I have what my best friend has lovingly dubbed an "infection bifecta"- an ear infection and a chest infection. I feel like I'm gonna fucking die, I'm coughing up green shit and I can't smoke. I CAN'T SMOKE. I LOVE SMOKING. Aaarrgh ;___;
Also I'm stone deaf in one ear- At least it's stopped hurting now. When I first got the ear infection I felt like I was being stabbed in the skull, I couldn't even sleep.
Last night I felt super-ill and I'd run out of paracetamol so I broke into my secret stash of tramadol- oh boy. I went to bed at 6pm and woke up at 10am this morning. I won't be doing that again in a hurry haha!
My parents have been calling and telling me to go to the doctor but I'm not actually registered at one- plus I hate going to the doctor. I'm like a stray cat at the vet's. I hate that shit, plus all they'll do is give me antibiotics and I don't want to take them. ARGH FUCK.
In non-illness news, I haven't seen my... let's call her my "kind-of girlfriend" in almost a week cos she's busy with uni and I'm full of germs and, to be honest... I miss her >.<
She's so pretty and nice and sweet...... /gay feelings
Sorry about that.