Shit dude... he died?? I mean, I didn't particularly like the guy personally. He was a codgery old dude... but shit... he was a good guy and one hell of an ethicist. I didn't even know he was ill.
he only found out towards the end of last year. at first they thought he had a minor stroke. and the school tried to cover it as he had a reaction to medication or something...but he just straight out told us, wasn't ashamed of it or anything nor really had any reason to be. he took the information rather well, but he figured he couldn't change it, just deal with it as things went on. he had a really good attitude about it. so yeah. the all encompassing yeah. *sigh* ms. steeb would shake her head at me... =
yeah i remember when he told us now... but what can you do, really? sit and mope, or try to fight it? i have to say i respect mccarty, at least, for < start cliché > having the serenity to accept the things he couldn't change. < /cliché >
ms. steeb would be shaking her head at you :o) darn, i should go see her. oh well. winter break maybe.
Comments 4
ms. steeb would be shaking her head at you :o) darn, i should go see her. oh well. winter break maybe.
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