Just switch it with a Tifa costume. They both characters that have long hair and he won't know the difference. If he asks about the enormous boobs, just say they're limit breaks in the game.
Is there a cosplay meet this Halloween?
And what are you doing November 8th? I have an ITG tourny that's going to flop because only the three top players in MN are entering and everyone else dropped out.
Gross dude! But then again, he would look real close to a Tifa, the lack of boobs might've ruin the costume though. Not to mention how foolish I'd look posting a picture of myself wearing his costume. :P
I've heard absolutely nothing about a costume contest at Tamagochi but I might still go there just in case. That's as much as I know about cosplay meets.
Aaron told me about the tourney already. I didn't know you were the one running it though. I'm coming as MN's top freestylist, next to TJ Mystic and PatrickDDRX of course. :D
Oh ho ho, yeah I was asking because it sounded like you were getting ready for a meet or something.
Yeah, my bad about not personally telling you about the tourny sooner. I just told some ppl and told them to tell everyone else. The turnout should be good, except for the amount of ppl competing will concern me since they know who's entering. If I get at least 10 ppl I'll be happy enough. And it'll be more easier for me to run the tourny haha.
I was thinking about a freestyle section, but I doubt the ppl I know even play the game anymore so it's just Fantastic attack heh.
Oh and for XBL are you using a direct cable to the console or did you get a wireless adapter? I'm asking because I want the wireless option but I don't the lag and if I use the cable, I'll have a fucking spaghetti of wires to deal with. That and I'll have to run a 100 ft lan cable which won't be cool at all. So if you are using wireless, did you notice any lag at all?
Comments 5
Is there a cosplay meet this Halloween?
And what are you doing November 8th? I have an ITG tourny that's going to flop because only the three top players in MN are entering and everyone else dropped out.
I've heard absolutely nothing about a costume contest at Tamagochi but I might still go there just in case. That's as much as I know about cosplay meets.
Aaron told me about the tourney already. I didn't know you were the one running it though. I'm coming as MN's top freestylist, next to TJ Mystic and PatrickDDRX of course. :D
Yeah, my bad about not personally telling you about the tourny sooner. I just told some ppl and told them to tell everyone else. The turnout should be good, except for the amount of ppl competing will concern me since they know who's entering. If I get at least 10 ppl I'll be happy enough. And it'll be more easier for me to run the tourny haha.
I was thinking about a freestyle section, but I doubt the ppl I know even play the game anymore so it's just Fantastic attack heh.
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