Where’s Rodney? He should be here!
-See even the Athosians are getting kicked out! I feel bad for them, they keeping getting up rooted and all.
-I hate goodbyes!
-The tackle hug Ronon gave John (and John’s “Oh my God.”) made me smile a little. It was too sweet!
-Oh Rodney is with Radek and Carson. Well that’s ok. This goodbye may have been even sadder! *sob*
-Yes, I know this is not a permanent thing(it’s only the mid season finale and they are coming back for S4) but just the possibility is too much. I am so sad; I don’t know what to do with myself.
-PRINCESS BRIDE! *SQUEE* John is a big enough fan to quote PB! (ETA: Not even the movie, the BOOK!) I don't know who I love more; John Sheppard or Martin Gero. Am a little happier.
-Oh God! There goes any and all happiness. Goodbyes between family that you love (that’s what they are) are a BITCH!
-Rodney says ‘Bye’ to Teyla (specifically, with eye contact). I was hoping for a hug, but it’ll do.
-Sheppard has an SG team. Oh…Landry seems to suggest he has engaged the Ori before. Great fic fodder if you ask me.
-Aww! Rodney hates Area 51! He’s lonely. *snuggles*
-John and Rodney are having dinner.
John: I’ll see you tomorrow night. Rodney: Yeah, wouldn’t miss it.
I can hear the McSheppers’ of the world explode from the GLEE!
-I feel bad for Weir. She seems to be taking it the worst.
-And they send Carson to talk to her because John wouldn’t be able to get the words out and Rodney would stumble all over them.
-Beckett’s from a family of 7! *bg* I love when the characters are influenced by the actors that play them.
-YAY! for Carson not taking 'no' for an answer and dragging Elizabeth to dinner.
-Of course 1 jumper is enough to take care of the Pegasus!Replicators! Of course they can’t harm you! /sarcasm. You deserve it, you stupid, high-n-mighty, home stealing bitches.
-Dinner. Everyone looks so nice. Especially John in that black dress shirt with the sleeves round up and the top button undone.
-Carson and Cadman didn’t work out because of Rodney. This makes Cadman/Rodney more canonically possible!
-Got a kick out of the whole cell phone thing and Beckett not having his.
-ARGs = Anti-Replicator Guns. You have no idea how long it took me to decipher what he said and then figure out what it stood for.
-And so the plotting begins *finger steeple* *cackle*
-OK, my opinion of Elizabeth Weir has grown exponentially. I just never knew she had so much potential awesome in her. Flirting = THE Ultimate Distraction Method. Also cause we got to see Lizzie all cutesy and flirty and stuff. Loved watching grasp at answers and Rodney’s hand signals! *loves Rodney’s hands* The scene kind of had a Weir/McKay tilt to it, dontcha think? The whole scene was perfection.
-John with a ZAT! Hotness! Always wanted to see him using one!
-Beckett has good distraction skills too, though not nearly as amusing to watch.
-Some great lines from Walter: “What the Hell?!” and “I know, sir.”
-Was that Siler? ...Of course it was him, the poor guy is forever being Zat’d (and shot, and flung, and injured) by Friendlies.
- OH NOES! Carson’s Baby Turtles! I would freak out like that too. “No one knows to feed them.” Poor Little Buggers! ^_________________^
-It’s whatshisname! The guy from the Genii; Brandon, Landon, something…
-Ronon with his dreads down and being all moody (to Teyla’s regal and “I am not amused"-ness) = HOTNESS!
-If I were them (R&T) I would seriously consider the Genii offer for the reasons Teyla mentioned.
- Aww! Teyla’s so happy to see them! Her jaw dropped!
-See, it is their home!
-Ronon smiling (with his new gun)! LOVE!
-Are the new control room guys Replicators?
-I am liking this musical score! It’s very heroic!
-What?! No it can’t be over! *check cell watch* OMG It is over! *sob*
-That strangled cry of death you just heard was I.
-A curse on all your houses, TPTB!!!!!
Closing Comments: I have none (yet). *is inconsolable* ETA: Well I am better now. I guess I am happy that the team isn't in immenent danger as I just read on
autumn_whispers' lj. There is still danger, but a different kind of it. Anyways the writing was amazing. Martin Gero is amazing. My new favorite episode of the season, and maybe the series. We'll have to see how it ends.